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Описание файла
Родные программы для Quansheng TG-6A и TG-UV2 не поддерживают возможность копирования и перемещения записей каналов в рации — только стереть и создать заново в другом месте.
Поэтому камрад Andrej Zavarsky создал программу QaEDIT, для исправления сего недостатка.
I just uploaded QaEDIT 1.3. This version supports full edit functionality of DAT files for TG-UV2 and TG-6A. Editing and maintenance of DAT files is much easier with QaEDIT than with original program from Quansheng. (E.g. you can select multiple rows and edit them together like one.) This program is only for editing! To upload DAT file into radio you need original program TG-UV-D1.72 from Quansheng.
For programming I have cable and software v1.72. It is really annoying that I
cannot move (or copy) row from one position to another position. If I can do it
so, it will be much easier to keep my channels in order.
I decided to implement utility which will be able to help me. DAT file itself is
easy to read. So it was not problem for me to do some programming and create
application which will move rows in DAT file. In addition, my program allows
importing new rows from one DAT to another DAT by simple COPY-PASTE operation.
Recently I find out there is already an excel sheet q_dat_cvrt_v57.xls which can
do the same.
But anyway, I decided to share my program and I uploaded it into "Files" folder.
May be it will be useful for someone. This program can be used ONLY for DAT
files manipulation! Not for uploading into radio.
Later, if have free time, I will update this program from "row mover" to "full
DAT editor".
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Dan.kz Участник
25 Ноя 2015 22:44 · Поправил: 25 Ноя 2015 23:17
спасибо за труд. хотел просто уточнить, есть ли возможность скопирова из файла эксель вставить в чудо программу сразу весь столбец с частотами или все равно сидеть и с каждой строчкой работать. когда много каналов забито около 200 очень много времени уходит на каждую строку.
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Файл загружен: 14 Мар 2013 14:13, посл. исправление: 04 Апр 2013 00:20 |