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 Форум —› Любительская радиосвязь —› Помоги ответить на вопросы 
Автор Сообщение
Дата: 14 Июл 2010 23:51:28 #  

Добрый день!
Начитался тут форума, решил сам послушать эфир, но к сожалению в радио тематике ничего не понимаю, хотел послушать тут http://www.hamsphere.com, они просят ответить на вопросы, я там ничего не понимаю. помогите пожалуйста. Спасибо

What does RST mean in a signal report?
Recovery, signal strength, tempo
Recovery, signal speed, tone
Readability, signal speed, tempo
Readability, signal strength, tone

What would you understand if you heard "QRL"?
Your signal is Loud
Is this Frequency busy
Low Signal is received
None of the above

What is the "Q" signal used to indicate that you are changing frequency?

What does the term ZULU refer to?
Greenwich Mean TIME
All of the above

HamSphere has no Music allowed on HamBands?
There is music on HamBands
Only band that allows to have music is the BC Band (Broadcast)
Only Special event station can play music
No music what so ever anywhere on HamSphere

HamSphere has a band plan for specific Calling frequencies?
Only on 40 meters
On all bands
Only on 50.140 MHz

HamSphere Users should perform CW operation on the lower 30 kHz each band?
This is a normal Band Plan on Ham radio
This is a Gentleman's Agreement
Common courtesy to others. Less interference between various transmitted mode signals
All of the Above

What is DSB modulation?
A transmission with no sidebands
A transmission with two sidebands
A Transmission with one sideband
FM Modulation

HamSphere has an over modulation warning built in, why?
To avoid splatter
To notify the user about excessive microphone input
System will disconnect user after repeated warnings
All of the above.

A transceiver has an S-meter. What does dB stand for?
Miniature electrical connector
A logarithmic unit of measurement
The dataBase
None of the above

HamSphere CW operation setup commands are?
/users, /users all
/speed, /offset
F11, F12
VFO/MR button

CW operation techniques using memories for what purpose?
Memories range F1-F8 Hold Important / common Frequencies
Capture / record CW QSO with a DX station
To store User Information such as My Name is, My QTH is, My hobbies are etc.
To store Speed / tone and offset settings
с сен 2007
Сообщений: 8305

Дата: 15 Июл 2010 00:34:54 #  

http://websdr.ewi.utwente.nl:8901/ Тут регистрироваться не надо.
Вообще тема про инет-приёмники есть: Виртуальный приёмник
с сен 2005
Москва, Троицк :: 50TT002
Сообщений: 348

Дата: 15 Июл 2010 11:13:32 · Поправил: EchoLink (15 Июл 2010 11:14:38) #  

HamsPhere только для радиолюбителей (я так думаю). Если не понимаешь, то дорога сюда:

или найди тут на форуме FRN клиент - для общения через И-нет. Там тебе многое расскажут!

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