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******* SpectraVue Software Installation Instructions. ***********
1. Do NOT plug in the SDR-14/IQ unit until AFTER installing the software. Nothing bad will happen but there will not be any drivers available to load until after this next step.
2. Run the "SpectraVueSetupxxx.exe" off of the CD or from where ever it has been downloaded to.
3. Follow the menus and modify the default folder locations as desired.
4. Plug in the SDR-14/IQ USB cable and apply power to the unit(The SDR-IQ does not require external power). A green light should appear on the SDR-14/IQ if it is powered up.
5. A "New Hardware Device" menu should appear and will ask for a disk or folder to load the USB driver from.
6. Use "Browse" to find the SpectraVueSDRxxUSBdriver folder that was created during the software install process. (For Windows 98 users use the W98USBdriver folder)
7. Continue on with the driver install menu and the new driver should be installed. If using Windows 98, it will ask for a ftdixx.cat file. Click on the "SKIP" menu item and continue with the install.
8. Invoke SpectraVue from the Windows "Start" menu or from the desktop icon if one was created during install.
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Файл загружен: 24 Июл 2008 23:11 |