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Расшифровка переговоров:
Sigonella – Gold 81 On 8992
Gold 81 – Sigonella Have you good and readable. How copy my station? Over.
Sigonella – Gold 81 Has loud and clear. 18 (ошибка радистa???) we need a phone patch please.
Gold 81 – Sigonella Go ahead your number. Over.
Sigonella – Gold 81 Own DSN 312 779 0328 the Tanker Cell TACC
Gold 81 – Sigonella Copy all. Stand by for patch.
Phone Patch – Gold 81 Coming in.
Gold 81 – Sigonella Be advise you party is on my request to necessy phone patch Over.
Gold 81 Thank you patch.
Tanker Cell – Gold 81 How copy?
Gold 81 – TACC Go ahead.
Gold 81 Work pillar heighter hydraulic tempie??(не уверен) issuie. Reloading path for Tanker Cell. Brother landed Al-Udeid….(не разборчиво)..to conform to Al –Dahafra. His a have propriate made correct a problem. If we go to Al-Udeid we or not allow this patch with the condition or we can complete the car mission as we are.
---- TACC O.K. Gold 81understand. What is the hide work canel made of tide of t. (technical??) health?
---- Gold 81 And they number 2 hydraulic piston left hydraulic pump temp (сокр. от temporal??) pilot (piping??).
---- TACC Copy that. And what was other message too to said to code tango with saivuory?
---- Gold 81 We called, sir, the tanker planner and inform planner about this situation. We can complete the mission. Inners and I told this path TACC - Al –Dahafra surveyding to Al –Dahafra.
---- TACC Copy that. I`m gonna have to check on seam find can get you win for (4??) Mug issues. Give me estimate at AL –Dahafra.
---- Gold 81 Estate E.T.A. at AL –Dahafra 14.30z.
---- TACC подтверждение broken.
---- Gold 81 broken at Gold 81.
---- TACC Copy that. Is broken. What I rec come in doing as give a me have hour and given me never phone patch call me back. How copy?
---- Gold 81 Copied. Let terminate phone patch. We call you in around 30 minutes. Break, break. Sigonella station to work allow part in level (little??)back (не уверен).
---- Sigonella …..(не раборчиво). Standing by.
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Файл загружен: 20 Фев 2009 03:58, посл. исправление: 23 Дек 2012 17:05 |