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 Форум —› Главный раздел —› Мониторинг погодного канала 
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с ноя 2005
Сообщений: 18

Дата: 15 Авг 2008 21:47:21 · Поправил: Ahnenerbe (15 Авг 2008 21:53:27) #  

Собираясь в отпуск этой весной, захватил с собой Icom IC-R5. И, как оказалось, не зря! Ибо только в Антлантике мне открылось предназначение так называемых погодных каналов на моем сканере :) По нижеследующей ссылке я выложил запись сей передачи на погодном канале (частота 162.55 MHz). Трансляция шла из места под названием Maricao, что на острове Puerto Rico (USA); координаты передатчика: 18.19N -66.98W.

Здесь можно скачать запись.
Размер = 5043.3 Kb. За размещение огромное спасибо Perehvatchik! :)

К сожалению, она неполная - отказ MP3-плейера, которым я записывал. Но вполне достаточна для понимания.

Далее я привожу текстовый вариант этой записи. За перекладку с аудио на txt отдельное спасибо Griffin (Colorado, USA). Испанцы с Чили что-то медлят, и я не буду их дожидаться. Поэтому испанские вставки отсутствуют.


...with the radiostation WXJ68. Transmitting on the frequency 162.55 MHz from Monde del Estado in Maricao.


Mostly sunny skies were observed across the majority of Puerto Rico and the local islands this afternoon. The exception was the Cordilleros Central the clouds began to form within the past two and a half hours leading to variably cloudy skies.
However, the weather Doppler radar has only detected light to moderate shower activity over parts of Maricow [Januco] and [Laresis] at 3:30 PM. The winds have been variable at 5 to 10 miles per hour with higher velocities along coastal areas to the sea breeze variation. Highest temperature recorded at the Semwan International Airport was 90F.
Generally fair and dry weather pattern is expected to continue across the local area through the end of the week. Expect light South-East winds to result in high temperatures near 90F again of Thursday along the North and West coast of Puerto Rico with isolated and scattered [...] showers expected to form over the western interior sections of the island on Thursday. The wind is expected to shift from the South-East to East-North-East late Thurday into Friday. This chance that the wind directon will bring a slight relief of the warm temperatures that we have, been experiencing mainly over the Samwan metropolitan area to the past several days and Friday.
{ } expect increasing North Westerly swells across the Atlantic waters this evening. Seas will build to succeed across the offshore Atlantic waters with winds generally from 10 to 12 knots. Small craft should exercise caution across these waters.
The remainder of the local waters will maintain seas 1 to 5 feet and winds 5 to 10 knots.


The forecast for {Pomse} and vicinity tonight: partly cloudy with isolated showers.
Most 80 lower elevations ranging to 61 higher elevations (вот этого я не понял вообще! Это предложение не имеет никакого смысла для меня!!!). East winds up to 10 miles per hour. Chance of rain – 20%. Thursday – partly cloudy with isolated showers. High 38 lower elevations ranging to 67 higher elevations. South winds up to 10 miles per hour. Chance of rain – 20%.
The forecast for North West Puerto-Rico tonight: Mostly clear. Most 78 lower elevations ranging to 65 higher elevations. South East winds up to 5 miles per hour.
Thursday – mostly sunny early in the morning, then partly cloudy with isolated showers in the late morning and the afternoon. High 85 lower elevations ranging to 78 higher elevations. South East winds up to to 5 miles per hour shifting to the North 5 to 15 miles per hour in the afternoon. Chance of rain – 20%.
The forecast for the following counties in Puerto Rico {Majo weis} and vicinity and the Western Interior of Puerto Rico: Tonight – mostly clear. Most 80 lower elevations ranging to 61 higher elevations. South East winds up to 10 miles per hour. Thursday: Mostly sunny early in the morning, then partly cloudy with scattered showers in the late morning and afternoon. High 89 {39} lower elevations ranging to 71 higher elevations. South winds up to 10 miles per hour shifting to the West in the afternoon. Chance of rain – 40%.
The forecast for South West Puerto-Rico tonight: Partly cloudy. Most 80 lower elevations ranging to 71 higher elevations. South East winds 5 to 15 miles per hour. Thursday: Partly couldy. Isolated showers in the late morning and the afternoon. High {36} lower elevations ranging to….



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