Дата: 27 Июн 2008 14:31:48
В период с 16 по 27 июня проводились учениях ВМС НАТО “Loyal Mariner-08”.
Данные по радиосвязи из интернета.
5253.5 CONTROL: Spanish or Portuguese navy ship 2319 USB wkg KA, KC, KE, KO and KS (multinational fleet), voice coord for data message traffic, reporting Gingerbread, kicking to frequency D7.
2368.4 T0X / several navy ships, Link coordination circuit - exercise Loyal Mariner 08
2150.5 CONTROL: Spanish or Portuguese navy ship 0020 USB wkg KA, KC and KS (multinational fleet), voice coord for data message traffic - exercise Loyal Mariner 08.
5.26700 : MAGIC 60 [E-3A Sentry, NAEWF] working ALPHA WHISKEY (Warship) and 1HC.
5.26700 : 1HC [German Warship] working Warships P8U, 7KD and A1B
5.20600 : KILO CTRL working Kilo Units KA, KC and KE.
5.72500 : MAGIC 60 [E-3A Sentry, NAEWF] working FOST Warships 1HC, P8U.
10.3150 : MAGIC 60 [E-3A Sentry, NAEWF] working DHN66. RATT Line Report.
Перенес данные BMP6683:
MAGIC-60 time 1148 по учению Loyal Mariner-08 после выполнения задачи .В 1200 он связался с DHN-66
23.06.08 MAGIC-59 по тем же мероприятиям .
На частоте 5725 Кгц, там работает ПГ ОВМС НАТО
Дата: 27 Июн 2008 18:02:55
Иберийская Атлантика - р -н Португалии, Испании.
The NATO exercise LOYAL MARINER 08 (LMR08) is taking place over the period 16-27 June off of the Iberian Coast. LMR08 is a NATO Response Force (NRF) Maritime Component Command exercise designed to provide force integration and combat readiness training for the Maritime Forces. The purpose of the NRF is to provide a fully integrated combined land, sea and air force that is able to respond to a wide variety of operational commitments and missions anywhere in the world. Exercise LMR08 will be linked to the Portuguese national exercise SWORDFISH 08, both making use of a common scenario and political background.
Exercise LOYAL MARINER 2008, conducted by the Headquarters Allied Maritime Component Command Northwood, UK, will test the maritime units and a float maritime staffs by refining the interoperability and integration of maritime operations.
http://www.marinha.pt/Marinha/PT/Menu/NoticiasAgenda/Noticias/SWF+08.htm |
Дата: 27 Июн 2008 23:16:41
sibirjаc,спасибо за инфо,но к сожалению у меня с англицким слабо. Я так понял,что ученья завершились?