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 Форум —› NATO Scanner —› Exercise Cooperative Longbow / Cooperative Lancer 09 
Автор Сообщение
с апр 2008
Сообщений: 1565

Дата: 17 Апр 2009 22:13:37 #  

Exercise Cooperative Longbow / Cooperative Lancer 09
Partnership-For-Peace Exercise In Georgia

MONS, BELGIUM - NATO will conduct exercises Cooperative Longbow 09 / Cooperative Lancer 09 during the period 6 May to 1 June 2009 in Georgia. Planning for these exercises began in spring 2008 with the aim of improving interoperability between NATO and partner countries, within the framework of Partnership for Peace, Mediterranean Dialogue and Istanbul Cooperation Initiative programmes.

Nineteen nations will participate: Albania, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Canada, Croatia, Czech Republic, Georgia, Greece, Hungary, Kazakhstan, Moldova, Serbia, Spain, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Turkey, the United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom and the United States.

Cooperative Longbow 09 is a command post exercise that focuses on training and exercising NATO staff skills and procedures, improving interoperability between NATO and partner nations for crisis response operations at the multinational brigade level. The exercise will be conducted in Tbilisi, Georgia, with approximately 1300 personnel from NATO and partner countries being deployed to the Vaziani training area, twenty kilometres east of Tbilisi. The scenario is based on a fictitious united nations mandated, nato-led crisis response operation. Lieutenant general Cayetano Mir__ Valls, commander Allied Land Component Command Madrid, will command the exercise.

Cooperative Longbow 09 will be followed by a field training exercise, Cooperative Lancer 09, which is designed to provide basic training on peace support operations at the battalion level, and will take place at Vaziani barracks from 18 may to 01 June 2009.

These exercises are part of the NATO partnership-for-peace programme, allowing partner countries to build up an individual relationship with NATO. Cooperation with the partner countries is an integral part of the alliance's security policy and plays an important role in its day-to-day work. Through its pursuit of cooperation and different forms of partnership with non-member countries, NATO contributes to promote security and stability for the benefit of all.
с янв 2007
Из России
Сообщений: 2272

Дата: 05 Май 2009 23:56:45 #  

Многонациональные учения НАТО Cooperative Longbow 09/Cooperative Lancer 09 состоятся с 6 мая по 1 июня в Грузии.
Целью является улучшение взаимодействия между НАТО и странами-партнерами этой военно-политической организации в рамках натовской программы "Партнерство ради мира".
В учениях примут участие 900 военнослужащих, представляющих 19 стран - Албания, Армения, Азербайджан, Босния и Герцеговина, Канада, Хорватия, Чехия, Грузия, Венгрия, Греция, Венгрия, Казахстан, Молдавия, Сербия, Испания, Македония, Турция, ОАЭ, Великобритания и США.
. Учения продлятся месяц и пройдут в два этапа. Планируется отработка взаимодействия многонациональных сил и совместное выполнение полевых заданий.
Не уверен, но некоторые страны отказались участвовать в учениях.
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