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Дата: 09 Авг 2019 15:02:39
Hi , is there any way to communucate between this to radios ?
thanks in advance
Дата: 09 Авг 2019 15:30:52
Hi. Can you take a photo of gp280? General view and back side of the radio with model number?
So, you need to know the operating frequency and subcarrier of your GP280 then you can connect your radios
Реклама Google
Дата: 09 Авг 2019 16:10:15
hi thanks for reply and sorry for mistake it is motorola gp 340
here are the photoes
Дата: 09 Авг 2019 16:22:24
You have a model MDH25RDC9AN3AE which means that the frequency range of the radio station is from 400 to 470 MHz. You can run the scanner on baofeng and get the result, but it will take a very long time. Or you can connect the radio station to a computer and, using special software and a programming cable, read the parameters of the radio station, where you can find the frequency.
How to run the scanner on baofeng - please read the instructions.
Дата: 09 Авг 2019 16:36:01
Hi thanks for fast reply I tried to scan lower frequencies but no result I try 400 to 470 MHz.
Tried to find something like chirp file with motorola frequencies but no luck.
thanks for effort
Дата: 10 Авг 2019 08:27:18
На Baofeng перебирайте частоты. Диапазон частот вам дали. Сетка скорее всего 0,25 МГц. За час может управитесь.
Дата: 10 Авг 2019 19:38:11
Пишите по-русски. И не Гроатиа (транскрипция) а Хорватия!
Дата: 10 Авг 2019 19:38:35
Дата: 10 Авг 2019 20:05:57
I would like to write in Russian if I can :-)
Дата: 11 Авг 2019 10:47:19
Дата: 11 Авг 2019 14:42:55