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ARES Public Service Communications Manual - руководство по ведению радиосвязи в аварийных ситуациях для американской радиолюбительской аварийной службы
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Руководство по ведению радиосвязи в аварийных ситуациях для американской радиолюбительской аварийной службы, ARES.


Section I: Amateur Radio Emergency Service (ARES)
Chapter One: Amateur Radio Emergency Service
1.1 ARES Organization
1.2 Section Level
1.3 Local Level
1.4 District Level
1.5 Assistant ECs
1.6 Planning Committee
1.7 Operation and Flexibility
1.8 ARES Operation During Disasters
Chapter Two: Simulated Emergency Test (SET)
2.1 Purpose of SET
2.2 SET Format
2.3 Preparing for SET
2.4 During the SET
2.5 After the SET
2.6 NTS in SET
2.7 Summary
Chapter Three: ARES Mutual Assistance Team (ARESMAT) Concept
3.1 Pre-Departure Functions
3.2 In-Travel Functions
3.3 Arrival Functions
3.4 In-situ Functions
3.5 Pre-demobilization and Demobilization Functions
3.6 ARESMAT Member Qualifications
3.7 Summary
Chapter Four: ARES and RACES
4.1 What is RACES?
4.2 Operating Procedure
4.3 ARES and RACES
4.4 Other Amateur facilities
Chapter Five: ARES Principles of Disaster Communications
Chapter Six: Working With Public Safety Officials
Chapter Seven: On Serving "Served" Agencies
7.1 What to do?
7.2 Pulled Every Which Way But Loose
7.3 Another Kind of Competition

Section II: National Traffic System (NTS)
Chapter One: National Traffic System
1.1 Membership in NTS
1.2 Mode
Chapter Two: Principles of NTS Operation
2.1 Local Nets
2.2 Section Nets
2.3 Region Nets
2.4 Area Nets
2.5 Transcontinental Corps
2.6 Digital Stations
Chapter Three: NTS Policies
3.1 Sequence of Net Meetings
3.2 Options
3.3 Deviation from Normal Routing
3.4 Adherence to Schedules
3.5 Alternate Routings
3.6 Check-in Policy
3.7 Boundaries
3.8 Nomenclature
3.9 Combined Section Nets
3.10 Limited Load Capability
3.11 Observation of Time
3.12 Frequencies
3.13 Manager Appointments
3.14 Certification
3.15 Special Liaison Methods
Chapter Four: Operation During Disasters
4.1 Section Traffic Manager, Net Manager Functions
4.2 Region Net Manager Functions
4.3 Area Net Manager Functions
4.4 Transcontinental Corps Director Functions
4.5 Area Staff Chairman Functions
4.6 General Policy
4.7 Health and Welfare Traffic
Chapter Five: NTS Standard Net Procedures
5.1 Section Nets
5.2 Region Nets
5.3 Area Nets
5.4 Send and Receive Stations
5.5 Miscellaneous Procedures
5.6 Section and Local NTS Traffic Nodes
5.7 HF Digital Stations
Chapter Six: ARRL Precedences and Handling Instructions
6.1 Emergency
6.2 Priority
6.3 Welfare
6.4 Routine
6.5 Handling Instructions
Chapter Seven: Operation of the Transcontinental Corps
7.1 TCC Station Functions
Chapter Eight: Operation of the Digital System
8.1 HF Digital NTS Operations
8.2 VHF Packet Radio Bulletin Boards
Chapter Nine: NTS Traffic Routing
9.1 Example of NTS Message Routing
9.2 NTS Routing Guide
9.3 Message Routing in the Digital Station Network
Chapter Ten: Counting Net Traffic
10.1 Net Traffic Count
10.2 Individual Traffic Count
Chapter Eleven: On Getting More Traffic
Appendix A: National Traffic System Terms of Reference
Article One: Name
Article Two: Purpose and General Functions
Article Three: Specific Responsibilities
Article Four: Membership
Article Five: Area Staff Chairman
Article Six: Methods and Procedures
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