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 Форум —› NATO Scanner —› Exercise Red Flag Alaska 2009 
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с апр 2008
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Дата: 01 Апр 2009 20:44:57 · Поправил: asv (01 Апр 2009 20:52:50) #  

Red Flag-Alaska begins 2009 season

ELMENDORF AIR FORCE BASE, Alaska (AFNS) -- Approximately 1400 U.S. and foreign participants will be arriving at Eielson and Elmendorf Air Force bases beginning April 13 to participate in Red Flag-Alaska 09-2, scheduled for April 16 to May 1.

Red Flag-Alaska, a series of Pacific Air Forces commander-directed field training exercises for U.S. Forces, provides joint offensive counter-air, interdiction, close air support, and large force employment training in a simulated combat environment. These exercises are conducted on the Joint Pacific Alaskan Range complex with air operations flown out of the two bases. Alaska's size enables the military to have the largest air-ground training complex in America.

Air forces for Red Flag-Alaska 09-2 include participants from the U.S. Air Force, France, and NATO. Units are organized as an air expeditionary wing at Eielson with a subordinate air expeditionary group at Elmendorf.

Following Red Flag-Alaska 09-2, a second period is scheduled for July 23 to Aug. 7.

По данным с официального сайта авиабазы Айельсон, в предыдущих учениях данной серии в разное время принимали участие ВВС Австралии, Великобритании, Германии, Испании, Канады, Монголии, Сингапура, Турции, Франции.
Дата: 14 Апр 2009 07:40:32 #  

Обычно, состав участников делился на «синих» (разнородная группировка авиации ВВС США и союзников, проводившая воздушно-наступательную операцию), «красных» (условный противник, осуществляющий оборони-тельные действия) и «белых» (нейтральные контролирующие (наблюдательные) силы). Кроме того «белые» осуществляют общую координацию ведения условных боевых действий и отвечают за общую безопасность при проведении учения. Интересно, какой состав нынешних учений, какие страны НАТО принимают участие?
с мар 2008
53 и 54 north
Сообщений: 2592

Дата: 14 Апр 2009 08:40:31 · Поправил: Moose (14 Апр 2009 22:08:30) #  

Ну как? Ничего не слышно? Потянулись уже самоли на Аляску?
Наверное и "Агрессоры" с Неллиса пойдут (Ф-16) с заправщиками Западного побережья; наверно,и эр-си-шки, и Е-3... А транспортники должны везти оборудование и людей. Это ж на 1000 человек надо, скажем, 5-6 С-17.
с апр 2008
Сообщений: 1565

Дата: 18 Апр 2009 08:22:39 #  

Kunsan fighters participate in Red Flag-Alaska

by Senior Airman Dana Hill
8th Fighter Wing Public Affairs

4/16/2009 - KUNSAN AIR BASE, Republic of Korea (AFNS) -- Approximately 150 Airmen from the 8th Fighter Wing are at Eielsen Air Force Base, Alaska to participate in Red Flag-Alaska.

Red Flag-Alaska is a Pacific Air Forces-sponsored exercise for U.S. Forces. It provides joint offensive counter-air, interdiction, close-air support and large force employment training in a simulated combat environment.

"The training Red Flag-Alaska provides is critical to maintaining our combat capability." said Lt. Col. Steven Kennel, 35th Fighter Squadron commander.

On an average, more than 700 people and up to 60 aircraft deploy to Eielson, and an additional 500 people and 40 aircraft deploy to Elmendorf AFB, Alaska, for each Red Flag-Alaska exercise. Most participating Red
Flag-Alaska units arrive a week prior to the actual exercise. During that time, aircrews may fly one or two range orientation flights, make physical and mental preparations, review local flying restrictions, receive local
safety and survival briefings and work on developing orientation plans.

According to Colonel Kennel, Red Flag-Alaska provides 19 separate Large Force Employment missions integrating French Mirage 2000s, F-16 Fighting Falcons, C-17 Globemaster IIIs, C-130 Hercules, EA-6B Prowlers, E-3 Sentries and KC-10 Extenders into a complex training scenario.

in 2008, more than 2,000 servicemembers deployed to Red Flag-Alaska, and participating aircrews flew close to 2,000 missions. In addition to the Air Force participants, Royal Air Force Tornadoes, Nimrods, VC-10s and Jaguars, as well as Army, Marine and Japanese Air Self Defense Force Stinger Teams also took part.

"The intense planning, preparation, execution and debriefing with our NATO allies for each mission will provide our pilots with invaluable combat preparation," said Colonel Kennel. "This will be 12 of our 24 pilots' first
Red Flag deployment."

Aircrews aren't the only ones who benefit from the Red Flag-Alaska experience. The exercise provide an operational training environment for participants such as intelligence Airmen, maintenance crews and command and control elements.

"We are planning to employ the entire spectrum of weapons from our F-16s -- GBU-10, 12 and 24s; GBU-31s and 38s; JDAMs; Mk-82s and 84s; 20mm cannon rounds; and AGM-65 Mavericks," said Colonel Kennel. "This will allow our weapons troops to load our aircraft, validate our jet systems, and allow each pilot to drop at least one inert and one live full-scale weapons employment.

"The three Red Flag Alaska bombing ranges provide the opportunity for the 35th Fighter Squadron to drop its entire 2009 munitions allocation; something we are unable to do in Korea due to local range restrictions," he

During the two-week employment phase of the exercise, aircrews are subjected to every conceivable combat threat. Scenarios are shaped to meet each exercise's specific training objectives. All units are involved in the
development of exercise training objectives. At the height of the exercise, up to 70 jet fighters can be operating in the same airspace at one time.

Members of the 35th Fighter Squadron will also be participating in Distant Frontier Weapons Training Deployment where they will fly 142 sorties.

Red Flag-Alaska runs through April 18.
с фев 2008
Сообщений: 2530

Дата: 18 Апр 2009 10:45:47 #  

French Air Forces arrive for Red Flag-Alaska
A Mirage 2000 Fighter from Luxeuil Air Base, France taxis into position April 14, 2009, Eielson Air Force Base, Alaska. The French Air Force is participating in Red-Flag Alaska 09-2. RF-A provides realistic combat training, which is vital to the success of air and space operations. (U.S. Air Force photo/Airman 1st Class Willard E. Grande

4/14/2009 - Two fighter pilots from Luxeuil Air Base, France walk off the tarmac April 14, 2009, Eielson Air Force Base, Alaska. Red Flag-Alaska is a military exercise conducted on the Joint Pacific Alaska Range Complex enabling the military to have the largest air-ground training area in the United States.

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