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 Форум —› Главный раздел —› Владельцам Maycom AR-108 
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Сообщений: 9653

Дата: 04 Фев 2007 00:29:19 #  

Нашел такую вот инфу:

Functions not mentioned in the
Maycom AR-108 Manual

How to delete a memory channel:
Push MR and use the UP/DN buttons to select desired memory channel.
Enter the Memeory Set mode FUNC + MR.
Push and hold FUNC + MON down for more than 1 second.
Now are the desired memory channel deleted.

Display test:
Push and hold AI and turn the scanner on.
Now you will se all the segments of the AR-108 display.

How to reset the Maycom AR-108 to the factory settings:
Push and hold AI + FUNC and turn the scanner on.
The message INITIAL are shown in the display..
Now is the Maycom AR-108 reset to the factory settings,
with 124 MHz stored i memory channel 1 in the Air band,
and with 156 MHz stored i memory channel 1 in the "VHF band".

How to change the Maycom AR-108 from an American version (with WX-channels) to an European version (with full VHF coverage from 136 MHz to 180 MHz):
Open the receiver an solder the solder path's marked OP 4.

PS: возможно владельцам это не ново, у меня этой игрушки никогда не было.

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