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 Форум —› Авиационный диапазон —› Aviation Project 
Автор Сообщение
с окт 2008
Сообщений: 9

Дата: 22 Ноя 2010 02:02:40 #  

Hello Folks,

I'm looking for some volunteers for an Aviation Project.

The content - and areas of interest -

* Charts and Navigation, Great circle routes, cross polar flights
* Air Traffic Control
* Airspace Status
* HF Radio Listening, selcals
* SBS / Radar hobby, Aircraft and Flight tracking, Mode S
* Oceanic Flights
* Developments in real world Aircraft navigation
* AIC, AIS, Notam information

I'm starting a forum for this, and the intention is to get a select group of people together that find this kind of thing interesting, and ultimately work on some related projects that may be of use in the industry - on the operational side.

This is a non-remunerated post - interest only - this is not a job posting!!

Sounds interesting? Send me an email - atfm.project@gmail.com


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