Дата: 01 Сен 2005 13:54:29
Два часа назад рассматривал его на электронной ярмарке - производит отталкивающее впечатление. Здоровая дура, вся пластмассовая, огромные но немногочисленные кнопки. Напоминает панель управления трамваем чем-то. Посмотрел сзади разъемы - все какое-то хлипкое как у дешевого магнитофона. ИМХО если есть такие деньги лучше подержанную Yaesu FT-857 купить или еще что-нибудь такое.
P.S. В названии у вас ошибочка. Не HUM-200, а HAM-2000
Дата: 01 Сен 2005 14:08:38 · Поправил: Semen
Дата: 01 Сен 2005 19:29:12 · Поправил: Yupi
So, how does it compare to other Satellits? Well, most facilities are there, though memory capacity is a backward step from the 700’s massive complement, and RDS has been omitted (RDS is little used in its main target market, USA/Canada, and the unit is based on the Drake SW8, and 1993/4 design). As for the size, it seems strange that they have made it so big when other radios have been getting smaller. More so given the lower power output (1W compared with the much smaller 700’s 1.5W battery/2W mains output) and ordinary 4 inch speaker, again no bigger than the 700, and certainly not of the long-throw/high velocity type used in the 650. Build quality is not up to the standards of recent Grundig models (650/700) either. In short, although it isn't a bad radio, as such, and is fairly good value for the North America price, most Satellit enthusiasts, who know the lineage, and the true story behind this model, feel it is misleading to call it a Satellit, or a Grundig. To further muddy the waters, Tecsun, the Chinese company who make the 800 for Lextronix, now sell it in some parts of the world as the Tecsun HAM 2000. ***Say what you like about Grundig Satellit's, they were never badge engineered, to or from other names!***
Da, ochen pohozh na Grundig satellit 800..., no obratite vnimanie na poslednee predlozhenie. Grundig Satellit800(ne $800) v New-York v 2004 stoil 400$+tax, Vi zhe hotite za kitaiskuiu igrushku otdat 780$ eto Vashe pravo. Podderzhivaiu Illinoisa, kupite luchshe serioznoe poderzhannoe, ili zakazhite Sony icf sw 77, v USA v 450-500$ viydet, da i dostatocno portativnim budet.