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 Форум —› NATO Scanner —› Американская авиация проведет учения в Эстонии 
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с янв 2007
Сообщений: 448

Дата: 13 Сен 2009 23:40:44 #  

Американские самолеты примут участие в военных учениях в Эстонии. Тренировки по отработке взаимодействия наземных и воздушных сил пройдут в Ляэне-Вируском уезде 14 и 15 сентября.
Как сообщил Главный штаб Сил обороны Эстонии, завтра в Таллин прибудут истребители F-15E ВВС США, базирующиеся в Великобритании — в городе Лейкенхит. Руководить действиями натовской авиации будет штаб в Рамштайне (Германия). При участии ВВС США будет отработана координация огневой поддержки с воздуха во время тактических наземных операций. С эстонской стороны в учениях примут участие подразделение Скаутского батальона, которое вскоре отправится в Афганистан, и операторы огневой поддержки ПВО Эстонии.

оригинал тут: http://news.mail.ru/politics/2893431/

Какие частоты мониторим?
с янв 2006
Сообщений: 24981

Дата: 14 Сен 2009 00:11:58 #  

Какие частоты мониторим?
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Частоты Таллинского аэропорта. (Должны с ним отработать). А вообще американские авиа вояки работают в UHF диапазоне. И шаг может быть 8,33 КГц.
с янв 2007
Из России
Сообщений: 2272

Дата: 14 Сен 2009 01:03:20 #  

Ну начните с частот АВАКС-НАТО. Уж завтра его точно ждите.
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с янв 2007
Сообщений: 448

Дата: 14 Сен 2009 10:52:08 #  

Частоты Таллинского аэропорта.
Далековато они от меня :(
Будем мониторить КВ.
с апр 2007
Сообщений: 3137

Дата: 14 Сен 2009 15:39:57 #  

довольно устрашающая фабула учений, ... координация огневой поддержки с воздуха во время тактических наземных операций... нет бы с антитерроризЪмом боролись, по старинки то... но что изменилось и в нехорошую сторону
с сен 2006
Жуковский (ko95bo), RN3DAS
Сообщений: 2986

Дата: 14 Сен 2009 16:26:20 #  

довольно устрашающая фабула учений
Дык готовят к отправке в Афганистан батальон эстонских вооружённых сил. На учениях будут готовить эстонских авиа-корректировщиков.
Red Crown
с июл 2009
Обратная сторона Луны
Сообщений: 586

Дата: 15 Сен 2009 01:05:15 #  

Вот что было:
TALLINN, September 14 - U.S. F-15E Strike Eagle fighter jets will take part in two-stage military exercises in Estonia and Lithuania aimed at improving interoperability and combat readiness of NATO forces in the Baltic region.
The aircraft from the 494th Fighter Squadron based at the Royal Air Force base in Lakenheath (U.K.), will leave their base on Monday and land in Tallinn to later join the Estonian Scouts battalion and air defense personnel in drills to practice tactical air support for ground troops. Operational control of the exercise will be carried out by NATO Air Force Headquarters at the Ramstein air base in Germany. During the second stage of the exercises on September 22, the F-15s will participate in joint drills with the Lithuanian air defense battalion, which is located in the Radviliskis district.

А вот что ожидается:
In September Allied Air Component Command Headquarters Ramstein (Germany) will hold Baltic Region Training Event IV (BRTE IV) for military air assets in the Baltic airspace. The event will take place in two phases: part Alpha from September 14 to 15 in Estonia and part Bravo on September 22 above Lithuania and Latvia.

The first part BRTE IV-A of the exercise will be linked with Close Air Support Forward Air Controller exercise taking place in Estonia, the phase will employ the US Air Force F-15E „Strike Eagle" fighters that will come from RAF Lakenheath and land at Tallinn International Airport. The training is aimed at enhancing interoperability between services of armed forces: crews of air force assets and forward air controllers of land force. F-15E „Strike Eagle" fighters will be guided from the Baltic Command and Reporting Centre in Karm?lava and Control and Reporting Post in Amari (Estonia).

During the BRTE IV-B part on 22 September eight NATO fighters will cross Lithuanian and Latvian airspace as part of NATO „Bold Avenger 2009" exercise held in Estonia on September 14-25. Upon entering Lithuanian airspace NATO air assets will be intercepted by "Eurofighter EF2000" of German Air Contingent fulfilling Baltic Air-policing mission since September tasked with rebuffing a fictitious air attack during the exercise. "Eurofighter EF2000" jets will only fly out of and back to their home bases in this part of the event. The main task of training is to improve NATO airspace surveillance and control and air-policing assets and to create an opportunity for aircrews to familiarise with specificity of the regional airspace. During the exercise participating assets will receive guidance from the Baltic Control and Reporting Centre, Karm?lava.

NATO Allied Air Component Command Headquarters Ramstein plans and conducts BRTEs to enhance command and control of NATO airspace surveillance and control, air policing and other air assets in the Baltic region. The programme is designated to assist Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania and neighbouring NATO members in improving interoperability and integration of air assets according to NATO standards in force as well as to demonstrate the Alliance's solidarity with the Baltic States. Launched as rehearsal for the NATO Baltic -Air-policing mission, the events have now turned into a wide-spectrum exercise training air assets to conduct various aspects of air operations.

BRTE IV is the fourth NATO air training event of such character hosted by the Baltic region. The first exercise was held in October 2008, the second - in April 2009, the third - in July 2009. Previous exercises focused on improving means of securing sovereignty of the Baltic airspace as reflected in their former name Baltic Air Sovereignty Training Event (BASTE). The exercise was renamed into Baltic Region Training Event, BRTE, to highlight broader tasks of the third event.

In the future NATO plans to conduct such type of training on a regular basis during rotations of every air contingent deployed on the Air-policing mission.
NATO Baltic Air-policing mission was launched in 2004 when Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia joined the Alliance. During five years of cooperation 13 allies -Belgium, Denmark, Spain, the UK, the USA, Poland, the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, France, Romania, Turkey, and Germany - have deployed their air assets to guard Baltic airspace. Belgium, Norway, and Poland have been in charge of the mission twice, German Air Contingent currently deployed in ?iauliai is the third Germany's contribution to the safety of the Baltic air.

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