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 Форум —› Программное обеспечение —› Каталогизатор и плеер аудиозаписей со сканеров Uniden 
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с янв 2016
Сообщений: 209

Дата: 03 Сен 2019 18:34:24 #  

Написал программу для удобства харнения и обработки сохраннёных записей от сканеров Uniden 436/536HP SDS100 и SDS200.
Программа пока в beta версии.

Тестировалась на Win 10 и framework 4.6.1
ссылка на скачивание тут: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1xHlOeKi-M7EPOthaRjnPz6Wp15mP5GPz/view?usp=sharing
в принципе программа имеет интуитивно понятный интерфейс. Если всё же возниколи вопросы, то пишите. Постараюсь ответить.
Небольшое описание на инглише делал для сайта RR:

First of all. This is not official Uniden software, but created to work with uniden 436/536HP SDS100/200 scanners wav files.

My software can help you to:
Search wav files by different criteria(file name, scan mode, frequency, favotite name, system name, department name, channel name, TGID, UID).
Sort wav files by duration, frequency, tgid number etc.
Play one by one or play only selected file.
generate from filtered wav files list csv file.(if you want to work with filtered catalog in Excel)
generate from filtered wav files list m3u playlist.(if you want to listen filtered files in other player)
copy filtered files in other directory.(to put together files from different catalogs but with one frequency fo example)

How it works:
1.Press "Open directory" button to select directory with uniden wav files.
2.Press "Read files" button to read files. This proccess may take several minutes. Time depend from files quantity. Program works with little "magic". if you run program first time file reading process will be more longer then secondand subsequent programs run. This magic in PC caсhe. Second and subsequent launches read info from caсhe thats why it takes less time.

after step 2 you can sort, filter, listen your files.

How work filter:
You write expression in text boxes and press "Apply filter" button.
to reset filter press "Reset filter" button. search case insensitive.

Supported Scan modes:
Normal scan mode
Search mode
Search with scan mode
Close call
NOT Support wav files from "Discovery mode" because some info stored separetaly in log files.

Тут многие пишут эфир, думаю програ покажется вам полезной.
Если есть глюки или пожелание по доработке напишите мне.

Ветка на RR: https://forums.radioreference.com/threads/uniden-wav-files-player-and-organizer.393944/

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