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Радиостанция MegaJet MJ-555
План распределения частот США согласно регламенту 1993г.
USA FCC Frequency Allocations, based on the Oct '93 Code of Federal Regulations - 47 CFR 2.106
Начало » Частоты различных государств
Разместил: Вебмастер 4.8

FCC Frequency Allocations

A summary of the FCC Table of Frequency Allocations, based on
the Oct '93 Code of Federal Regulations - 47 CFR 2.106

30 - 50 MHz: FM @ 20 kHz steps
30.000 - 30.560 US Government
30.560 - 31.980 Business / Industry / Forestry
31.990 - 32.000 Public Safety
32.000 - 33.000 US Government
33.000 - 33.100 Public Safety
33.120 - 33.400 Business / Petroleum
33.420 - 34.000 Fire
34.000 - 35.000 US Government
35.020 - 36.000 Business / Paging
36.000 - 37.000 US Government
37.020 - 37.420 Police / Local Govt
37.460 - 37.860 Power, Water, Pipeline
37.900 - 38.000 Highway Maint / Special Emergency
38.000 - 39.000 US Government
39.020 - 40.000 Police / Local Govt
40.000 - 42.000 US Government
42.020 - 42.940 State Police
42.960 - 43.680 Business / Paging
43.700 - 44.600 Transportation - bus, truck
44.620 - 45.060 State Police / Forestry Conservation
45.080 - 45.860 Police / Local Govt / Highway Maint
45.900 - 46.040 Police / Emergency
46.060 - 46.500 Fire
46.520 - 46.580 Local Govt
46.610 - 46.970 Cordless Phones - base (20/40 kHz steps)
47.020 - 47.400 Highway Maint
47.440 - 47.680 Industry / Emergency
47.700 - 49.580 Industry
49.670 - 49.990 Cordless Phones - handset (irregular steps)

50 - 150 MHz
50.000 - 54.000 Amateur (6-meter)
54.000 - 72.000 Broadcast TV chs 2-4 (6 MHz steps - FMw)
72.000 - 76.000 (various)
76.000 - 88.000 Broadcast TV chs 5-6 (6 MHz steps - FMw)
88.000 - 108.000 FM Broadcast (200 kHz steps - FMw)
108.000 - 118.000 Aero - navigation
118.000 - 136.000 Aero - communications (25 kHz steps - AM)
136.000 - 138.000 Satellite
138.000 - 144.000 US Government
144.000 - 148.000 Amateur (2-meter)
148.000 - 150.800 US Government

150 - 162 MHz: FM @ 15 kHz steps
150.815 - 150.965 Auto Emergency
150.995 - 151.595 Highway / Forestry / Industry
151.625 - 151.955 Business (30 kHz steps)
152.030 - 152.240 Mobile phone (Base) / Page (30 kHz steps)
152.270 - 152.450 Taxi (Base)
152.510 - 152.840 Mobile phone (Base) / Page (30 kHz steps)
152.870 - 153.725 Industry
153.740 - 154.445 Fire / Govt (mobile)
154.452 - 154.482 Industry (telemetry) (7.5 kHz steps)
154.490 - 154.625 Industry
154.650 - 156.240 Police / Govt / Emrgncy / Hwy
156.025 - 157.425 Maritime (ship) (25 kHz steps)
157.470 - 157.515 Auto Emergency
157.530 - 157.710 Taxi (mobile) / Business
157.770 - 158.100 Mobile phone (mobile) / Page (30 kHz steps)
158.130 - 158.460 Industry
158.490 - 158.700 Mobile phone (mobile) / Page (30 kHz steps)
158.730 - 159.210 Police / Govt / Highway
159.225 - 159.465 Forestry Conservation
159.495 - 160.200 Transportation - bus, truck
160.215 - 161.610 Railroad
160.625 - 160.950 Maritime - Coast (25 kHz steps)
161.640 - 161.760 {Broadcast Pickups
161.500 - 162.025 {Maritime - Coast (25 kHz steps)

162 - 450 MHz
162.025 - 174.000 (various, mainly US Government)
174.000 - 216.000 Broadcast TV chs 7-13 (6 MHz steps - FMw)
216.000 - 218.000 Maritime - AMTS, coast (25 kHz steps)
218.000 - 219.000 IVDS - Interactive Video & Data
219.000 - 220.000 Maritime - AMTS, ship (25 kHz steps)
220.000 - 221.000 (Private land Mobile) - base ( 5 kHz steps)
221.000 - 222.000 (Private land Mobile) - mobile( " " " )
222.000 - 225.000 Amateur (1.25-meter)
225.000 - 400.000 US Government - Aero (AM)
400.000 - 406.000 US Govt - Meteorological / Space
406.000 - 420.000 US Government
420.000 - 450.000 Amateur (70cm) / military radar / radiolocation

450 - 460 MHz: FM @ 25 kHz steps (450-455 base, 455-460 mobile)
450.050 - 450.925 Auxiliary Broadcasting
451.025 - 452.025 Industry
452.050 - 452.500 Taxi / Industry / Transport
452.525 - 452.600 Automobile Emergency
452.625 - 452.950 Transportation - Trucks / Railroad
452.975 - 453.000 Relay Press
453.025 - 453.975 Local Govt / Public Safety
454.025 - 454.650 Mobile Telephone
454.675 - 454.975 Mobile Telephone Air (ground)
455.050 - 455.925 Auxiliary Broadcasting
456.025 - 457.025 Industry
457.050 - 457.500 Taxi / Industry / Transport
457.525 - 457.600 {Maritime - shipboard repeater (mobiles @ 467.xxx)
{Business - low power
457.625 - 457.950 Transportation - Trucks / Railroad
457.975 - 458.000 Relay Press
458.025 - 458.975 Public Safety / Local Govt
459.025 - 459.650 Mobile Telephone
459.675 - 459.975 Mobile Telephone Air (airborne)

460 - 470 MHz: FM @ 25 kHz steps (460-465 base, 465-470 mobile)
460.025 - 460.550 Police / Public Safety
460.575 - 460.625 Fire
460.650 - 460.875 Business - Airport use
460.900 - 461.000 Business - Central Alarms
461.025 - 462.175 Business
462.200 - 462.525 Manufacturers / Industry
462.550 - 462.725 GMRS (12.5 kHz steps)
462.750 - 462.925 Business (paging)
462.950 - 463.175 MED (Ambulance/Hospital)
463.200 - 465.000 Business
465.025 - 465.550 Police / Public Safety
465.575 - 465.625 Fire
465.650 - 465.875 Business - Airport use
465.900 - 466.000 Business - Central Alarms
466.025 - 467.175 Business
467.200 - 467.525 Manufacturers / Industry
467.550 - 467.725 GMRS (25 kHz steps)
467.750 - 467.925 {Business (2w, telemetry)
467.750 - 467.825 {Maritime - shipboard (rptr at 457.xxx)
467.950 - 468.175 MED (Ambulance/Hospital)
468.200 - 469.975 Business

470 - 806 MHz: 6 MHz per channel, wide FM audio
470.000 - 512.000 {Broadcast TV, chs 14-20
{Large Metro Public Safety (25 kHz steps - FM) |
512.000 - 806.000 Broadcast TV, Chs 21-69

806 - 896 MHz: FM @ 25 kHz steps (mobile 806-851, base 851-896)
806.0125- 809.7375 General - conventional |
809.7625- 810.9875 General - single channels |
811.0125- 815.9875 General - trunked |
816.0125- 820.9875 SMR - trunked |
821.0125- 823.9875 Public Safety - trunked (12.5 kHz steps) |
824.040 - 834.360 Cellular Telephone (30 kHz steps)
834.390 - 835.620 Cellular Telephone (data) (30 kHz steps)
835.650 - 848.970 Cellular Telephone (30 kHz steps)
849.000 - 851.000 Aircraft Telephone (6 kHz steps - AM)
851.0125- 854.7375 General - conventional |
854.7625- 855.9875 General - single channels |
856.0125- 860.9875 General - trunked |
861.0125- 865.9875 SMR - trunked |
866.0125- 868.9875 Public Safety - trunked (12.5 kHz steps) |
869.040 - 879.360 Cellular Telephone (30 kHz steps)
879.390 - 880.620 Cellular Telephone (data) (30 kHz steps)
880.650 - 893.970 Cellular Telephone (30 kHz steps)
894.000 - 896.000 Aircraft Telephone (6 kHz steps - AM)

896 - 1300 MHz:
896.000 - 901.000 SMR/Business/Industry - mobile (12.5 kHz steps)
901.000 - 902.000 Personal Communications Services
902.000 - 928.000 Amateur (33cm) / various secondary
928.000 - 929.000 ()
929.000 - 930.000 paging
930.000 - 931.000 Personal Communications Services - base
931.000 - 935.000 ()
935.000 - 940.000 SMR/Business/Industry - base (12.5 kHz steps)
940.000 - 941.000 Personal Communications Services - base
941.000 - 960.000 ()
960.000 -1215.000 Aeronautical navigation
1215.000 -1240.000 US Govt - Radiolocation / Space
1240.000 -1300.000 Amateur (23cm)
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Файл создан: 27 Май 2009 11:51, посл. исправление: 27 Май 2009 12:10
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