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This book covers the basics of private land mobile radio systems including traditional dispatch, analog trunked radio, logic trunked radio (LTR), and advanced digital land mobile radio systems. Covered are the basics of LMR including simplex, half-duplex, and full duplex operation. The different types of squelch systems are covered including carrier controlled squelch, tone controlled squelch, and digital squelch. The basics of analog and digital trunked radio systems is provided along with how and why analog trunked radio systems are converting to digital trunked radio systems. The leading LMR industry standards including APCO, EDACS, MPT1327, iDEN, and Tetra are described along with simple diagrams to explain their operation. You will learn the key types of services that LMR systems can offer and the key applications that are driving the growth of the LMR industry. Included is a how LMR systems are still changing to offer new services.
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Файл загружен: 05 Фев 2007 11:18, посл. исправление: 05 Июн 2009 11:53 |