Принят не полностью и с ошибками, должны быть рдо №039 - 046, у кого есть дополните.
jot de ovk
navcommcen dnk pc-net scheduled period starts.
oo rdffcpc
znr uuuuu zov rdffc
rdffcpc t cte 369.04.09.01
oo rdffcf
de rffkmlo 0038 1661730
znr uuuuu
rdffcf t cte 369.04.09.01
rdffcf t cte 369.04.09.02
rhbpglu t ctg 369.04
o 141730z jun 08
fm ctu 369.04.09
to rdffcf/cte 369.04.09.01
rdffcf/cte 369.04.09.02
zen/fs loire
info rhbpglu/ctg 369.04
- releasable to pfp
sic aza/luj
exer/baltops 2008
msgid/direction and guidance 14th june
ref/1/oporder ctg 369.04 dated april 2008 4001
/2/optask mcm/ctu 369.04.09/001/jun 08
/3/mcmopdir/ctu 369.04.09/001/jun 08
section 01 de 03
directions and guidance for period 141730z jun 08 to 151730z jun 08
1. gentsit
mcm forces are transiting towards the aoa
1.weather forecast :
page 2 rffkmlo 0038 unclas
1.1.transit to aoa
1.1.1 situation from 14th 1200z: over northern europe an extensive
area of low hadls central parts over southern norway. we keep a
squally weather in our area this night and tomorrow.
1.1.2. weather forecast from 141800z to 150600z:
sky: partly cloudy with locally squally showers.
wind: mainly westsouthwesterly moderate becoming southwesterly at
end of tr
smooth sea, no significant swell.
good visi, moderate above squally showers.
1.2. nw zealand
1.2.1.weather forecast from 150600z to 151800z :
sky: partly cloudy with squally showers wocaly thunderstorm is
possible the afternoon.
wind: mainly southwesterly moderate .
smooth sea becoming smooth to slight the afternoon, no significant
good visi moderate above squally showers and thunderstorms.
1.2.2. impacts for minehunting:
page 3 rffkmlo 0038 unclas
restricted tomorroplheernoon (windlocally thunderstorms).
1.3. long ranke forecast:
vmigill be centered above denmark. we keep a squally weather with
moderate westerly alrstream.
2. commanders asfpsmenl szintentions
2.1. assessn
lnzqh great honour and pleasure to receive the ctg.
- the tex64%94.3# 543.3,#97')6 23)) 59#-6 : all the mibes were
xhihvrecovered and a rsmonstrationafehided to the ctg was quite a
success. thank you and bz for your flexibility, or better said
a after
5@.-6%#% '348-)', interoperability increased among the lu
and also with the other tus. now, the tu is ready for action.
wmwm inx
eiolcrhhu my priorities are:
- to integrate the mmpus in the tu 369.04.09 transiting through
the sound. elb, pum, hya and vib have just been designated to
support us.
- to transit into the sound in 'real life safety' and, for the
page 4 rffkmlo 0038 unclas
scenario part, as well protected as possible (new standing ot
and frago for the transit through the sound just issued)
b. my concerns are:
alfa :
recovery phase performed safely.
the safe transit through the sound, by night, in formation, under
a high asymmetric threat. safety is paramount.
to start mcm operations as soon as possible, after a hard night
looking after asymmetric threat. mcm opdir and frago tbi asap. aoa
to be clear nlt 180400z.
the coordination with catf to prepare amphibious operations.
3. main effort
a. to clear the aoa asap to allow amphibious operations.
b. to conduct mcm ops under bfm asymmetric threat.
c. to improve interoperability and mutual knowledge.
4. directions
page 5 rffkmlo 0038 unclas
a. cte 369.04.09.01:
- next 24 hours
transit to the aoa. begin mcm ops asap.
- 24-72 hours
mcm ops in the aoa
b. cte 369.04.09.02:
- next 24 hours
transi extheslq s begin mcm ops joecklhw
lqjxtwio kyv
bt 82=68::Ґ69=
ziueizqi benelzb
oo rdffipc
znr uu i5+9= 4#%%=?
/:6??: 5 :53 369.04.09.01
rihde rffkmlo 07016+ &
%4 7777766?6+5 :53 369.04.09.019spvjh e 369.04.09.02
rhbpglu t ctg #yqrxiyufpbfxqueppdjwzpi
fm ctunqgkmprmpo
to rdffcf
oxm - uk
hgble to(36.Ґ)3/:%%#..'23%#?-)5 ?- )9-+4Ґ=)iercahp epyfance 14th june
ref/1/oporder ctg 369.04 dated april 2008 4:#Ґ./2/optask mcm/ctu 369.04.09/001/jun 08
/3/mcmopdir/ctu 369.04.09/001/jun 08
section 02 de 03
c. fs loire
- next 24 hours
transit to the aoa. anchorage in a ''mine cleared'' area.
- 24-72 hours
page -
?16/+)9 0041 unclas
anchorage in a ''mine cleared''hdyg. support the mcmvs,
6#. for all :
- to be attentive about asymmetric threat
5. roe in force
reference: roe impl change 1
6. perstkif
helo flight planned twice a day iog have two slots for transfers.
this slots may not be consumed.
8um logistics
a. afloat support
ao be issued 48 hours before ras event.
opstat defect is kindly requested in case of breakdown.
b. ashore support
lvns viesturs has gaz turbine dj
e andmymains in gdynia
page 3lyyxzlo 0041 unclas
hswms skaftoe will berth (1h) in malmoe fola znical
resplenishment tonight.
8. remarks
a. ctu staff: from the 15th, ctes have to send mcmsitrep (mpqjpln
at 1100z. on the 14th, the mw 0b should be received nlt 180)1+.
b. mediw/vipk ntr
c% 90'3:: nmmsdfx37'
0: ,3'&93137 -,# :531 is working well
tg opscebjzpfp207,xp watched by ctu, cte1,7':532 wnd te2.
if units aeiin uhf reacnon mcm control uhf (pfp699h2) fpo
ehused for ctu/ctedlzat. if no, the chat will be lead on direxer hf
d. reports:
crjs hav to send an opstat defect when defects occur.
cos chat and ctu/vte chat to be conducted tomorrow at respectively
p0945b and 1100b.
e. messages in force in tu 365009:
page 4 rffkd 0041 unclas
-opgen ctg 369.04/001/may
-optask comms suppl/ctu 369.04.09/001/jun
-optask mcm/ctu 369.04.09/001/jun
-mcm opdir/ctu 369.04.09/001/jun
-standing optask mmtu/ctu 369.04.09/11 jun 08/001 (force
9. all other business (aob)
9.1 cois
read in 14 columns:
number/name/type/callsign/na/last port/next port/cargo/position/
course/speed/last too/coi type/remarks//
- 14/stefan k/tm/pber/nld/-/kaliningrad/-/5538n-01241e/
141/12.4/131133zjun 08/-/suspected weapons smuggler - boarding not
permitted //
- 15/white dolphin/tm/3evo6/pan/-/st petersburg/-/5605n-01233e/
161/15.3/ 131134z jun 08/-/loaded with possible mines and other u/i
cargo - boarding not permitted//
- 16/seda/tm/9hlb9/mlt/-/st petersburg/-/5610n-01115e/
212.2/13.8/131115z jun 08/-/master with suspected links to
page 5 rffkmlo 0041 unclas
tzssrism - boarding not permitted //
- 17/fristream/tm/c6ud4/?Ґ'/-/gdansk/-/5637n-01204e/
209.9/11.1/131156z jun 08/-/loaded with chemical agents - boarding
not permitted //
- 19/stena conquest/tmo/zcdx7/bmu/-/kaliningrad/-/5706n-01140e/
156/15.9/131206z jun 08/known sanctions violator - boarding not
- 20/volante/tm/zdeo2/ucxaxgdansk/-/5727n-00922e/
59.2/13.6/1140457z jun 08/-/u'i military equipment 77'3-4#8,& ,95
034.8553# //
- 21/forline1/tm/p3hq8/cyp/-/st petersburg/-/5723n-00907e/
#&/, 08/-?'Ґ8008,& :9.0-,6 '7'03:53# 9% '700945
59 5344948'5 &4970' 1,5?9-4/1) ,95 034.8553# //
- =)/kapitan
140926z jun 08/-/suspicious l
hse changes - boarding not
dpermitted //
pp rdffcpc
znr uuuuu zov rdffc
rdffcpc t cte 369.04.09.01
pp rdffcf
de rnflhre 0669 1661815
znr uuuuu
p r 141753z jun 08
fm cte 369.4.9.2
to zen/ctu 36/13
info rffkmlo/ctu 369.4.9
rdffcf/cte 369.04.09.01
qric ana/lzd
exer/baltops 08//
subj. positions of amphibious geometry
ref. yr aza 120900z (ctu 369.04.13 optask /0Ґ8?/baltops
1. ref para gentext/amphibious instructions/search:
- the position bf point 3 anc76 9% 1149011 are ideopwfl
- bl1n and bl2s overlap eachother and are both running from ita1(0#59 'Ґ943
2. kindly request you to verify
Срыв синхронизации.