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 Форум —› NATO Scanner —› Дела прошедших лет - частота 6684.5 кГц - Война в Ираке 2003 год. 
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Модератор раздела
с фев 2007
Сообщений: 7779

Дата: 30 Окт 2020 21:13:32 #  

Тема появилась благодаря товарищу M_I_R и неизвестному товарищу и конечно же позывному
Black List - Direct Air Support Center - Marine Air Support Squadron 3---29 Palms AGCC, CA
он (позывной) действующий, где-нибудь появятся и другие.
Я не смог оставить без должного внимания появившиеся у меня данные.

Радиосеть "Контроля, координации и заявок на авиационную поддержку морской пехоты ВМС США"
частота 6684.5 кГц, J3E/USB.
Период времени с 27 марта по 14 апреля 2003 года - война в Ираке

MEDEVAC - Medical Evacuation
CASEVAC - Casualty Evacuation
JTAR - Joint Tactical Air(strike) Request

Black List - Direct Air Support Center - Marine Air Support Squadron 3---29 Palms AGCC, CA
Air piece -
Ice pack -
Bama -
Ben Richard -
Bickering -
Big reach -
Blade -
Blade *BAS -
Black eagle -
Blue diamond - naval command
Blindness -
Boom boom -
Bravo command -
Brawn -
Caiman -
Crazy ouzel-
Dagger -
Darkside -
Darkside man -
Doroson -
Durable -
Dulon -
Edgar -
Enchant -
Fire water -
First teen -
First term -
Geezer -
General -
Green hand -
Grizzly - corps command
Grizzly jump -
Gonza -
Good hope -
Hazel -
Highlander -
Knife -
Menton -
Microphone -
Milky -
Mouth -
MT mobile -
Naktong -
Pay lend -
Pinto -
Poisen arrow -
POTRUM - first marine division
Primer man -
Presley -
Pioneer man -
Red lightning -
Ripper -
Ripper air -
Seam bag -
Silvester -
Sitting bod -
Scaphander -
Skull cap -
Sky chief -
Skippy -
Spark -
Snout -
Tiger -
TMC soud -
Wolf pack -
Young -

Подразделения морской пехоты:
grizzly 101 -
grizzly 109 -
grizzly 116 -
grizzly 113 -
grizzly 104 -
ors 225 -
atan 112 -
anta 116 -
enchant 101 -
enchant 102 -
enchant 110 -
enchant 120 -
enchant 123 -
enchant 125 -
ripper 102 -
ripper 108 -
ripper 101 -
ripper 104 -
ranger 303 -

dagger 85L -
dagger 85B -
MTT 5 -
FTP 9 -
STP 7 -
J3 -

Darkside 4 -
Dunaback 5 -
condor 4 -
tiger 4 -
tiger 8 -
azla 7
Black eagle 03 -
Knife 16 -

ADHO 33 -
ADHO 34 -
Blust 35 - CH-46 Sea Knight
CLANCY 25, 21 -
combo 37 - UH-1W Super Cobra
COSTA 04 -
DADLY 41 - AH-1 Super Cobra
DADLY 43 - AH-1W Super Cobra
DEADLY 01 - AH-1W Super Cobra
Down 95 -
DUSTA 26 - UH-60 Black Hawk
DUSTA 32 - UH-60 Black Hawk
DUSTA 46 - UH-60 Black Hawk
DUSTA 52 - UH-60 Black Hawk
DUSTER 21, 23, 24 - UH-60 Black Hawk
ELIAC 33 -CH-46 Sea Knight
ENRY 17 - UH-1N Iroquois
EVADE 31 - UH-1N Iroquois
FAZER 21, 23 -
FIRZE 31 -
Flash 25
GAMBO 15, 16, 17 -
GOOM 74 - UH-60 Black Hawk
GOTEL 71 -
GRIZZLY 20. 21
GRIZZLY 40, 41 - CH-46 Sea Knight
HAWK 57 - CH-46 Sea Knight
Hazel 15 -
Hazel 33
Hazel 35 -
ILAND 67 - FA-18C Hornet
JIPSY 07 -
KENNY 53 -
LANOD 32 -
Lightning 23 -
LULU 13 - FA-18 Hornet
MATER 27 -
NUTEN 47 -
Opus 22 -
ORINA 43, 37 -
OXEN 55 - CH-46 Sea Knight
PICNIC 68 - Tornado
RANO 32 -
Ranold 35, 41 - AH-1 Super Cobra
RIBLE 25 -
Riplex 33 - AH-1 Super Cobra
Riplex 57 - CH-46 Sea Knight
RODNEY 45 - A-10 Thunderbolt
SALOM 67 -
SKY CAP 43, 44 - UH-60 Black Hawk
SKY CAP 56 - UH-60 Black Hawk
SNOOP 01 - F18C Hornet
Sunk 53 -
TAXY 12, 20, 23 -
TOGA 23 -
VOUCH 33 - F15 Eagle
WAKE 43 -
WAKE 51 -
WAXEN 75 - UH-1W Super Cobra
WOOKIE 17 - Harriers

Обозначение частот:
Модератор раздела
с фев 2007
Сообщений: 7779

Дата: 30 Окт 2020 21:34:48 #  

0546 Black list --- dagger 85L Req J-tar at this time
dagger 85L --- Black list St by
0550 Black list --- Big reach R/C

0551 Black list --- dagger 85L my report
line 1 NA 13817 # 28182
line 2 [---] 11485L
line 3 6B
line 4 A
line 5 A6
line 6 NM
line 7 C
line 8 2A 2D 2V
line 9 D -over-
0552 dagger 85L --- Black list your req MD27 tag A

0556 Enchant --- Black list R/C
0603 Black list --- dagger 85L change line 1 , line 1 NA 13823 # 28169
0605 Black list --- Ripper air R/C
Ripper air --- Black List LC
0611 Black List --- grizzly 101 R/C
grizzly 101 --- Black list weak , barely readable .
0612 Black list --- hazel 15 R/C
hazel 15 --- Black list LC
0614 Black list --- dagger 85L R/C
0620 Black list --- flash 25 R/C
flash 25 --- Black list LC
0634 Black list --- dagger 85L R/C
0634 Enchant --- dagger 85L R/C
0635 Black list --- tiger 4 line 1 [NA 96 321] [---------------]
tiger 4 --- Black list Your req MD27 tag B
0640 Black list --- ors 225 line 1 [--------] ors 225 --- Black list MD27 tag C
0645 Black list --- Pay lend R/C
Pay lend --- Black List LC
0646 atan 112 --- ors 225 R/C
ors 225 --- atan 112 LC
0649 Black list --- Doroson R/C
Doroson --- Black list LC
0653 MTT 5 --- Black list 27 tag C
Black list --- MTT 5 =(nothing hear)=
0704 MTT 5 --- Black list Req number is MD27 tag 9 relay in J-tar
0705 anta 116 --- MTT 5 number MD27 tag 9
0709 Tiger --- Black list Be advise dagger 85L [---]
Black list --- Tiger Rgr
0711 dagger 85L --- Black list data for mission 27 tag A : callsign *DERIVE 33 and 34 ,
flight off 2UH-60 .
0713 Black list --- dagger 85L What time for ETA ?
dagger 85L --- Black list Aircrafts ETA at 5 minutes .
0715 tiger 8 --- Black list R/C (no answered)
0715 Tiger --- Black list R/C (no answered)
0717 Black list --- Pinto R/C
Pinto --- Black list LC
0726 ors 225 --- Black list callsign anta 116[---]
0727 anta 116 --- ors 225 -over-
1650 Ripper --- Sky chief in the Red . (no answered)
1650 Ripper air --- Black list R/C (no answered)
1651 Black list --- Sky chief Interrogative# do you have contact with "Bickering" ?
Sky chief --- Black list Negative .
1652 Bickering --- Sky chief R/C (no answered)
1654 Sky chief --- [----] 102 R/C (no answered)
1655 Pinto --- Ripper -over- (no answered)
1658 Skull cap --- Grizzly R/C (no answered)
1659 Black list --- [----] 102 R/C (no answered)
1703 Any station --- Sky chief R/C
Sky chief --- Black list LC
1710 Black list --- Skull cap R/C
Skull cap --- Black list LC
1711 Black list --- Ripper R/C
1713 Tiger --- Ripper -over-
1714 Any station --- Sky chief R/C
Sky chieff --- Black list LC
1719 Any station --- Bravo command R/C
1720 Any station --- Black list R/C (no answered)
1723 Any station --- Black list R/C (no answered)
1727 Enchant --- Black list R/C (no answered)
1731 Enchant --- Black list R/C (no answered)
1733 Enchant --- Black list R/C (no answered)
1734 Grizzly --- Black list R/C (no answered)
1735 Any station --- Durable R/C
1737 Enchant --- Black list R/C (no answered)
1737 Ripper --- Black list Contact with Enchant .
Black list --- Ripper St by .
1738 Enchant --- Ripper R/C (no answered)
1740 Black list --- Ripper No answer from Enchant .
Ripper --- Black list Rgr , copied .
1740 Grizzly --- Black list R/C (no answered)
1741 First teen --- Black list R/C (no answered)
1742 Black list --- Skull cap R/C
Skull cap --- Black list LC
Black list --- Skull cap rgr .
1746 Grizzly --- Black list R/C
1753 Grizzly --- Black list R/C
Black list --- Grizzly LC
1754 Black list --- grizzly 101 R/C
grizzly 101 --- Black list LC
1755 Pinto --- Ripper R/C (no answered)
1756 Black list --- grizzly 101 I have msg
line 1 NA 0459 3852
line 2 callsign *SPOOL
line 3 A [*tis 132 175]
1759 Black list --- Skull cap R/C
Sckull cap --- Black list LC
1802 grizzly 101 --- Black list Your req is MD27 tag U
1807 Black list --- Skull cap R/C
Skull cap --- Black list LC
Black list --- Skull cap Rgr .
1808 Black list --- grizzly 101 MD27 tag U
1809 Black list --- Grizzly R/C
1813 Black list --- Microphone R/C
Microphone --- Black list LC
Black list --- Microphone LC
1817 Black list --- grizzly 101 Req mission data MD27 tag U .
1817 Black list --- Brawn R/C
Brawn --- Black list LC
1818 Black list --- Ripper Req mission MD27 tag 49
1820 grizzly 101 --- Black list For mission MD27 tag U mission number 1714 , callsign *DERIVE 47 , in route .
Black list --- grizzly 101 Rgr .
1824 Black list --- Ripper Req data for MD27 tag 49
Ripper --- Black list mission 0747 , callsign *CRAVAT 47 .
1825 Wolf pack --- Black list R/C (no answered)
1826 Wolf pack --- Black list R/C (no answered)
1828 Sky chief --- Black list R/C (no answered)
1830 Black list --- Ripper *PU 547 800 , req Green[---]
Ripper --- Black list *PU 547 800 .
1833 Black list --- grizzly 109 R/C
grizzly 109 --- Black list LC
1835 Black list --- grizzly 101 R/C
grizzly 101 --- Black list LC
1840 Any station --- Hazel R/C
Hazel --- Black list LC
1842 dagger --- Black list Mission 0747 eta 20 to 25*m
Black list --- dagger Rgr .
1846 Any station --- Naktong R/C
Naktong --- grizzly 101 LC
1847 Black list --- Naktong R/C
Naktong --- Black list LC
1848 Silvester --- Naktong R/C (no answered)
1849 Silvester --- grizzly 101 R/C (no answered)
1855 Black list --- Skull cap R/C
Skull cap --- Black list LC
1856 dagger --- Black list R/C (no answered)
1857 Ripper --- Black list Change MD27#49 , also relay to Dagger mission 0747 coplieted ,
we have diverging aicraft MD27#47 is for you .
1900 Black list --- enchant 110 R/C
enchant 110 --- Black list LC .
1925 Black list --- Ripper mission 0747, req 27 tag 47
Ripper --- Black list mission o747
1925 Black list --- grizzly 101 R/C
grizzly 101 --- Black list LC
1929 Grizzly --- Black list R/C (no answered)
1929 Highlander --- Black list R/C (no answered)
1930 Any station --- Black list Req contact with Highlander , I have message for him .
1931 Highlander --- grizzly 101 R/C (no answered)
1932 Black list --- grizzly 101 no contact .
grizzly 101 --- Black list Rgr .
1945 Black list --- Ripper R/C
1954 grizzly 116 --- grizzly 101 R/C
1954 Black list --- grizzly 101 grizzly 116 would contact with you.
1955 grizzly 113 --- Black list R/C (no answered)
1958 Any station --- Black list R/C
Black list --- grizzly 101 LC
1959 Ripper --- Black list R/C
2000 Sky chief --- Fire water R/C (no answered)
2000 Ripper --- Black list R/C (no answered)
2003 Sky chief --- Black list R/C (no answered)
2005 Ripper --- Black list MD27 # 49 in route
Black list --- Ripper Roger .
2007 Sky chief --- Fire water R/C (no answered)
2008 Black list --- Skull cap R/C
Skull cap --- Black list LC
2009 MTT 5 --- Black list R/C (no answered)
2010 Black list --- grizzly 109 R/C
grizzly 109 --- Black list LC
2011 Grizzly --- Black list R/C (no answered)
2020 Black list --- Ripper Do you have contact with Darkside ?
2021 Darkside --- Black list R/C (no answered)
2022 Ripper --- Black list Negative contact with Darkside
Black list --- Ripper Rgr
2025 Enchant --- Black list R/C (no answered)
2049 Fire water --- Sky chief Req in the green
Sky chief --- Fire water St by .
2050 Sky chief --- Black list Do you have contact with Enchant ?
Black list --- Sky chief Negative .
2050 Enchant --- Black list R/C (no answered)
2051 Black list --- grizzly 101 Line 1 NA 053354 # [0536] [-----------------]
Grizzly 101 --- Black list Req mission is MD27 tag 73
2118 Black list --- grizzly 101 R/C
2131 Any station --- Sky chief R/C
Sky chief --- Skull cap LC
Skull cap --- Sky chief
Модератор раздела
с фев 2007
Сообщений: 7779

Дата: 30 Окт 2020 21:37:26 #  

133 grizzly 104 --- grizzly 101 R/C (no answered)
2139 Black list --- grizzly 101 Req mission 27 tag 73
grizzly 101 --- Black list [---------------]
2140 Sky chief --- Black list R/C (no answered)
2142 Sky chief --- Black list R/C (no answered)
2142 Enchant --- Black list R/C (no answered)
2145 Black list --- Sky chief R/C
Sky chief --- Black list Do you have com with Enchant ?
Black list --- Sky chief St by .
2145 Enchant --- Sky chief R/C (no answered)
2146 Black list --- Sky chief No joint to Enchant .
Sky chief --- Black list Roger .
2150 Black list --- grizzly 101 Req number 27 tag 73
grizzly 101 --- Black list No traffic for you at this time .
2155 Grizzly 101 --- Black list Mission MD 27 tag 73 mission number 6405 , callsign YOGI 05 , type aircrafts 2A-10 .
Black list --- grizzly 101 Roger .
2205 Black list --- Skull cap R/C
Skull cap --- Black list LC .
Модератор раздела
с фев 2007
Сообщений: 7779

Дата: 30 Окт 2020 21:49:40 #  

0540 Black list --- Sky chief Req status MD27 tag 89
Sky chief --- Black list 27 tag 89 is completed Req call to Enchant .
0542 Black list --- Sky chief Presently contact with Enchant
0544 Enchant --- Black list R/C (no answered)
0553 Black list --- Sky chief Req on tag A on radio check .
0606 Black list --- Ripper R/C
Ripper --- Black list LC
0607 All station --- Sky chief R/C
Sky chief --- Black list LC
0612 Station calling --- Sky chief Say again , you are weak and unreadable .
0630 Black list --- Sky chief R/C
Sky chief --- Black list LC
1323 Ripper --- Black list R/C
Black list --- Ripper LC
1432 Any station --- Black list R/C
Black list --- [ripper] 102 LC
1451 grizzly 101 --- Black list R/C (no answered)
1500 Black list --- ripper 102 R/C
ripper 102 --- Black list LC
Black list --- ripper 102 Do you have com with ripper 108 ?
ripper 102 --- Black list Rgr , st by .
1501 ripper 108 --- Black list R/C
Black list --- ripper 108 LC
1511 Black list --- ripper 101 R/C
ripper 101 --- Black list LC
1515 Black list --- Edgar R/C (no answered)
1515 Any station --- Edgar R/C
Edgar --- Black eagle 03 Have you LC
Black eagle 03 --- Beggar Roger . Out .
1516 Black list --- Sky chief R/C (no answered)
1517 Any station --- Sky chief R/C
Sky chief --- ripper 102 LC
1521 Black list --- Sky chief R/C
Sky chief --- Black list LC
1524 Sky chief --- Black list What is a type aircraft of blust 35 ?
Black list --- Sky chief St by .
1535 Black list --- Edgar R/C (no answered)
1535 Any station --- Edgar R/C
Edgar --- grizzly 101 LC
1526 Black list --- grizzly 101 R/C (no answered)
1528 Sky chief --- Black list Do you have type aircraft of blust 35 ?
Black list --- Sky chief St by .
1530 Black list --- Edgar R/C
Station calling --- Black list Very weak .
1531 Black list --- Naktong R/C
Naktong --- Black list LC
1535 Black list --- Sky chief Be advise opus 22 is emergency on route .
1535 Black list --- grizzly 101 R/C
grizzly 101 --- Black list Very weak .
1537 ripper 108 --- ripper 102 R/C (no answered)
1537 Black list --- Sky chief Blust 35 is *CH-46
1540 Black list --- Sky chief Req on 308.1 for r/c .
1541 Black list --- Naktong R/C
Naktong --- Black list LC
1542 Black list --- Sky chief Req your GREEN .
Sky chief --- Black list We roll at this time .
1544 Juggins --- Easer R/C (no answered)
1545 Black list --- Sky chief R/C
Sky chief --- Black list We still working in the green
1547 Sky chief --- Black list in the RED (no answered)
1549 Juggins --- Easer R/C (no answered)
1550 Sky chief --- Black list in RED (no answered)
1553 Sky chief --- Black list We can'not joint in the GREEN , stay on the RED
Black list --- Sky chief Rgr .
1559 ripper 108 --- ripper 102 R/C (no answered)
1602 Black list --- ripper 102 Req relay msg and contact with ripper 108 : Null execute point 26 , nothing . [-----]
ripper 102 --- Black list St by .
1606 Black list --- Sky chief Req your green at this time
1608 Sky chief --- Black list I asked , is 28 tag 2 completed ?
1612 Black list --- Sky chief R/C
1615 Black list --- Naktong R/C
Naktong --- Black list LC
1617 Black list --- Sky chief Say number for helicopter , I need location .
1618 ripper 108 --- ripper 102 R/C (no answered)
1621 Sky chief --- Black list We have not location
Black list --- Sky chief Be advise *PILLSNER .
1624 Sky chief --- Black list R/C
1630 Sky chief --- Black list We return [---] to route traffic .
Black list --- Sky chief We'll relay information . Say , Is 28 tag 2 completed ?
1635 Sky chief --- Black list R/C (no answered)
1636 ripper 108 --- ripper 102 R/C
1638 Sky chief --- Black list Disregard check 28 tag 2
Black list --- Sky chief Rgr
1641 ripper 108 --- Black list R/C (no answered)
1643 Black list --- ripper 102 Com with ripper 108 ?
ripper 102 --- Black list Negative .
1649 ripper 108 --- ripper 102 R/C (no answered)
1650 ripper 108 --- Black list R/C (no answered)
1703 ripper 108 --- ripper 102 R/C (no answered)
1704 ripper 108 --- Black list R/C (no answered)
1708 Grizzly --- Ripper R/C
1709 Any station --- Grizzly R/C
Grizzly --- Edgar call back 85AU to open
1712 Black list --- Sky chief aroud 17 req escort for convoy
Sky chief --- Black list Copied all .
1717 Sky chief --- Black list We are working for escort to convoy at this time .
Black list --- Sky chief rgr
1718 Black list --- Sky chief Req information about army border .
1720 Sky chief --- Black list I have grand grids for you . Disregard .
1724 Black list --- grizzly 101 R/C
1726 Any station --- grizzly 101 R/C
1728 Black list --- Sky chief R/C
Sky chief --- Black list Very weak
1730 Black list --- ripper 102 R/C
ripper 102 --- Black list LC
1742 Black list --- Air piece R/C
Air piece --- Black list Weak , but readable .
1743 Grizzly --- Black list R/C (no answered)
1744 Black list --- Air piece We are closed at 0600L , req relay information to Sky chief and Ice pack .
1748 Sky chief --- Black list R/C (no answered)
1749 Air piece --- Black list R/C (no answered)
1753 ripper 108 --- ripper 102 R/C (no answered)
1754 Black list --- ripper 102 R/C (no answered)
1758 Air piece --- Black list R/C (no answered)
1800 Sky chief --- Black list R/C (no answered)
1817 Black list --- grizzly 101 R/C (no answered)
1825 ripper 108 --- ripper 102 R/C (no answered)
1826 Any station --- enchant 110 R/C (no answered)
1827 Black list --- Dagger R/C
dagger --- Black list LC
1856 Black list --- Skull cap R/C
Skull cap --- Black list LC
1900 ripper 108 --- ripper 102 R/C (no answered)
1908 Black list --- grizzly 101 R/C
grizzly 101 --- Black list LC
1932 Black list --- [grizzly] 116 R/C
Station calling --- Black list Very weak .
1935 Black list --- Fire water R/C
Fire water --- Black list LC
1937 Black list --- Fire water R/C
Fire water --- Black list LC
1950 Any station --- Darkside man R/C
Darkside man --- Black list LC
1953 Any station --- Darkside man R/C
Darkside man --- Black list LC
1954 Any station --- Darkside man R/C
Darkside man --- Ripper LC
1955 Black list --- Darkside man R/C
Darkside man --- Black list LC
2008 Black list --- Skull cap R/C
Skull cap --- Black list LC
2025 Any station --- enchant 110 R/C (no answered)
2039 Black list --- grizzly 109 R/C
grizzly 109 --- Black list LC
2040 Enchant --- Black list R/C (no answered)
2103 Black list --- ripper 102 R/C
ripper 102 --- Black list LC
2133 ripper 108 --- Black list R/C (no answered)
2139 Any station --- Black list R/C
Black list --- grizzly 101 LC
с апр 2008
Сообщений: 1562

Дата: 30 Окт 2020 22:24:16 #  

Слыхали мы там и поинтереснее...
Модератор раздела
с фев 2007
Сообщений: 7779

Дата: 30 Окт 2020 22:42:41 #  

А привязки остались к позывным? Записи есть? И подробнее про поинтереснее ... что там было?
Модератор раздела
с фев 2007
Сообщений: 7779

Дата: 31 Окт 2020 15:54:19 #  

0637 ripper 102 --- Black list R/C (no answered)
0640 Black list --- Skull cap R/C
Skull cap --- Black list LC
0642 Black list --- Ripper R/C (no answered)
0642 Black list --- Pinto Req navigate mission number 28 tag 33
Pinto --- Black list St by , we'll checking .
0645 Pinto --- Black list Be advise , 28 tag 33 be incite , no aircraft now , please , st by .
Black list --- Pinto Roger
0650 Black list --- Rugger R/C
Rugger --- Black list LC
0655 Black list --- grizzly 101 R/C (no answered)
0655 Any station --- grizzly 101 R/C
grizzly 101 --- Black list LC
Black list --- grizzly 101 the same . Out .

0703 Black list --- ripper 102 Lines for *ADHO 33
line 1 NA 231214 NA 208208 NA 197202
line 4 NA 230210 - NA 220230 and NA 165210 - NA 140213 #
line 5 time 1430z 29 march to 1530z 29 march
line 6 d
line 7 callsign *GEEZER *VD 207214
ripper 102 --- Black list For your request mission MD29 tag 1 Do you can check contact on DAS2 on UHF ? Is he working in the net ?
0707 Black list --- ripper 102 Also req number for line 5 1830z 30 march to 1930z 30march
ripper 102 --- Black list Your mission is 29 tag 3

0720 Any station --- Ripper ATC R/C
Ripper ATC --- Black list LC
Black list --- Ripper ATC rgr . out .
0726 Any station --- Ripper R/C
Ripper --- Black list LC
Black list --- Ripper rgr . out .
0734 Black list --- ripper 102 R/C (no answered)
0735 Black list --- grizzly 101 R/C (no answered)
0735 ripper 102 --- Black list R/C
Black list --- ripper 102 Req mission number [----] A command .
0738 Enchant 110 --- Skull cap I have you LC
Skull cap --- enchant 110 =(nothing hear)=
0740 Black list --- Skull cap Be advise , enchant 110 willcontact with you on HF .
Skull cap --- Black list rgr . No at this time .
0756 Any station --- Ben Richard R/C
Ben Richard --- Black list LC
Black list --- Ben Richard LC . Do you com with Meanly joy ?
0756 Black list --- Pinto Contact with Ripper for information ripper 102 .
Pinto --- Black list St by .
0757 Ripper --- Black list What time arrival ripper 102 ?
Black list --- Ripper ripper 102 arriving about 10 minutes , contact on this net .
0758 Pinto --- Black list ripper 102 is arriving about 10 minutes , contact with me on this net .
0802 ripper 102 --- Black list Pinto is going to you . Req you number area for check , go ahead for me with any information .
Black list --- ripper 102 Callsign is ADHO 34 [GNZ] 875550 =(nothing hear)=
0803 Black list --- grizzly 101 R/C
grizzly 101 --- Black list LC
Black list --- grizzly 101 the same . out .
0809 Black list --- Darkside man R/C
Darkside man --- Black list I don't hear your callsign .
0811 Black list --- ripper 102 R/C
0812 Black list --- ripper 101 R/C
ripper 101 --- Black list LC
Black list --- Ripper 101 rgr , the same .
0813 ripper 101 --- ripper 102 Do you com ADHO 34 ?
ripper 102 --- ripper101 We hold ADHO 34 and [----]
0814 Pinto --- ripper 101 What time is for me , and where are you now ?
ripper 101 --- Pinto [----] time 0430z at 075E
Pinto --- ripper101 Be advise , Enchant is hearing you [---]
0817 Pinto --- Darkside man R/C =(nothing hear)=
0820 Easer --- Darkside man R/C
Darkside man --- Easer St by .
0821 Darkside man --- Ripper R/C
Ripper --- Darkside man LC
Darkside man --- Ripper rgr , out .
0823 Darkside man --- Ripper I need grid for you , mission 0743 # combo 43is going on *SILVER
0824 Black list --- enchant 102 R/C
enchant 102 --- Black list LC
Black list --- enchant 102 rgr , out .
0826 Darkside --- Ripper eta 5M going on altitude .
0829 Black list --- Sky chief R/C
Sky chief --- Black list LC
Black list --- Sky chief the same , out .
0831 Pinto --- Muggy [---] try on silver
Muggy --- Pinto =(nothing hear)=
0832 Any station --- Ripper ATC R/C
Ripper ATC --- Black list LC
0834 Pinto --- Muggy Do you contact UH1 on DAS2 ?
Muggy --- Pinto =(nothing hear)=
0836 Ripper --- Black list R/C (no answered)
0837 Darkside --- Black list R/C (no answered)
0838 Pinto --- Ripper R/C
0839 Ripper --- Darkside man R/C
Darkside man --- Ripper LC
Ripper --- Darkside man rgr , out .
0840 Pinto --- Muggy division [---] 481 #combo is ready about 1 minutes
0841 Darkside --- Ripper I need [---] grid .
Ripper --- Darkside St by .
0844 Any station -- Sky chief R/C
Sky chief --- grizzly 101 LC
grizzly 101 --- Sky chief rgr , out .
0846 Ripper --- Darkside man R/C
0853 Pinto --- Muggy Is UH1 checking now ?
Muggy --- Pinto =(nothing hear)=
Pinto --- Muggy rgr , good luck !
0857 Black list --- Sky chief R/C
Sky chief --- Black list LC
0900 Black list --- Ripper R/C
Ripper --- Black list LC
Black list --- Ripper rgr .
0901 Black list --- Pinto R/C
Pinto --- Black list LC
0903 rippes 102 --- Black list Information from marienes contact *J1 and *G1 on number 3221 tag 110 , contact *J1 .
0905 Pinto --- Muggy position ARCP1 is NA 955339 Enchant on Silver .
0906 Pinto --- Ripper R/C (no answrede)
0906 Black list --- Sky chief R/C (no answered)
0907 Pinto --- Ripper R/C
0908 Black list --- Sky chief R/C
Sky chief --- Black list LC
0909 Pinto --- Ripper Be advise , 2000 meters going towards
0909 Pinto --- Muggy position 955339 for refuel with leading to you
0911 Black list --- Sky chief in route R/C
Sky chief --- Black list LC
Black list --- Sky chief very weak # no support on Black list .
0913 Pinto --- Muggy Check refuel on ARCP1 to extend if route is well

0914 Ripper --- Darkside man
line A 12 to 54z
line B *NA
line C 1A
line D *D
line E *L
line F *E
line G *A
line H *A
line I *D how copy ?
Darkside mam --- Ripper I need callsign and radio frequency .I need confirm , that location is well .
0921 Ripper --- Darkside man 140464 , freq 504 , callsign [Black 7]
0922 Black list --- Sky chief Req now on air support .
Sky chief --- Black list St by .
0924 Ripper --- Darkside change line E [go to D]
0924 Black list --- Sky chief We are in support . Thank you
Sky chief --- Black list rgr .
0925 Pinto --- Ripper ATC R/C
Ripper --- Pinto =(nothing hear)=
0930 Ripper --- Black list Change line 7 A to C white smoke
black list --- Ripper rgr .
0930 Black list --- Ripper R/C
0931 Black list --- Sky chief R/C
Sky chief --- Black list LC
Black list --- Sky chief Very weak .
0933 Ripper ATC --- Black list Do you can give me location ?
Black list --- Ripper Grid 140464NA , NA140464 .
Ripper --- Black list Thank you .
0935 Enchant --- Skull cap R/C (no answered)
0936 Black list --- Skull cap R/C (no answered)
0936 Darkside --- General R/C (no answered)
0936 Pinto --- Ripper ATC R/C (no answered)
0937 Ripper --- General Pinto and Darkside in route now .
General -- Ripper Do you have enemy fire ?
Ripper --- General The fire is stably .
0940 Ripper --- General Enemy fire !!! And we need fire for Darkside and Pinto
0941 Ripper --- General I need callsign aircrafts .
General --- Ripper Callsign DUSTER 35 on SILVER .
Ripper --- General rgr .
0942 Pinto --- General
Callsign duster 35 on silver .
0942 General --- Ripper Change to PEWTER .
Ripper --- General rgr .
0943 Pinto --- General [-----------]
0944 Black list --- Sky chief R/C
0945 Sky chief --- Black list R/C
0946 Any station --- Ripper R/C
Ripper --- Black list LC
0947 Black list --- Skull cap R/C
Skull cap --- Black list LC
Black list --- Skull cap rgr , out .
0948 Pinto --- Ripper ATC Copied all [ on the ground ]
Ripper ATC --- Pinto =(nothing hear)=
0949 General --- Ripper [spar] report on *J
0949 Darkside --- General Ripper need your report .
0951 Ripper --- General Looking eta for aircrafts
General --- Ripper In the route
0952 Darkside --- General [---------------]
0954 Black list --- Sky chief R/C
Sky chief --- Black list What is with your support ? (no answered)
0958 General --- Ripper R/C
0958 Pinto --- General (nothing hear)
0958 Darkside --- General (nothing hear)
1002 Ripper --- General Location for Darkside is NA 124465
General --- Ripper [----------]
1009 Black list --- Ripper Do you read Darkside ?
Ripper --- Black list Negative .
1009 Darkside --- Black list R/C (no answered)
1010 Black list --- General R/C
1016 Black list --- Sky chief R/C
Sky chief --- Black list LC
Black list --- Sky chief Weak .
1019 Ripper --- General =(nothing hear)=
1020 Any station --- Black list R/C
1021 General --- Ripper going to refuel and after call you back .
Ripper --- General call you after refuel
Модератор раздела
с фев 2007
Сообщений: 7779

Дата: 31 Окт 2020 15:55:35 #  

1022 General --- Ripper For Darkside NA 201462 , several bring to east , for Darkside time 0715
Ripper --- General We'll relay .
1024 General --- Ripper I'll call you after refuel .
Ripper --- General rgr .
1025 Ripper --- General [-----] all returning .
General --- Ripper Rgr , all returning .
1026 Enchant --- Skull cap R/C
1029 Pinto --- Ripper I need your report .
Ripper --- Pinto (nothing hear)
1041 Pinto --- Ripper R/C (no answered)
1041 General --- Ripper R/C (no answered)
1041 Any station --- Ripper R/C (no answered)
1045 Sky chief --- Black list R/C
Black list --- Sky chief LC
Sky chief --- black list LC . out .
1045 Any station --- Ripper R/C
Ripper --- Black list LC
Black list --- Ripper rgr , out .
1047 Pinto --- Ripper No more station today ,station General and Dakside .
Ripper --- Pinto (nothing hear)
1059 General --- Ripper R/C
1059 Darkside --- Ripper R/C
1059 Pinto --- Ripper R/C
1100 Sky chief --- Ripper ATC Relay to Darkside on *UHF enemy position is on NA 264472
Ripper --- Sky chief (nothing hear)
1106 Sky chief --- black list R/C
1108 Sky chief --- Ripper Are you ready to information ? Position enemy NA 264472 .
Ripper --- Sky chief Copied all .
1112 Darkside --- Sky chief Do you reading Ripper .
1114 Naktong --- Black list [-----] is 29C time 0753z .
1115 Darkside --- Ripper R/C
1117 Pinto --- Ripper Go ahead
Ripper --- Pinto =(nothing hear)=
1120 Darkside --- Ripper Say again your information ,but slowly .
1124 Sky chief --- Ripper R/C (no answered)
1125 General --- Ripper R/C (no aswered)
1125 Sky chief --- Ripper Req msg to Darkside NA 234470 12th procedure to brake , please ,contact to Darkside .
Ripper --- Sky chief rgr.
1127 Sky chief --- Ripper Did you copy my last report and report 1 hour ago ?
Ripper --- Sky chief Copied all .
1134 Sky chief --- Ripper [------] Relay msg Pinto
1136 Pinto --- Ripper You have to covered on PEWTER .
Ripper --- Pinto (nothing hear)
Pinto --- Ripper Right now . 2921 .
1139 Sky chief --- Black list R/C (no answered)
1140 Darkside man --- Ripper I have you weak , barely readable . Say your traffic .
1143 Darkside --- Ripper We need your report for ago , report your positon .
1144 Ripper --- General Is Darkside on the line ?
1145 Darkside --- General line 2 tender alternate 54 , say again line 3 and line 8

1149 Ripper --- General msg from Darkside
line 1 NA 221462
line 2 [--------]
line 3 1A
line 4 A
line 5 L
line 6 P
line 7 C
line 8 A
line 9 D How copy?

1151 Black list --- Ripper Did you copy Darkside ?
Ripper --- Black side Negative .
1152 Darkside --- General R/C
1154 Ripper --- General 235 easting enemy battalion .
General --- Ripper Copied 235 easting enemy battalion , 224465 .
1154 Pinto --- General Contact at 60M ago . Do you have traffic ?
1155 General --- Ripper Relay msg to Darkside NA 234471 .
Ripper --- General Copied all .
1156 Darkside --- General msg for you NA 234471
1158 General --- Ripper mission is 29 tag D
1212 Darkside --- General Contact at 0649 [236468]
1215 Ripper --- General From Darkside [236468]
1220 General --- Ripper diviate from Darkside
1223 Darkside --- Black list R/C
1223 Ripper --- Black list R/C
Black list --- Ripper LC
1224 Black list --- Black eagle 04 R/C
Black eagle 04 --- Black list LC
Black list --- Black eagle also LC .
1225 Black list --- grizzly 113 R/C , req number [---]
grizzly 113 --- Black list St by .
1225 Black list --- ripper 102 Req mission MD[----]
ripper 102 --- Black list St by .
1226 General --- Ripper Pinto req return to his position for fire on enemy .
1230 Ripper --- General coordinate 463442 .
1233 Ripper --- Black list Do you need 29 tag 1 or 29 tag 3 ?
Black list --- Ripper We need return [adho]34
1239 Black list --- ripper 102 R/C
1242 Black list --- enchant 102 R/C
1242 Brown man --- Black list R/C
1243 Brown man --- Black list R/C
1244 enchant 102 --- Black list to tomorrow 29 tag 3
1245 Brown man --- enchant 102 R/C
1258 Pinto --- Ripper R/C (no answered)
1259 Black list --- grizzly 113 R/C
1302 ripper 102 --- Black list Roger , marines status in thegreen . st by for request number ,1000 meters to the east to [IZ] ,your number 29 tag H , MD29 tag H
1308 Black list --- grizzly 101 [--------------------] line 2 218ABG [--------------------] ine 7 callsign zoula
grizzly 101 --- Black list time is 1030z today , your number MD29 tag 7 .
Black list --- grizzly 101 target location north-east off *T3
1314 Pinto --- Ripper R/C
1402 Black list --- enchant 102 Target is NA 910314 , callsign control now is enchant 120 ,SILVER .
enchant 102 --- Black list MD29 tag 11 for enchant 120 .
1410 Black list --- enchant 102contact point *BLATZ , 128.1 reporting at 1200z , we'd like have 1 sniper on board and ofload 1B tag 1
1426 enchant 102 --- Black list Your request MD29 tag 13
1445 enchant 120 --- Black list R/C
1446 Any station --- Ripper R/C
Ripper --- Black list LC
1446 enchant 120 --- Black list 29 tag 11 at 1230z
1449 Ripper --- Black list R/C
1450 Pinto --- Black list R/C
1451 Ripper --- Black list mission 29 tag 15 ,we need aircraft .
1503 Any station --- Sky chief R/C
Sky chief --- Black list LC
1513 Black list --- Fire water R/C
Fire water --- Black list LC
Black list --- Fire water rgr , out .
1527 Black list --- grizzly 101 R/C
1527 Any station --- grizzly 101 R/C (no answered)
1529 Black list --- enchant 102 Do you can give frequency contact with Sky chief ?
enchant 102 --- Black list Do you like contact on UHF ?
Black list --- enchant 102 Negative , do you have contact with Sky chief on this frequency?
enchant 102 --- Black list Negative .
1541 Enchant --- Black list R/C (no answered)
1544 ripper 102 --- Black list Do you have contact with Enchant ?
1545 Enchant --- Black list R/C (no answered)
1547 Black list --- grizzly 101 Req data for 29 tag 7
grizzly 101 --- Black list mission number 0741 , *CRAVAT 41 , 2 [cobras]
1550 Enchant --- Black list R/C (no answered)
1556 Black list --- grizzly 101 R/C (no answered)
1743 Black list --- grizzly 101 R/C (no answered)
1746 dagger 85L --- Black list R/C
1747 Black list --- TMC soud R/C
1748 Any station --- Black list R/C
1749 Black list --- MT mobile

1750 Black list --- TMC soud
line 1 NV 9002 # 4995
line 2 VHF 159 # callsign *MP42
line 3 A
line 4 A
line 5 L1
line 6 N
line 7 C red smoke
line 8 E
line 9 none

1755 TMC soud --- Black list mission 29 tag J
1818 Boom boom --- Ripper R/C (no answered)
1820 Boom boom --- Hunger R/C (no answered)
1823 Pinto --- Ripper ATC R/C (no answered)
1823 Boom boom --- Ripper ATC R/C (no answered)
1824 Boom boom --- grizzly 101 R/C
1825 Black list --- grizzly 101 R/C
grizzly 101 --- Black list LC
1825 Boom boom --- Black list R/C
1826 Boom boom --- Black list R/C
1827 Black list --- Ripper R/C
Ripper --- Black list
1828 Any station --- TMC soud R/C
TMC soud --- MT mobile LC
MT mobile --- TMC soud rgr , out .
1832 Black list --- Ripper ATC R/C
Ripper ATC --- Black list LC
1840 Boom boom --- Sky chief R/C (no answered)
1841 Sky chief --- Fire water R/C
Fire water --- Sky chief LC
Sky chief --- Fire water the same , req in the green .
Fire water --- Sky chief rgr , st by .
1843 Black list --- grizzly 101 R/C
1844 Sky chief --- Fire water Are you on time ?
Fire water --- Sky chief We are on time . Req in the green at this time .
1954 Wolf pack --- Black list R/C (no answered)
1955 Wolf pack --- Sky chief R/C (no answered)
1959 Wolf pack --- Black list R/C (no answered)
2004 Wolf pack --- Black list R/C
1913 Black list --- grizzly 101 R/C (no answred)
1913 Any station --- Black list R/C
Black list --- Ripper LC
1914 Any station --- grizzly 101 R/C (no answered)

1915 Black list --- TMC soud Req medevac
line 1 NV 900499#
line 2 VHF 159 callsign MP41
line 3 2A
line 4 A
line 5 2L
line 6 N
line 7 E difficult light#
line 8 A
line 9 D
1917 TMC soud --- Black list Your request MD29 tag K

1932 Black list --- TMC soud Req send medevac J after K
TMC soud --- Black list Unable move K before J
1936 Black list --- TMC soud *IP *W require security escort .
TMC soud --- Black list Roger , we send 2 aircrafts , 2 birds .
1945 Any station --- General R/C
General --- Fire water LC
Fire water --- General The same , out .
2237 Black list --- Sky chief R/C
Sky chief --- Black list LC
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с фев 2007
Сообщений: 7779

Дата: 31 Окт 2020 15:59:02 #  

2238 Sky chief --- Black list Do you have 29 tag 33 and 29 tag 35 ?
Black list --- Sky chief Negative .
2241 Sky chief --- Black list for 29 # 33
line 3 N 4050
line 4 NA 010480
line 7 callsign *stingers ,ARCP5 , freq GOLD control point NA 106311 , mission 7475E and 0737 , *WAXEN 75 and combo 37 is 2UH-1W ;
for 29 tag 31
line 1 *DEVO
line 2 immediately
line 4 regal field NA 4096
line 7 callsign *DEVO , freq Silver
line 8 2 kilometres north off Regal field Req 1 cobra will be on station at 15-20 minutes .
2250 Black list --- Sky chief for 29 # 31 we have 1 cobra , mission number *M0704 # *COSTA 04
Sky chief --- Black list Roger , copied .
2252 Sky chief --- Black list What is type aircraft for M0704 ?
Black list --- Sky chief Type aircraft is 1UH-1W .
2255 Black list --- Sky chief Req launch MATER 27 , req support mission M1127 for MD 29 tag 8 # and TF 29 tag 4 ,[ 2CH-53 ].
2257 Sky chief --- Black list [-------------]
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с фев 2007
Сообщений: 7779

Дата: 31 Окт 2020 16:08:30 #  

0517 Sky chief --- Black list Req open killboxes [of] marines
Black list --- Sky chief open killboxes
89AT ;
89AU ;
89AV keeped 4,7,8 and 9 ;
88AT keeped 2,3,5,6,8 and 9 ;
88AV ;
88AU keeped 1,2,3,5,6 and 9 ;
88AW keeped 1,4 and 7 ;
87AW keeped 1,2,3,5,6,8 and 9 ;
87AU ;
87AX keeped 4,5,7,8,9 ;
87AY keeped 7 ;
87AV ;
86AY ;
86AX ;
86AZ keeped 4,7 and 8 ;
86AU keeped 1,2,3 and 6 ;
85AY keeped 1,2,3,4 and 5 ;
85AX keeped 3,6,7,8 and 9 ;
8[5]AW keeped 2,3,4,5,6,8 and 9;
85AZ keeped 1,2,4,5,7,8 ;
84AY keeped with killboxes ;
84AZ keeped 1,2,4,5,7 and 8 ;
83AU keeped 4,5,6,7,8 and 9 ;
83AZ keeped 2,3 and 6 ;
83AX keeped 1,2 and 3 ;
last 84AX keeped 1,2,4,5,6,7,8 and 9 ;
killboxes cue back , keeper safe .
0518 Black list --- Sky chief Req MD29 tag 10
Sky chief --- Black list Req contact on *DAS2 , st by for R/C
0522 Black list --- Sky chief No contact on DAS2
0525 Black list --- Crazy ouzel Req control point for 29 tag 11
Crazy ouzel --- Black list for MD or TF ?
Black list --- Crazy ouzel for MD 29 tag 11 .
0526 Crazy ouzel --- Sky chief 29 tag 11 est TF
0526 Black list --- Crazy ouzel Correction for TF 29 tag 11
Crazy ouzel --- Black list St by .
0530 Black list --- Sky chief [------]
0532 Fire water --- Sky chief R/C
0549 Sky chief --- Black list TF 29 tag 11 callsigns *VINO and *PLUM ,control point is 6 kilometers north off poinr *JINKS . Req , what is take off *NAIL 55 ?
Black list --- Sky chief We have not take off .
0621 Any station --- Fire water R/C
Fire water --- Black list LC
black list --- Fire ware the same , out .
1737 Black list --- TMC soud R/C (no answeed)
1740 ripper 102 --- ripper 104 R/C (no answred)
1743 Black list --- TMC soud R/C
TMC soud --- Black list LC
Black list --- TMC soud rgr , out .
1747 Black list --- enchant 110 R/C
enchant 110 --- Black list very weak .
Black list --- enchant 110 rgr , out .
1747 ripper 102 --- Caiman R/C
1748 Black list --- grizzly 109 R/C
1750 Fire water --- Sky chief R/C (no answered)
1753 Fire water --- Sky chief R/C (no answered)
1756 Any station --- Enchant R/C
Enchant --- Ripper LC
Ripper --- Enchant rgr , out .
1759 Young --- 3M3 R/C
1759 Any station --- Black list R/C
Black list --- enchant 110 LC
enchant 110 --- Black list rgr , out .
1800 Young --- E3M R/C
1802 Black list --- Naktong R/C
Naktong --- Black list LC
Black list --- Naktong rgr , out .
1803 ripper 102 --- Young R/C (no answered)
1804 Any station --- Black list R/C
Black list --- Ripper LC
Ripper --- Black list rgr .
1811 ripper 102 --- Young R/C
1812 Ben Richard --- Black list R/C
1813 Young --- 3M3 R/C
1813 Any station --- Ben Richard R/C
Ben richard --- Black list LC
1815 ripper 108 --- Young We hold you om TNC .
1825 Black list --- Ben Richard R/C
Ben Richard --- Black list LC
Black list --- Ben Richard rgr , out .
1826 Black list --- Ben Richard RIPPER 40 CH46 out deck at 1525z
1834 Jop hopper --- ripper 102 Are you call back to com.post ?
ripper 102 --- Jop hopper We are .
1849 Sky chief --- Ben Richard R/C (no answered)
1859 Black list --- grizzly 109 R/C
grizzly 109 --- Black list LC
Black list --- grizzly 109 the same , out .
1925 Black list --- Skull cap R/C
Skull cap --- Black list Very weak .
Black list --- Skull cap Also weak . out .
1937 Black list --- Naktong R/C
Naktong --- Black list I have LC . (no answered)
2226 Black list --- Sky chief R/C
Sky chief --- Black list LC
Black list --- Sky chief Very weak , out .
2257 Black list --- Sky chief R/C (no answered)
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с фев 2007
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Дата: 31 Окт 2020 19:11:08 #  


0620 Any station --- Black list R/C (no answered)
0627 Crazy ouzel --- Sky chief R/C (no answered)
1745 Black list --- Sky chief targer open at 1500z control Ben Richard passing 20 and 23 #[---] point MA914557 .
1753 Black list --- Ben Richard I need covered HF net
Ben Richard --- Black list St by .
1754 Ben Richard --- Black list Take tanker command .
Black list --- Ben Richard We try tanker command 2 .
1802 Black list --- Ben Richard Negative contact with tanker 2 , we need covered frequency or SATCOM for pass to information .
1803 Ben Richard --- Black list Number 884 676 310 449
Black list --- Ben Richard Number 884 676 310 449
Ben Richard --- Black list Correct.
Black list --- Ben Richard Rgr . We'll call .
1805 Sky chief --- Black list R/C (no aswered)
1810 Black list --- condor 4 31 tag 35 Req aircraft .
1810 Black list --- grizzly 109 R/C
grizzly 109 --- Black list LC
Black list --- grizzly 109 the same .

1900 Sky chief --- enchant 110 We have J-tar msg .
line 1 enchant 110
line 2 priority
line 3 [bank port market] building
line 4 38 *PV1138 # 7602
line 5 01 to 03z
line 6 request DVU6 or DVU12
line 7 enchant 110 on air contact point 84AW box 2 #
Sky chief --- Black list Relay to enchant 110 MD31 tag 41

1910 Sky chief --- enchant 110 Are you ready to copy J-tar
from line 1 to line 4 the same
line 5 0230z
line 6 [----]
line 7 enchant 110 on air # control point 2 kilometers west off grid *ASH *SHATRAH
[1920] Black list --- enchant 110 msg J-tar
line 1 to line 4 the same
line 5 04z
line 6 [----]
line 7 [----]
line 8 support of column *ASH SHATRAH [----]
enchant 110 --- Black list Your request is MD 31 tag 45 and MD 31 tag 47
1944 Black list --- Sky chief R/C
1945 Black list --- Green hand R/C
1946 Black list --- Green hand R/C
1947 Sky chief --- Black list R/C
1947 Black list --- Sky chief R/C
1948 Sky chief --- Green hand R/C
1949 Pinto --- Ripper ATC R/C
1950 Sky chief --- Ben Richard R/C
1950 Black list --- enchant 110 R/C
1951 Ben richard --- Sky chief R/C
1955 Any station --- Black list R/C
Black list --- Ripper LC
Ripper --- Black list rgr , out .
1956 Any station --- Ripper R/C
Ripper --- Black list LC .
2003 Black list --- Sky chief MD 31 tag 41 *mozzle , freq 57X [---] Blue diamond

2012 Black list --- Sky chief msg follows
89AT 6,8,9 #
89AU 4,5,6,7,8,9 #
88AT 2,3,5,6,8,9 #
88AU #
88AV #
88AW 1,4,5,7 #
87AV #
87AU 1,2,3,4,5,6,9 #
87AW #
87AX 1,4,5,7,8,9 #
87AY 7 #
86AU 3 #
86AV 1,2,3 #
86AW 1,2,3 #
86AX #
86AY #
86AZ 4,7,8 #
85AX 3,6,7,8,9 #
85AY #
85AZ 1,2,4,5,7 #
83AZ 2,3,6 #
Sky chief --- Black list It's closed boxes ?
Black list --- Sky chief Negative , open killboxes .
2014 Black list --- Sky chief Req MD 31 tag 13 tag 17 tag 21 and also 30 tag 8
Sky chief --- Black list St by .
2016 enchant 110 --- Poisen arrow Req going to ARCP tag 2 , we'll contact with you 10M .
2016 Sky chief --- Naktong R/C
Naktong --- Sky chief LC
Sky chief --- Naktong also , out .
2026 Black list --- Sky chief rgr , MD 31 tag 13 tag 17 tag 19 tag 21 - completed and MD 30 tag 8 still continue .
2028 Sky chief --- enchant 110 31 tag 45 tag 47 What is status ?
enchant 110 --- Sky chief We are out of data .
2030 Geezer --- Ripper R/C (no answered)
2031 Ripper air --- Geezer R/C (no answered)
2032 Black list --- Sky chief Req status MD 31 tag 15 tag 17
Sky chief --- Black list Be advise , division most like to 31 tag 45 and tag 47
2033 enchant 110 --- Sky chief Be advise division most like 31 tag 45 tag 47
2038 Sky chief --- Black list mission 6553A callsign sunk 53 location QV 340472 84A[--] 6 killbox # time on target 1630z time off target 1715z 3 a merchant truck , 3 armed tank , [trip 118] - pieces destroyed .
Black list --- Sky chief Any target remaining ? Mission 6553A RTB ?
Sky chief --- Black list sunk 53 RTB .Negative any target remaining .
2040 Black list --- ripper 102 R/C
2048 Any station --- Green hand R/C
2049 Black list --- grizzly 109 R/C
grizzly 109 --- Black list Very weak .
2050 Sky chief --- Fire water R/C
Fire water --- Sky chief LC
Sky chief --- Fire water The same .
2056 Green hand --- Sky chief R/C (no answered)
2057 Fire water --- Sky chief R/C
2058 Geezer --- Ripper R/C
2105 Sitting bod --- Black list R/C
2108 Sitting bod --- Sky chief R/C
2123 Black list --- enchant 110 Req MD 31 tag 45 and 47
enchant 110 --- Black list division on air
Black list --- enchant 110 How long ?
enchant 110 --- Black list tag 41 , tag 45 , tag 47 on air . We havn't another information .
2124 Any station --- Poisen arrow R/C
2131 Any station --- Green hand R/C
2131 Sky chief --- Black list R/C
Black list --- Sky chief LC
2142 Geezer --- Mouth R/C
2148 ripper 102 --- Geezer R/C
2150 Sky chief --- Green hand Do you monitor AIRBUS or contact on HF or UHF ?
2255 Any station --- Poisen arrow R/C
Poisen arrow --- Green hand LC
2255 Any station --- Bama R/C
2256 Air piece --- Green hand R/C
2300 Any station --- Poisen arrow R/C
Poisen arrow --- Sky chief LC (no answered)
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с фев 2007
Сообщений: 7779

Дата: 31 Окт 2020 19:54:29 #  

0446 Any station --- Bama R/C
Bama --- Black list LC
Black list --- Bama Rgr , out .
0448 Any station --- Blade R/C
Blade --- Black list LC
Black list --- Blade Rgr , out .
0504 Ripper air --- Black list R/C (no answered)
0504 Black list --- grizzly 101 R/C (no answered)
0505 Any station --- Green hand R/C
Green hand --- Black list Weak , but readable . (no answered)
0529 Ripper --- Black list R/C (no answered)
0532 Black list --- Menton R/C (no answered)
0533 Any station --- Black list R/C
Black list --- grizzly 101 LC
Black list --- Blade LC
--- Black list Roger , out .
0537 Green hand --- Poisen arrow Are you ready to copy ? I have immeditly J-tar military mission prowler 1 # line 2 immediatly crawler 1 target is at grid *PA 340402 . Target description : 3*T-54 and 4*BMP # Can you relay to Black list ?
Poisen arrow --- Green hand Be advise , don't copied target location and target description .
Green hand --- Poisen arrow *PA 340402 . We are currently engaged at enemy . Req immediatly [fac] .
0541 Black list --- Green hand Give call on [taxon] .
0542 Green hand --- Poisen arrow Groups on the move . I need air immediatly .
0543 Black list --- Green hand location from Poisen arrow *PA 340402
Green hand --- Black list Can you call me on *DSN .
0543 Green hand --- Poisen arrow I previosly shall meeting j-car MD 31 tag 55. I would like reset missive needed for immedilty J-car .
Poisen arrow --- Green hand St by fot mission data .
Green hand --- Poisen arrow You have ordered my request , say eta for aircraft .
Poisen arrow --- Green hand Need your *FAC callsign .
0544 Poisen arrow --- Green hand Be advise , aircraft comming to work with you would be on air .
Green hand --- Poisen arrow Sended .
0549 Poisen arrow --- Green hand Rgr , do you have direction in which the *BMP are moving ?
0549 Any station --- Bama R/C
Bama --- Poisen arrow Do you can relay from Green hand to me ?
Poisen arrow --- Bama Rgr , st by #
0550 Black list --- Bama msg from Poisen arrow immedialty ,grid PA 340402 , naked eyes - column .
Frequency *tad air . Target is moving to north-east , est rate of moving is 8 kilometers per hour .
Bama --- Black list Relay to Poisen arrow request number is MD1 tag 11 , data will be as soon as possible .
0557 Poisen arrow --- Bama Req number is MD 1 tag 11 , data get to you as soon as possible .
Bama --- Poisen arrow Good copied , MD 1 tag 11 , we'll eceive dates as soon as possible ,
we'll continue to monitor this frequency .
0559 Bama --- Poisen arrow R/C (no answered)
0559 Poisen arrow --- Black list R/C (no answered)
0602 Poisen arrow --- Black list Your last req is the same , MD 31 tag 55 ?
Black list --- Poisen arrow Negative
Poisen arrow --- Black list St by for mission data about 5M .
0608 enchant 110 --- Black list Do you have com with Poisen arrow ?
Black list --- enchant 110 St by .
0608 Poisen arrow --- enchant 110 R/C
enchant 110 --- Poisen arrow LC
Poisen arrow --- enchant 110 LC also .
0608 Black list --- enchant 110 We have contact .
enchant 110 --- Black list St by for mission to Poisen arrow about 5 minutes .
0610 Bama --- Black list R/C
0610 enchant 110 --- Black list R/C
0613 Black list --- Ben Richard STEEL open , we need any traffic , in last night we haven't aircraft tanker aircommand 2
0614 Ripper air --- Darkside man R/C
0615 Black list --- enchant 102 Req mission data 1 tag 1 .
enchant 102 --- Black list *DEGREE 56 on air , JIPSY 07 with Enchant , eta on station 0254z and 0302z .
0617 Ripper air --- Darkside Req schedule for 0300z and 0410z .
Darkside --- Ripper air St by .
1755 Grizzly --- Black list Lightning 23 need HF net for call with you because is big distance .
Black list --- Grizzly St by .
1803 Enchant --- Black list R/C
1804 Black list --- Naktong R/C
Naktong --- Black list LC
Black list --- Naktong the same , out .
1806 Black list --- Sky chief Do you have report for TOGA 23 ?
Sky chief --- Black list St by .
1808 Sky chief --- Black list Do you have code for H1 and attended way ?
Black list --- Sky chief Negative at this time , we have not com. with Skull cap .
1809 Black list --- Spark Can you pass to Kanteen fort callsign CUMPER 9 .
Spark --- Black list St by .
1810 Black list --- Sky chief We have CONOR flight for AH1 and them way RIBLE 25 to H1 course way .
Sky chief --- Black list Rgr , for AH-1 CONOR flight and RIBLE 25 on a them way , say number and type of CONOR flight
Black list --- Sky chief Rgr , 4881W , CONOR 23 .
1812 Spark --- Black list R/C
Black list --- Spark LC
Spark --- Black list Rgr , out .
1813 Black list --- FTP 9 R/C
FTP 9 --- Black list Very weak .
1817 Sky chief --- Black list Presently we are using [detar 3]the primary main coordination between [aware 16 net] . You canuse another net for coordination with a ground net . We also contact on *DAS tag 2 .
Black list --- Sky chief Rgr , st by for R/C .
1821 Any station --- Naktong R/C
Naktong --- Sky chief LC
1822 Black list --- lightning 23 Grizzly has no other HF net to row . Req to row second *MLE .
1823 Grizzly --- Black list R/C (no answered)
1824 Black list --- enchant 102 R/C
enchant 102 --- Black list LC
1825 Sky chief --- Black List R/C
1830 Black list --- enchant 101 R/C
1831 Black list --- Sky chief R/C
1832 Any station --- Grizzly jump R/C
Grizzly jump --- Black list LC
1833 Grizzly --- Grizzly jump R/C
1834 Black list --- Dog hole 8 Req R/C on *C2
1834 Black list --- Sky chief R/C
1836 Black list --- Grizzly We'd like to work STOODE 20 if possible . STOOD 20 is working in airspace .
1837 Grizzly --- Sky chief Interreaction needing at 1430z # NUTEN 47 .
Sky chief --- Grizzly 1430z is 1 hour ago . Your req is for tomorrow ?
Grizzly --- Sky chief Negative , correction time 1630z
Sky chief --- Grizzly St by .
1837 Sky chief --- Black list Req com. on DAS 2 .
Black list --- Sky chief We go to R/C
1840 Sky chief --- Grizzly Mission 0735 short down on deck [Regal] field ;mission 0723 and 1023 short down
on deck [Sunway] . All short down landing [casting] .
1842 Sky chief --- Grizzly With rescue coordinate interrogative . Do you pass information from Blue diamond .
Grizzly --- Sky chief St by .
1844 Sky chief --- Black list Say mission number in tag 0735 and 0723
Black list --- Sky chief St by .
1846 Sky chief --- Black list Part 3 cannot be with you on coordination . You need setup another net .
Black list --- Sky chief Limited a setup on radio # we monitoring other # and now very busy .
1849 Black list --- Sky chief mission 0735 - section cover. mission 0723 - section cover.
1849 Grizzly --- Sky chief Unable to go G2
Sky chief --- Grizzly What is type NUTEN 47 ?
1851 Black list --- Red lightning R/C
1853 Sky chief --- Black list Req you launch LANOD 32 flight in route [27NE] . Contact on G2 .
1855 Grizzly --- Sky chief Be advise NUTEN 47 marine corps C130 .
Sky chief --- Grizzly We'll unable coming welcome at 1630z .
Grizzly --- Sky chief Are you in contact with anybody corps com ?
Sky chief --- Grizzly Negative .
Grizzly --- Sky chief St by .
1857 Sky chief --- Grizzly I need contact with Blue daimond .
Grizzly --- Sky chief St by .
1900 Grizzly --- Sky chief Be advise anybody come take a baggage off # and need deliver to Chief 2 # if not Chief 2 , to ORS 2 .
Sky chief --- Grizzly Be advise , we have not Chief 2 , can I deliver a baggage to Blue diamond ? It's correct ?
Grizzly --- Sky chief Is Blue daimond welcome corps com ?
Sky chief --- Grizzly Negative , Blue diamond is naval com ,and corps command is Grizzly .
1903 Grizzly --- Sky chief You need rep your plan # Sky chief need a futher touch for drop ever baggage .
1905 Black list --- Sky chief Req part for RANO 32
Sky chief --- Black list Launch mission 0735 and follow same instructions 0735 est 15 minutes ago .
1910 Black list --- Sky chief LC Black list on testing 8 # we hear now cryptographs # Sky chief control your antennas on transmitting , thanks . Are you jointing to DOC 2 or DOC command ?
Sky chief --- Black list Negative , we'll be doing radio check .
1915 Black list --- Sky chief Req mission data MD1 tag [--]
Sky chief --- Black list St by .
1917 Grizzly --- Sky chief on baggage # to be deliver to any too sharp # with Blue diamond do together # as if deliver to them .
1919 Sky chief --- Black list R/C , disregard .
1920 Skull cap --- Black list R/C (no answered)
1923 Sky chief --- Black list Req you can com Skull cap , understand , 1 tag 4 it is completed , however , we need to get them check with Skull cap to make sure .
1925 Skull cap --- Sky chief R/C (no answered)
1927 Enchant --- Sky chief R/C (no answered)
1928 Black list --- Sky chief No joint with Skull cap . Req pass to me mission data 1 tag 4 .
Sky chief --- Black list Mission is completed , but we need confirmation about it .
1931 Black list --- lightning 23 R/C
1931 Any station --- Poisen arrow R/C
Poisen arrow --- Black list LC
1932 Black list --- Grizzly [---------]
line 1 [------]
line 2 [------]
line 3 for target location NA 100950 numerous troops unopened about 2 hundred .
line 7 callsign [---] frequency [---] control point NA 100900 .
Grizzly --- Black list Your request number is 1 tag 43 .St by for mission data .

/// ниже есть запись будем разбирать///

1935 Black list --- Sky chief
I have information from Cumberland #
RANO 41 2AH , Cumberland based 1358 , left 1400z .
RIPLER 57FL 2CH46 based 1409 , left 1524z .
RIPLER 33 2AH based 1409 , left 1433z .
SKY CAP 56 1UH60 based 1435 , left 1440z .
RANO 13 2UH1 based 1442 , left 1455z .
RANO 35 2AH based 1500 currently Cumberland pass .
SKY CAP 43 1UH60 based 1527 , left 1541z .
SKY CAP 44 1UH60 based 1558 , left 1609z .

1936 Black list --- Sky chief
From GUN FIRE 101
line 2 *C
line 3 *B
line 4 NA 8774
line 5 *C2315z
line 6 *B
line 7 no futher on field need retard
line 8 [--------]
Sky chief --- Black list MD 1 tag 45 .

1937 Black list --- Grizzly Req status 1 tag 43
Модератор раздела
с фев 2007
Сообщений: 7779

Дата: 31 Окт 2020 19:56:22 #  

1942 Black list --- Sky chief Interrogative from Cumberland , any C130 are going to REGAL
1949 Black list --- Sky chief
From ENCHANT 125 .
line 2 *A
line 3 *O escort is *Q from 70 northing [to 8] at highway 7 .
line 4 unknow
line 5 2300z
line 6 none
line 7 [---] on STEEL contact point [770]
Sky chief --- Black list Req number MD 1 tag [45] .

1955 Black list --- Grizzly Req status MD 1 tag 43 we have message :location target NA 062958 grid NA 100900
Grizzly --- Black list Your request MD 01 tag 47 , st by for mission data .
1959 Black list --- Sky chief R/C

2003 Black list --- Ben Richard
line 1 NA 139279
line 2 362.000 callsign GOOD HOPE 8
line 3 *C1
line 4 *A
line 5 *L1
line 6 *N
line 7 *E
line 8 *E
line 9 *D
Ben Richard --- Black list your req 1 tag *H

2010 Black list --- naktong 4 R/C
naktong 4 --- Black list LC
2013 Black list --- grizzly 101 R/C
2015 Black list --- General R/C

2016 Black list --- Sky chief
You are taking finishing for
line 1 enchant 125
line 2 a
line 3 *O escort [-----]
line 4 undo
line 5 *C2300z
line 6 none
line 7 contact point [770]
Sky chief --- Black list Your number 1 tag 51 , st by for status .

2020 Black list --- Sky chief Are all C130 going to REGAL ?
Sky chief --- Black list All C130 going to REGAL .
2022 Sky chief --- Black list Call op's in the green between Black list and Sky chief .
2025 Black list --- Primer man R/C
2026 Black list --- Red lightning R/C
Red lightning --- Black list LC
2033 Black list --- Ben Richard We have msg at this time , req AIRBUS contact on this net .
2043 Black list --- Naktong R/C
Naktong --- Black list LC .
2050 Grizzly --- Black list Status for 1 tag 47 , mission 0743 , RANOD 43 , flight off [2] AH-1W are in route .
2115 Black list --- General R/C (no answered)
2136 Black list --- Red lightning R/C
Red lightning --- Black list LC
black list --- Red Lightning The same , out .
Модератор раздела
с фев 2007
Сообщений: 7779

Дата: 31 Окт 2020 20:04:13 #  


0525 grizzly 105 --- Black list R/C
0605 Black list --- Sky chief R/C (no answered)
0630 Any station --- Black list R/C
Black list --- Sky chief LC
Sky chief --- Black list LC also .
0633 Any station --- Fire water R/C
0634 Black list --- Hazel R/C
Hazel --- Black list LC
Black list --- Hazel LC
0635 Green hand --- Poisen arrow R/C
Poisen arrow --- Green hand LC
Green hand --- Poisen arrow LC
1925 Black list --- Sky chief Do you can give me information for Enchant , Grizzly , Ripper and Tiger airforce .
Sky chief --- Black list This information avaible only in covered net .
1930 Black list --- enchant 101 Req mission 02 tag 17 . Is working in J-tar net ?
1940 Black list --- Highlander R/C
Highlander --- Black list LC
1941 Tiger --- Hazel R/C
2004 Any station --- Black list R/C
Black list --- ripper 102 LC
ripper 102 --- Black list LC , out .
2039 Black list --- Sky chief R/C
2051 Black list --- Enchant R/C (no answered)
2105 Geezer --- Black list R/C (no answered)
Модератор раздела
с фев 2007
Сообщений: 7779

Дата: 31 Окт 2020 20:18:50 #  


0600 Any station --- Red Lightning R/C
Red Lightning --- Black list Weak .
Black list --- Red lightning rgr , out .
0602 Black list --- Grizzly R/C
Grizzly --- Black list Weak , barely readable .
0629 Any station --- Green hand R/C
Green hand --- Sky chief LC
Sky chief --- Green hand rgr , also LC .
0629 Green hand --- Black list R/C
Black list --- Green hand LC
Green hand --- Black list LC also .
1743 Sky chief --- Black list mission MD 3 tag I and mission MD 3 tag H

1744 Black list --- ripper 102 I have msg
line 1 11 NB 415096 time 1530z
line 2 ripper 102 , freq 44.4
line 3 1C
line 4 A
line 5 1L
line 6 N
line 7 A green smoke
line 8 1E
line 9 [---]
ripper 102 --- Black list mission MD 3 tag Q

1746 Black list --- grizzly 109 R/C
1752 Black list --- Good hope Can'not contact with DEAD LOCK - medevac .
1752 Black list --- Sky chief R/C
1755 Ben Richard --- Black list R/C
1755 Good hope --- Black list Be advise , you need to use your all sign up ambulances to bring patiences to security .
Black list --- Good hope Rgr .
1800 Black list --- Good hope Be advise we have not security supervisor for evacuate .
Good hope --- Black list Rgr .
1805 Good hope --- Black list We have not aircraft for supervise for you . You have get medeavac to use him .
Black list --- Good hope . Rgr .
Good hope --- Black list Contact , when trasportation drop off .
1807 ripper 102 --- Black list We no mission data at this time .
Black list --- ripper 102 Rgr .
1820 Grizzly --- Black list R/C (no answered)
1822 Hamster --- Sky chief R/C (no answered)
1825 Black list --- ripper 102 Req mission data for MD 3 tag Q
ripper 102 --- Black list mission number M1155 , *OXEN 55 ,flight off 2CH-46 , no checking at this time .
1830 Any station --- Sky chief R/C
Sky chief --- Black list LC
1832 Black list --- Ripper R/C
Ripper --- Black list LC .
1833 Sky chief --- Black list Do you have contact with Ben Richard ?
Black list --- Sky chief Req contact with [tac] air command .

1835 Sky chief --- Black list MD 3 tag R , callsign DUSTER 21,23 and 24 , flight off 3UH-60 eta at this time .Mission M1155 OXEN 55 2CH-46 , req contact OXEN 55 and answer his mission .
1836 Black list --- ripper 102 We have not contact with OXEN 55 .
1838 Black list --- Sky chief Did you have contact with Ben Richard ?
Sky chief --- Black list Negative contact on RED or GREEN . Do you have contact with *KENNY 53 ?
Black list --- Sky chief St by .
1840 Black list --- Naktong Req status medevac for mission MD 3-*O
1841 Black list --- Sky chief Negative contact with KENNY 53 .
1842 Naktong --- Black list We are checking on HAWK 57
Black list --- Naktong Rgr .
1843 Sky chief --- Black list Do you have msg to need relay to Ben Richard ?
Black list --- Sky chief St by .
1845 Black list --- Sky chief Req launch *FAZER 21 and 23 ,contact with them point *STEINER .
Relay to Ben Richard .
Sky chief --- Black list Rgr , we'll relay .
1847 Black list --- Good hope I have *PET
1849 Grizzly --- Black list R/C (no answered)
1850 Ripper --- Black list R/C (no answered)
1852 Good hope --- Black list Medevac completed at this time .
1854 Sky chief --- Black list Do you can com. with Good hope ?
black list --- Sky chief St by .
1854 Good hope --- Sky chief from Black list MD 3 tags N , J and K is completed ?
Sky chief --- Good hope Negative , we have not *security .
1855 Sky chief --- Black list from Ben Richard FAZER 21 and 23 would watch at 20 minutes, at 1615
Black list --- Sky chief Rgr , 20 minutes , at 1615 .
1857 Sky chief --- Black list Do can ask Good hope tactical number or radio number for contact .
1858 Black list --- ripper 102 Do you have contact with OXEN 55 ?
ripper 102 --- Black list Negative , we are working with Sky chief
1859 Black list --- Naktong R/C
1901 Good hope --- Sky chief Say you traffic
Sky chief --- Good hope number 88167#6326610
1903 Black list --- Sky chief number 88167#6326610
Sky chief --- Black list Thanks .
1904 Any station --- Ripper R/C
Ripper --- Black list LC
1905 Sky chief --- Black list FAZER 21 actual req now J-tar going to work , because he is going down to bed to the night .
Black list --- Sky chief St by .
1907 Black list --- Naktong R/C (no answered)
1909 Black list --- Naktong Req status medevac MD 3 tag *O
Naktong --- Black list Callsign HAWK 57 2CH-46 , checking , they are in route . No have eta at this time .
Black list --- Naktong 71400 - frequency for medevac ,VHF - 37.375 .
1915 Sky chief --- Black list Do you have com. with HAWK 57 ?
Black list --- Sky chief Negative .
1917 Sky chief --- Black list Be advise , FAZER 21 will not watch tonight , lastest update found priority J-tar .
Black list --- Sky chief At last priority on J-tar .
1928 Black list --- Good hope R/C
1928 Any station --- Good hope R/C
Good hope --- Sky chief LC .

1935 Sky chief --- Good hope
line 1 38RNA # 14090 27830 83B #
line 2 callsign Good hope
line 3 a
line 4 d
line 5 l
line 6 n
line 7 e3 green light
line 8 e
line 9 d
Be advise , would be 2 hours delay .
go ahead.
line 1 and line2 the same .
line 3 c
line 4 a
line 5 a
line 6 n
line 7 the same light
line 8 a
line 9 d #

2040 *SV5B --- Black list R/C
Black list --- 5B Did you received grid from Sky chief ?
5B --- Black list Grid is my present position .
2043 [azla 5] --- Sky chief R/C
2047 Good hope --- Sky chief Req *U or non step freq for *V .
2054 Any station --- grizzly 121 R/C
grizzly 121 --- Sky chief LC
2106 Grizzly --- Sky chief R/C
Sky chief --- Black list Grizzly now testing monitor GOLD .
2117 Good hope --- Black list Be advise , duster 24 is replaced eliac 47 .

2120 Sky chief --- Good hope
line 1 38RNA 140902 7838 B #
line 2 Good hope
line 3 b
line 4 a
line 5 l
line 6 n
line 7 e
line 8 a
line 9 d #
2133 line 1 and 2 the same
line 3 c
line 4 a
line 5 l
line 6 n
line 7 e
line 8 a
line 9 d #
line 1 and 2 the same
line 3 d
line 4 a
line 5 [---]
line 6 n
line 7 e
line 8 a
line 9 d #
line 1 and 2 the same
line 3 a
line 4 d
line 5 l
line 6 n
line 7 e
line 8 e
line 9 d How copy ?
2150 Good hope --- Sky chief Q is completed # Req how many patiences take duster 24 .
Sky chief --- Good hope 4 patiences .
2200 Any station --- Fire water R/C
Fire water --- Sky chief LC .
2202 Black list --- Good hope R/C (no answered)

2205 Sky chief --- Good hope
line 1 and 2 the same
line 3 d
line 4 a
line 5 l
line 6 n
line 7 e
line 8 a
line 9 d How copy ?

2209 Black list --- down 95 Do you try call to me ?
down 95 --- Black list Negative .
2210 Sky chief --- Good hope Change line 3 is A

2235 Black list --- Sky chief
from Good hope
line 1 and 2 the same
line 3 1a
line 4 d
line 5 l
line 6 n
line 7 e
line 8 e
line 9 d #
line 1 and 2 the same
line 3 1a
line 4 d
line 5 l
line 6 n
line 7 e
line 8 a
line 9 d -over-
Sky chief --- Black list Copied all . Looking for *EMF3 .
2239 Good hope --- Sky chief Your number is EMF3
Sky chief --- Good hope . Rgr .
Модератор раздела
с фев 2007
Сообщений: 7779

Дата: 31 Окт 2020 20:32:15 #  


0530 Black list --- [down 95] R/C
0533 Crazy ouzel --- Sky chief R/C (no answered)
0602 Black list --- Grizzly Target location is MB 7867826
Grizzly --- Black list You are unreadable .
0605 Sky chief --- Black list R/C
0605 Grizzly --- Black list R/C I need line 4 and 7
0627 Grizzly --- Black list R/C (no answered)
0636 [azla 5] --- Black list R/C (no answered)
1324 Ben Richard --- Black list R/C

1657 Sky chief --- Good hope 04 tag J SKY CAP 56 has on board [----]
line 1 38RNA # 1409 # 027830 B #
line 2 Good hope
line 3 1a 2d
line 4 a
line 5 2l 1a
line 6 n
line 7 e
line 8 a
line 9 d #

1708 dagger 85L --- Black list St by for 04 tag F
1710 Sky chief --- Black list for Good hope Mission 04 tag *O
1714 Black list --- Sky chief Try [airbag] frequency for coordination with Ben Richard .
1720 Sky chief --- Black list C130 will take [joe blow]
1721 Good hope --- Sky chief Your request is MD 04 tag D and MD 04 tag O
1747 Black list --- Seam bag R/C
1755 Sky chief --- Dunaback 5 est 17 and 18 # RON completed
1801 Black list --- Sky chief Mission 1445 KENNY 45 4CH-46 on deck on *SA .
1906 Grizzly --- Black list R/C
1907 Ripper --- Black list R/C
1913 Any station --- Sky chief R/C
Sky chief --- Good hope LC
1914 Ben Richard --- Sky chief R/C

1936 Sky chief --- good hope
line 1 38 RNA 14090 27830# olbey *B
line 2 Good hope
line 3 c1
line 4 a
line 5 1l
line 6 n
line 7 light green
line 8 a
line 9 d #
1938 Black list --- Ben Richard Req more information EVADE 31 ,my location would be close 1800z .
1942 Sky chief --- Black list for Good hope mission number *MD 04 tag V

1956 Sky chief --- Good hope
line 1 38 RNA 14090 27830# olbey *B
line 2 Good hope
line 3 1c
line 4 a
line 5 2l
line 6 n
line 7 light green
line 8 1a 1e
line 9 d #
2000 Sky chief --- Black list for Good hope MD 04 tag W

2001 Wolf pack --- Black list R/C (no answered)
2003 Good hope --- Sky chief Be advise MD 04 tag J is completed ,req mission number 04 tag V .
2016 Black list --- Ben Richard On deck EVADE 31 2AH-1N and DADLY 43 single AH-1W, req you row about airwatch night frequency or TAC 2 command 2 .
2023 Sky chief --- Ben Richard Req more information for EVADE 31 TF0401
2035 General --- Black list R/C (no answered)
2037 Sky chief --- Ben Richard DADLY 41 2AH-1 is down on deck approximetly 2 *m .
2053 Black list --- *STP 9 We'll be take down at 0200L , and move to Andersen , we'll arrival tomorrow .
2054 Good hope --- Sky chief ELIAC 33 is 2CH- 46 .
2055 Sky chief --- Ben Richard DADLY 41 mission now completed , REMAR 31FL 2 Cobras on deck have tasking .
2115 Sky chief --- Black list Medevac would in down to Good hope , callsign ELIAC 33 , need VHF 37375 .
2125 Sky chief --- Good hope We have 2 pax to pass .

2130 Sky chief --- Good hope
Line 1 and 2 the same at last
line 3 1c 1d
line 4 a chest 2
line 5 2l
line 6 n
line 7 light green
line 8 1l 1a
line 9 d #
2135 Sky chief --- Black list ur request is MD 04 tag AA for Good hope .
2137 Sky chief --- grizzly 105 R/C

2145 Sky chief --- Good hope
Line 1 and 2 the same at last
line 3 1d
line 4 a
line 5 1l
line 6 n
line 7 d
line 8 e
line 9 d #
2147 Sky chief --- Black list Your request is MD 04 tag AB for Good hope

2150 Sky chief --- Black list Relay to Good hope , no send new passfor 1 or 2 people , patiences , req consolidate for medevac and prepare patiences .
2156 grizzly 105 --- Sky chief Req say what is a time and what is a path .
Sky chief --- grizzly 105 =(nothing hear)=
2122 grizzly --- Sky chief R/C (no answered)
2223 Any station --- Fire water R/C (no answered)
2224 Sky chief --- Fire water R/C
Fire water --- Sky chief LC
2226 Sky chief --- Fire water We are lifting about 30m
Fire water --- Sky chief Are you at refueling point or at point .
Sky chief --- Fire water We are at refueling point .
2230 Black list --- Grizzly R/C
2312 grizzly 105 --- Sky chief R/C
2312 Black list --- Sky chief Req com. om DAS2 .
Модератор раздела
с фев 2007
Сообщений: 7779

Дата: 31 Окт 2020 20:54:30 #  


0600 Grizzly --- Black list KENNY 53 launching at this time
0605 Any station --- Black list R/C
Black list --- Grizzly LC
0606 Black list --- ripper 104 R/C
ripper 104 --- Black list LC
0628 Any station --- Good hope R/C (no answered)
0650 Black list --- Red lightning R/C
Red lightning --- Black list LC
0659 Black list --- Grizzly I want launch GRIZZLY 40 and 41 , GRIZZLY 20 and 21 .location # deo cek .
Grizzly --- Black list Grid is DEO CEK . After launch give me status .
0705 Black list --- Darkside man R/C
Darkside --- Black list LC
0706 Ripper air --- Black list R/C
0707 Black list --- Darkside Req status 4 tag 47
Darkside --- Black list St by .
0709 Grizzly --- Black list R/C (no answered)
0710 Darkside --- Black list Mission 4 tag 47 is completed , checking time 2043 , 88AT1 .
0717 Grizzly --- Black list R/C
0719 Black list --- grizzly 109 R/C
grizzly 109 --- Black list LC

0720 Black list --- grizzly 109
line 1 MB 646703
line 2 NAKTONG 244.4
line 3 2c
line 4 a
line 5 2l
line 6 e
line 8 1d 1e
line 9 d
grizzly 109 --- Black list Your request 05 tag B

0729 Grizzly --- grizzly 109 R/C

0732 grizzly 109 --- Black list from Grizzly grizzly 40 and 41 can launch of support 05 tag B
0735 grizzly 109 --- Good hope Relay to Black list
line 1 38RNA 14090 27830
line 2 Good hope
line 3 1a
line 4 c
line 5 l
line 6 n
line 7 l red
line 8 12a 9e
line 9 d

0743 Black list --- grizzly 109
line 1 38RNA 14090 # 27830
line 2 Good hope
line 3 1a 4c 16d
line 4 18a , 1 extension , 1 chest tube
line 5 12l 9a
line 6 n
line 7 l red
line 8 12a 9e
line 9 d
grizzly 109 --- Black list 05 tag C

0818 grizzly 109 --- Black list req status for *B
0824 Black list --- enchant 120 R/C
enchant 120 --- Black list LC .
0825 Black list --- Good hope R/C
Good hope --- Black list LC
0830 Black list --- enchant 120 St by for J-tar initiate Location will be NA 361008 frequency 244.4
enchant 120 --- Black list Your request is 05 tag 2
0837 Any station --- Grizzly R/C
Grizzly --- Black list You are broken .
0835 enchant 109 --- Black list 05 tag B type is CH-46
0843 Black list --- enchant 101 Req status enchant 20 and 21
enchant 101 --- Black list enchant 20 , 21 is callsign escape 35 .
0855 Black list --- enchant 101 HOH KKU
enchant 101 --- Black list We'll pass to marines .
0856 enchant 120 --- Black list Your request 05 tag 2 .

0912 Black list --- Poisen arrow from Good hope
line 1 38RNA 14090 27830
line 2 Good hope
line 3 2d 2a
line 4
line 5 1l 1a
line 6 2n
line 7 2e red
line 8 2a 2d
Poisen arrow --- Black list for Good hope your request MD 05 tag E

0920 Black list --- Poisen arrow from Good hope
line 1 38RNA 14090 27830
line 2 Good hope
line 3 a
line 4 d
line 5 l
line 6 n
line 7 e
line 8 e
line 9 d

0922 Pinto --- Black list R/C
0923 Poisen arrow --- Black list for Good hope MD 05 tag E
0927 Pinto --- Black list R/C (no answered)
0930 Cumberland --- Black list R/C (no answered)
0932 Pinto --- Black list R/C
0935 Black list --- azla 5 R/C
0940 Black list --- azla 5 Is *Y open at this time ?
azla 5 --- Black list We have not information on *Y.
Black list --- azla 5 We have free rivers , 1 way and regal field .
0953 Black list --- Poisen arrow from Good hope
line 1 38RNA 14090 27830
line 2 Good hope
line 3 a
line 4 a
line 5 1l
line 6 n
line 7 e red *t
line 8 1e
line 9 d
Poisen arrow --- Black list for Good hope your req is 05 tag F

1450 Good hope --- Black list mission 5 tag I [ankon] flight off .
1452 ripper 102 --- Black list R/C
1456 Black list --- Skull cap R/C
1500 Grizzly --- Black list R/C
1502 Ripper air --- Black list Quench fire mission is delayed
1503 Grizzly --- Black list R/C
1510 Any station --- Green hand R/C
Green hand --- Black list LC
1513 ripper 102 --- Black list Go ahead
Black list --- ripper 102 =(nothing hear)=
1515 Black list --- Grizzly R/C
Grizzly --- Black list LC
1520 azla 7 --- Black list St by for R/C on HF
1530 Sky chief --- Black list location DARKSIDE is *PKM , location TIGER is *DOH .
Black list --- Sky chief Rgr
1532 ripper 102 --- Black listFor J-tar 05 tag 43 mission number 2233 callsign *VOUCH 33 flight off 2F-15 .
Black list --- ripper 102 Rgr .
1536 Black list --- Green hand R/C
Green hand --- Black list LC
1540 Black list --- Ripper air R/C
Ripper air --- Black list LC
1550 Black list --- Pinto Req [----------]
1556 Pinto --- Black list Mission 05 tag 67 is *DEADLY 45 1 section off Cobras .
1557 ripper 102 --- Black list R/C
1558 Ripper air --- Black list R/C
1600 Geezer --- Black list For ripper 102 J-tar 05 tag 15 mission number 1243A ORINA 43 ,mission number 1237A ORINA 37 . Aircraft MARK 77 eta 1315z ,type aircraft [---------]
1602 Ripper --- Black list Frequency for 05 tag 15 is Platinum .

1603 Black list --- Darkside man
line1 [----------]
line 2[----------]
line 3 a2
line 4 a
line 5 l2
line 6 n
line 7 c
line 8 c
line 9 d

1609 Darkside man --- Black list Your mission MD 05 tag Q St by for data .
1610 Black list --- Green hand Req pass me [tahoe 3a]
Green hand --- Black list St by .
1613 Black list --- *STREAK HF R/C
Streak --- Black list St by .
1618 Black list --- Darkside =(nothing hear)=
1626 Black list --- ripper 102 Req [---] control point
ripper 102 --- Black list Control point is 88AT , time is the same .
1627 Geezer --- Black list Negative com. with IVAR flight
Black list --- Gezzer Rgr .
1633 Black list --- Darkside [----------] line 3 3a 3b 1d line 1 MB 581744
Darkside --- Black list Your mission 05 tag R
1637 ripper 102 --- Black list Contact on Platinum .
1638 Black list --- Darkside I want cancel Medevac 05 tag R
Darkside --- Black list Rgr .
1645 Darkside --- Black list Your mission generated for 5 tag Q
1645 Any station --- Highlander R/C
Highlander --- Black list LC
1646 Black list --- ripper 102 Req data MD 5 tag 15
ripper 102 --- Black list St by .
1649 Darkside --- Black list Unable to send Medevac 5 tag Q at this time .
1650 Ripper --- Darkside R/C (no answered)
1651 Ripper air --- Black list R/C (no answered)
1656 Black list --- Grizzly R/C
Grizzly --- Black list Very weak .
1659 Black list --- Pinto R/C
Grizzly --- Black list Go ahead
1702 Black list --- Pinto Req status on Medevac for Darkside .
Pinto --- Black list I have not Medevac at this time , contact with Ripper .
1703 ripper 102 --- Pinto Req com. Ripper
Pinto --- ripper 102 No contact Ripper .
1703 Black list --- Sky chief R/C
Sky chief --- Black list LC
1705 Grizzly --- Pinto Do you have any CH-46 for 3[sergeant]
Pinto --- Grizzly Negative .
1705 Grizzly --- Black list R/C (no answered)
1823 Black list --- Sky chief Req you monitor DAS2 .
1828 Black list --- Red lightning R/C
Red lightning --- Black list LC
1829 Any station --- Black list We'll going for 2m to night frequency .

1858 Black list --- Sky chief From Good hope
line 1 38RNA 14090 27830 olbey *B
line 2 Good hope
line 3 1d 2r
line 4 a
line 5 3l
line 6 n
line 7 green light
line 8 a
line 9 d

1902 Sky chief --- Black list mission 05 tag V
1903 Black list --- ripper 102 R/C
ripper 102 --- Black list LC
1905 ripper 106 --- ripper 102 R/C (no answered)
1905 Black list --- Pinto R/C
1908 Sky chief --- Black list We have no aircraft for Medevac today for routine patiences, only tomorrow morning .
Black list --- Sky chief Rgr .
1913 Black list --- Pinto R/C (no answered)
1913 Good hope --- Sky chief R/C (no answered)
1915 Sky chief --- Black list Req relay my msg to Good hope .
Black list --- Sky chief Rgr .
1920 Black list --- Sky chief Do you have contact with *TAC # *SAT
Sky chief --- Black list Negative .
1925 Black list --- Grizzly ELIAC 37 is going at this time .
1929 Black list --- Sky chief Mission 0731 DERBY 31, 5T-72 destroyed at MB 749845,time on 1700L , time off 1800L .15T-72 remained .
1940 Black list --- Skull cap Do you have contact Enchant at this time ?
Skull cap --- Black list Expromative .
Black list --- Skull capReq relay to Enchant , we need with him contact .
1948 Black list --- Sky chief From Good hope , we have 3 patiences and need Medevac tonight .
1950 Sky chief --- Good hope Total we have 11 patiences ,6 APW and 5 US military .
1955 Sky chief --- Black list Position Enchant encrypted *I tag .I set # DFX , *I shackle # CEX LJF NK .
1957 Skull cap --- Sky chief Position Enchant pos. Encrypted *i tag *i set DFX *i shackle CEX LJF NK .

2002 Black list --- Sky chief From Good hope
Line 1 and line 2 the same
line 3 4d
line 4 a
line 5 3l 1a
line 6 n
line 7 3 light
line 8 a
line 9 d
Sky chief --- Black list Your request 5 tag W

2004 Black list --- Sky chief From Good hope
Line 1 and line 2 the same
line 3 d2
line 4 a
line 5 1a 1l
line 6 n
line 7 3 light
line 8 2e
line 9 d
Sky chief --- Black list Your request 5 tag X
2020 Good hope --- Sky chief Your frequency based +4, +3, -4, +5 .
Sky chief --- Good hope Rgr .
2029 Wolf pack --- Black list R/C (no answered)
2030 STP 7 --- Black list R/C (no answered)
2120 Sky chief --- Good hope
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с фев 2007
Сообщений: 7779

Дата: 31 Окт 2020 20:56:00 #  

2133 Blindness --- Black list No problem with area at next hours for reset .
Black list --- Blindness Rgr .
2143 Black list --- Blindness It's avaible next hour to use 88AT
Blindness --- Black list Next 2 hours [------]
2150 Sky chief --- Fire water R/C
Fire water --- Sky chief LC
2157 Fire water --- Sky chief We are inhibited at 27 , req to be betwwen Black list and Good hope .
2200 Good hope --- Sky chief Base -6, -2, -3, -10, -1
Sky chief --- Good hope Rgr
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с фев 2007
Сообщений: 7779

Дата: 31 Окт 2020 21:29:00 #  


0620 Black list --- enchant 101 Enchant 20 UH-1N in launch to Enchant next position .
0622 Ice pack --- Cumberland R/C

1724 Black list --- Grizzly I have msg Medevac
line 1 MD 643851
line 2 RANDGER 303
line 3 1
line 4 a
line 5 l
line 6 none
line 7 light
line 8 a
line 9 d
1727 Grizzly --- Black list Your request MD 6 tag i

1746 Grizzly --- Black list R/C (no answered)
1747 Black list --- Sky chief I have com. with Grizzly , say your msg .
Sky chief --- Black list I'll call him in another net .
1750 Enchant --- Sky chief R/C (no answered)
1751 Sky chief --- Black list Call Grizzly on this frequency
1752 Grizzly --- Sky chief R/C (no answered)
1753 Enchant --- Black list R/C (no answered)
1755 Black list --- grizzly 101 R/C
grizzly 101 --- Black list Relay to Grizzly , we have not aircraft now , please , transportate patiences on ground , 1 priority to Blue diamond main port .
1759 Black list --- Sky chief Req joint to enchant 125
Sky chief --- Black list St by .
1801 enchant 125 --- Black list R/C (no answered)
1804 Sky chief --- Black list I have not joint with any Enchant .
1805 enchant 123 --- Sky chief Do you have contact with enchant 125 ?
Sky chief --- enchant 123 Negative .
1807 Black list --- grizzly 101 Negative transport , location *EPC
grizzly 101 --- Black list We'll evacuate patiences by helicopter .
1808 Darkside --- Ripper R/C (no answered)
1812 Enchant --- Sky chief R/C (no answered)
1815 Enchant --- Sky chief Do you have contact enchant 125 ?
Sky chief --- Enchant Negative at this time .
1820 Sky chief --- enchant 123 R/C
enchant 123 --- Sky chief Very weak , req contact with enchant 125 , enchant 123 would TAC aircommand .
1827 Blue diamond --- Sky chief R/C (no answered)
1859 Black list --- Sky chief I need pass to msg , are you ready to copy ? GAMBO 15, 16 and 17 is *RON to free rivers fighter base . I need relay to Ice pack .
1902 Black list --- Skull cap R/C
Skull cap --- Black list LC
1913 Black list --- Poisen arrow R/C
Poisen arrow --- Black list LC
1918 Sky chief --- Good hope R/C
Good hope --- Sky chief Very weak .
1929 Sky chief --- Good hope Location 38SNA 09553 90087 , req support at this time .
2225 Fire water --- Sky chief R/C
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с фев 2007
Сообщений: 7779

Дата: 31 Окт 2020 21:47:25 #  


0537 Any station --- Black list R/C (no answered)
0600 Black list --- Grizzly R/C (no answered)
0607 Green hand --- Black list R/C (no answered)
0608 Black list --- Grizzly R/C
Grizzly --- Black list LC
0618 Any station --- Grizzly R/C
Grizzly --- Black list LC
0629 Black list --- Red lightning R/C
Red lightning --- Black list LC
1743 Balck list --- Naktong R/C
Naktong --- Black list LC
1758 Black list --- Pioneer man R/C
station calling --- Black list You are weak and broken .
1759 Black list --- Pioneer man R/C
station calling --- Black list You are weak
1800 Black list --- Pioneer man R/C (no answered)
1805 Black list --- Pioneer man R/C
Pioneer man --- Black list Have you LC
Black list --- Pioneer man Rgr , the same .
1812 Any station --- Fire water R/C
Fire water --- Black list LC
1818 Black list --- Grizzly R/C
Grizzly --- Black list LC
1819 Any station --- Sky chief R/C
Sky chief --- black list LC
1820 Black list --- Grizzly R/C
Grizzly --- Black list LC

1821 Black list --- dagger 85B
line 1 38S # MB # 82332 # 54623 olby control
line 2 freq 36050
line 3 1[---]
line 4 [----]
line 5 [----]
line 6 none
line 7 4 light
line 8 d
line 9 none
dagger 85B --- Black list Req mission 7 tag B

1833 enchant 123 --- Black list R/C
Black list --- enchant 123 =(nothing hear)=
1837 enchant 123 --- Black list DEADLY 45 is RTB
1842 enchant 123 --- Black list Be advise we have 1 Medevac for STP 7 and 1 tag for enchant 123

1844 Black list --- nife 16 I have Medevac
line 1 MB 648704 #
line 2 nife 16
line 3 3 routine
line 4 none
line 5 little
line 6 no enemy
line 7 any marking innecessary
line 8 US military
line 9 none

1847 Any station --- Grizzly R/C
1848 nife 16 --- Black list R/C
Black list --- nife 16 St by 1 minute
1849 Black list --- Grizzly R/C
Grizzly --- Black list LC
1849 enchant 123 --- Black list Rgr , you have target MD 7 tag 63 , req control point .
Black list --- enchant 123 =(nothing hear)=
1852 nife 16 --- Black list Req now pick off frequency .
Black list --- nife 16 St by
1852 Black list --- dagger 85B R/C
dagger 85B --- Black list Very weak .
1853 Black list --- dagger 85B R/C
dagger 85B --- nife 16 rgr , over .
1855 enchant 123 --- Black list Mission MD 0701 , DEADLY 01 2 Cobras, also be advise DEADLY 01 is working with Wolf pack at this time , after that he is avaible for you .
1856 Black list --- dagger 85B R/C (no answered)
1858 dagger 85B --- Black list Data for 7 tag B , GOOM 74 is 1UH-60 .
Black list --- dagger 85B We'd like cancel MD 7 tag [B]
1859 Black list --- Knife R/C
Knife --- Black list LC
1859 Black list --- enchant 120 Req data & tag 63
enchant 120 --- Black list data has enchant 123 .
1859 dagger 85B --- Black list R/C (no answered)
1859 dagger 85B --- Black list R/C (no answered)
1859 Black list --- Knife VHF 828
Knife --- Black list Rgr .
1903 Knife --- Black list Your request MD 7 tag C
Black list --- Knife Rgr .
1903 enchant 101 --- Black list mission MD tag 55 and MD 7 tag 63 , st by for mission data .
Black list --- enchant 101 Give me also data for enchant 120 .
1905 enchant 123 and 102 --- Black list Mission duplex MD tag 55 , MD tag 63 is going to cancel . Data for M0701 DEADLY 01 2 Cobras .
1907 Sky chief --- Fire water R/C
Fire water --- Sky chief LC
1908 nife 16 --- Black list Req information about patiences . How many you have .
1909 enchant 123 --- Sky chief Have you weak , but readable .
1909 enchant 101 --- Black list Rgr , you have not actual location time for Wolf pack .
1913 nife 16 --- Black list R/C (no answered)
1913 Sky chief --- Fire water R/C (no answered)
1915 Fire water --- Sky chief R/C (no answered)
1916 nife 16 --- Black list Do you have addinational information for me ? Can you call me tomorrow morning ?
Black list --- nife 16 No information , on UHF 67.1 , freq 285.375
1918 Black list --- Fire water minutes R/C
Fire water --- Black list LC
1918 Fire water --- Sky chief R/C
Sky chief --- Fire water LC
1920 Black list --- nife 16 Can you give me est time for tomorrow ?
nife 16 --- Black list Contact to me tomorrow from aircraft [-----]
1925 Sky chief --- enchant 101 R/C (no answered)
1938 enchant 101 --- Black list R/C
1946 enchant 101 --- Black list Launch division Cobras for you . We try FIRZE 31 , we'll recall
you after launch .
1950 enchant 101 --- Black list FIRZE 31 division Cobras launch.Launch just now . Mission M0131,also be advise , [TRIPLE EIGHT]fire coming the same , the same area j-tar 7655 , grid for [TRIPLE EIGHT] is MB 535836
Black list --- enchant 101 Rgr .
2006 enchant 101 --- Black list =(nothing hear)=
2010 Black list --- enchant 110 Mission M1031
enchant 110 --- Black list Contact with enchant 101 for mission 0143 .
2012 enchant 123 --- Black list Mission 0131 is not flight night,I try give you mission 0143 .
2014 enchant 120 --- Black list R/C
2016 Fire water --- Black list R/C (no answered)

2020 Sky chief --- Good hope Relay to Black list
line 1 NA 32021 96796 # olby control
line 2 Good hope
line 3 1d
line 4 a
line 5 a
line 6 n
line 7 red
line 8 a
line 9 none termination

2020 Enchant --- Black list We have not for you aircraft at night .
2023 Sky chief --- Black list for Good hope MD 7 tag E
2025 Fire water --- Sky chief R/C
2017 Black list --- enchant 101 R/C
2031 Sky chief --- Black list Relay 7 tag E to Good hope for Medevac contact with COROWALT .
2038 Good hope --- Sky chief Riverside is close due to wx .
2050 enchant 101 --- Black list Mission will be 1243 , WAKE 43,flight off 2 [--------]*D
2108 Black list --- Air piece Req frequency for my party TAXY 12 and TAXY 23 .
Air piece --- Black list We can'not contact TAXY 12
Black list --- Air piece Negative contact , req TAXY 20 and TAXY 23 .
2118 Black list --- enchant 120 Req status 1243 , reported to enchant 123 20 minutes ago .
enchant 120 --- Black list WAKE 43 still no joint
2135 enchant 101 --- lack list No com. with ATC enchant 120,we have aircraft to run to target,but no sended, because we wait WAKE 43 check .
2140 Any station --- Fire water R/C
Fire water --- Sky chief LC
2151 Ripper --- Blade R/C (no answered)
Модератор раздела
с фев 2007
Сообщений: 7779

Дата: 31 Окт 2020 22:12:17 #  


0445 Grizzly --- Black list Interrogative , is DEADLY 41 AND 45 at your position ?
Black list --- Grizzly At my position
Grizzly --- Black list Rgr . At your position .
0448 Black list --- Grizzly No join on DAS 2
Grizzly --- Black list We stay on this net untill you'll receive security .
0449 Black list --- Sky chief R/C (no answered)
0500 Any station --- Sky chief R/C
Sky chief --- Black list LC
0552 Any station --- Sky chief R/C
Sky chief --- Black list LC
0603 Black list --- Maypole MD 7 tag C Do you call Medevac ?
Maypole --- Black list We are ready to launch at this morning .
0609 Knife --- Black list R/C (no answered)
0611 Black list --- Knife R/C
Knife --- Black list LC , st by on this net .
0616 Black list --- enchant 120 Req escort target location MB 550842 checking with enchant 121
0617 enchant 120 --- Black list Your request 8 tag 5 , st by for mission data .
0622 enchant 120 --- Black list Any aircrafts on ground . Unable lift soon due to wx , keep your request .

0623 Black list --- Knife
line 1 MB 648704
line 2 Knife 285.375
line 3 1 routine
line 4 none
line 5 little
line 6 no enemy
line 7 green light
line 8 US military
line 9 none

0625 Knife --- Black list MD 8 tag A
0628 Black list --- enchant 120 Visibility 500 to 2000 meters .
0633 Knife --- Black list R/C
1750 Darkside man --- Ripper from Black list, aircraft in the way .
1752 enchant 101 --- Black list R/C (no answered)
1754 enchant 110 --- Black list I have you very weak
1754 enchant 101 --- Black list R/C (no answered)
1756 Black list --- enchant 120 No mission 1751 at this time
enchant 120 --- Black list Rgr .
1757 Black list --- enchant 110 R/C
enchant 110 --- Black list LC
1759 Black list --- enchant 110 Req status for mission 0741
enchant 110 --- Black list We have no contact with DEADLY 41
Black list --- enchant 110 Relay to DEADLY 41 we are in air on STEEL .
1803 Black list --- *DRS R/C
1805 Black list --- DRS Req MD 8 tag N , mission 1355
1806 enchant 110 --- Black list R/C
1807 enchant 120 --- Black list R/C
Black list --- enchant 110 Req your msg , I'll relay for enchant 120
enchant 110 --- Black list For enchant 120 , DEADLY 41 flight off 2 Cobras has canceled due to mechanical problem . We have no Cobras avaible for his *RON . We have giving for enchant 120 facget flight off 2F-18 . He would need fac any long time . He can take right now .
Black list --- enchant 101 Presently 40 is in contact with 120 .
enchant 101 --- Black list Rgr , 40 in contact with 120 , as soon as possible facget can take , com. back enchant 120 of sure, call sign WAKE 51 .
Black list --- enchant 101 WAKE 51 .
1808 Black list --- Darkside man Mission MD 8 tag P aircraft is landing on the deck at this time
Darkside man --- Black list Rgr .
1809 Black list --- enchant 101 Req contact WAKE 51 for sending situation
enchant 101 --- Black list We try hold WAKE 51 on PEWTER. Negative contact at this time .
Black list --- enchant 101 Rgr .

1815 Black list --- enchant 101 Are you ready to copy J-tar ?
line 1 enchant 110
line 2 [----]
line 3a) company stand line h) another number q) request favorite way tag
line 4a) target location MB 545901
line 5 impossible
line 6 *C
line 7a) set 7B , enchant 110
line 7c) *STEEL
line 7d) contact point 88*AT
enchant 101 --- Black list Mission MD 8 tag 61 , st by for mission data

1820 Black list --- enchant 120 St by for J-tar
enchant 120 --- Black list I have J-tar for location *MB 545901, contact point 88AT ,is it the same target ?
Black list --- enchant 120 St by .

1821 Ripper --- Darkside man
line 1 MB 551774
line 2 freq 36.050 HIGHROVER
line 3 1b
line 4 a
line 5 1l
line 6 n
line 7 c
line 8 c
line 9 d
1822 Darkside man --- Black list MD 8 tag R

1823 enchant 120 --- Black list I'll call WAKE 51 about 10*m, WAKE 51 will contact with SKIPPY control
Black list --- enchant 120 We have J-tar the same , the same targetlocation , same target , same everything .
enchant 120 --- Black list Req number is MD 8 tag 67 .
1827 Black list --- Darkside man Req mission for my number .
Darkside man --- Black list I'll give to you .
1832 Black list --- Grizzly R/C
Grizzly --- Black list Broken , but readable .
1835 Black list --- enchant 101 Req 8 tag 61
1837 Black list --- Grizzly R/C
Grizzly --- Black list LC
1842 Any station --- Enchant R/C
1845 Black list --- Darkside man R/C (no answered)
1846 Ripper --- Darkside man Can you relay data for 8 tag R from Black list .
1847 enchant 101 --- Black list We have WAKE 51 and SALOM 67 also with SKIPPY on PEWTER .
1849 Ripper --- Darkside man Req status for *R .
1849 Black list --- Ripper Req data MD 8 tag R for Darkside man
Ripper --- Black list DUSTA 26 is 1UH-60
1850 enchant 101 --- Black list Rgr , SALOM 67 and WAKE 51 are going to Poisen arrow .
Black list --- enchant 101 =(nothing hear)=
enchant 101 --- Black list Aircrafts are ready on PEWTER, Poisen arrow can contact on PEWTER .
1853 Enchant --- Black list Mission data MD 8 tag 69 mission 7317 *WOOKIE 17, flight off 2 Harriers , contact withenchant 110 on STEEL , in the way at 5 minutes .
Black list --- Enchant =(nothing hear)=
1857 Black list --- enchant 110 R/C
enchant 110 --- Black list LC
1900 Any station --- Black list R/C
Black list --- Ripper LC
1902 enchant 101 --- Black list R/C (no answered)
1903 enchant 110 --- Black list Be advise , GOTEL 71 on PEWTER
1906 enchant 110 --- Black list We also have GOTEL 71 going out to Poisen arrow on PEWTER , two 18 with lazer sky track , GOTEL 71 is working with enchant 110 on STEEL .
1911 Any station --- Grizzly R/C
Grizzly --- Black list LC
1911 Black list --- enchant 120 Be advise , AMADAN 53 st by with SKIPPY . He nothing need .
enchant 120 --- Black list Rgr .
1912 enchant 101 --- Black list rgr , confirm
Black list --- enchant 101 =(nothing hear)=
1913 Any station --- Poisen arrow R/C
Poisen arrow --- Black list LC
1917 Black list --- Green hand R/C
Green hand --- Black list LC
1918 Black list --- Poisen arrow R/C
Poisen arrow --- Black list LC
1922 Black list --- Poisen arrow I have 9 lines Medevac . Are you ready to copy ?
2003 Black list --- Green hand R/C
Green hand --- Black list LC
2009 Enchant --- Black list R/C

2011 Black list --- Poisen arrow I have 9 line Medevac
line 1 MB 550845
line 2 freq pewter
line 3 3[---]
line 4 none
line 5 2 ambulatory liver
line 6 possible enemy
line 7 [----]
line 3 a
line 9 none
Poisen arrow --- Black list MD 8 tag T

2015 Black list --- Poisen arrow R/C
2018 Grizzly --- Black list R/C
2030 Black list --- Poisen arrow R/C
Poisen arrow --- Black list LC
2031 Black list --- Green hand R/C
Green hand --- Black list LC
2032 Black list --- Poisen arrow R/C

2036 Black list --- Lability
line 1 MB 51688394
line 2 [------]
line 3 2a 1d
line 4 [----]
line 5 2a 2l
line 6 n
line 7 e
line 8 d
--- Black list mission 8 tag U

2045 Any station --- Naktong R/C
Naktong --- Black list LC
2046 Black list --- Lability Req mission data
Lability --- Black list St by
2055 Lability --- Black list data 8 tag U , DUSTA 32 flight 1UH-60,take off now .
2058 Poisen arrow --- Black list R/C (no answered)
2106 Black list --- Highlander R/C
Highlander --- Black list LC
2116 Fire water --- Sky chief R/C in the RED (no answered)
2121 Black list --- Green hand R/C
Green hand --- Black list LC
2123 Ice pack --- Ben Richard R/C (no answered)
2125 Any station --- Fire water R/C
Fire water --- Black list LC
Fire water --- Sky chief Weak readble .

2203 Black list --- Poisen arrow St by for J-tar request Day mission designate 08-09 April.
Recognition - visual, 10 point own control. Avaible blust invite. Map north-east;
type: any *NH map . Scale 1:62000 , serial K042M sheet 3 , addition 1 tag *NIMA , target coordinate
military grid draft system.
MB 504 885 that is HOSPITAL ,
MB 507 887 that is AIRFIELD ,
MB 521 878 that is DETENTION CENTER .
Delivery is 0223 S2 , callsign Poisen arrow,frequency VHF # 201 , [Red menol Intel]

2208 Black list --- Poisen arrow How do you copied my last ?

2212 Black list --- Poisen arrow line 1 day mission designate 08-09 April
line 2 type recognition mission visual,coverage 10 point , sector type maximum,type photograph avaible , type film ...
Poisen arrow --- Black list BRAKE , BRAKE , BRAKE , BRAKE , BRAKE !!!
line 3 image map 15000 , serial K042M , sheet true add 1 tag *NIMA
Poisen arrow --- Black list BRAKE , BRAKE , BRAKE !!! Stop your passing !!!
This is UNCOVERED net !!! I need only J-tar request: target , target location , callsign , frequency and
control point .
Black list --- Poisen arrowRoger . Targets :
MB 504 883
MB 504 885
MB 507 887
MB 516 879
MB 521 878
First is united nation building, second - hospital,
third - airfield , fourth - military concernment,last - detention center .
2221 Poisen arrow --- Black list MD 8 tag 83
2229 Poisen arrow --- Black list R/C (no answered)
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с фев 2007
Сообщений: 7779

Дата: 31 Окт 2020 22:19:47 #  


0556 Black list --- Poisen arrow R/C
Poisen arrow --- Black list LC
0556 Poisen arrow --- Green hand R/C (no aswered)
0603 Black list --- enchant 120 Req data 9 tag 01
enchant 120 --- Black list We have not time , we have 2 Cobras scout working .
0607 enchant 120 --- Black list Confirm Poisen arrow req MD 8 tag 77 ?
Black list --- enchant 120 St by .
0608 Any station --- Poisen arrow R/C
Poisen arrow --- Green hand LC
0609 Black list --- enchant 120 R/C
0613 enchant 120 --- Black list MD 8 tag 85 . Relay to SNOOP 01
0617 enchant 120 --- Black list Mission number 5401 , SNOOP 01 check Black list at 0310z and checking with enchant 120 0n PEWTER .
0618 enchant 120 --- Black list SNOOP 01 is now checking with Black list and data time will pass to on PEWTER .
0623 grizzly 122 --- Black list R/C (no answered)
0632 Black list --- Green hand Is for MD 8 tag 85 SNOOP 01 ?
Green hand --- Black list SNOOP 01 is working with enchant 120 on PEWTER , 2*F18C.
Black list --- Green hand Rgr .
1814 Black list --- Green hand R/C (no answered)
1816 Black list --- enchant 120 R/C
enchant 120 --- Black list LC
1907 Black list --- enchant 101 R/C
enchant 101 --- Black list LC
1915 Black list --- enchant 101 R/C
enchant 101 --- Black list LC
1933 Black list --- Poisen arrow R/C
1934 Enchant --- Poisen arrow line 1 MB [5]03887 line 2 [244.4] =(nothig hear)=
1953 Any station --- Black list R/C (no answered)
1954 Black list --- Enchant R/C
1955 Any station --- Grizzly R/C (no answered)
2000 Poisen arrow --- Black list R/C
2000 Black list --- Grizzly R/C (no answered)
2006 Black list --- Poisen arrow Say your frequency. For [*B2] is AFG NCG KAE YL
Poisen arrow --- Black list AFG NCG KAE YL
2013 Black list --- Grizzly R/C (no answered)
2045 Black list --- enchant 120 ATL PQU XIK VB .
2047 Black list --- enchant 120 -2, -4, -8, -0, -7, -5 .
2051 Black list --- Grizzly R/C (no answered)
2051 Any station --- Grizzly R/C (no answered)
2104 enchant 120 --- Black list R/C (no answered)

2107 Black list --- enchant 120 St by for Medevac
line 1 MB 511891
line 2 callsign *MUMBLES , freq 244.4
line 3 c1
line 4 shot , any fire
line 5 l1
line 6 n
line 7 *IR light *BUZZSAW
line 8 a1
line 9 none

2108 enchant 120 --- Black list Mission MD 9 tag *O
2113 Black list --- enchant 120 Req data for MD 9 tag O
enchant 120 --- Black list We are working now with flight send .
2125 enchant 115 --- Black list R/C (no answered)
2135 Sky chief --- enchant 101 R/C
enchant 101 --- Black list [-----] 15fl off 4 *DELUGE [-----] and DEADLY. Req Medevac or groundevac .
2145 Black list --- enchant 120 Req data MD 9 tag O
enchant 120 --- Black list St by
2153 Black list --- enchant 101 Medevac is hasardous .
2155 Any station --- Fire water R/C (no answered)
2157 Black list --- Grizzly R/C (no answered)
2157 Black list --- enchant 120 No enemy contact
enchant 120 --- Black list Rgr , st by .
2201 Sky chief --- Fire water R/C (no answered)
2215 enchant 120 --- Black list For you are ENCHANT 40 and ENCHANT 41. We'll recall you after take off, approximetly 40 minutes .
Black list --- enchant 120 Rgr , copied all .
2220 Black list --- Air piece R/C (no answered)
2221 Sky chief --- Air piece R/C (no answered)
Модератор раздела
с фев 2007
Сообщений: 7779

Дата: 31 Окт 2020 22:36:08 #  


0438 Ice pack --- Sky chief R/C (no answered)
0448 Knife --- Black list Patiences go out at 0230. We'll connect with Blue diamond
Black list --- Knife Rgr , copied .
0512 Any station --- Sky chief R/C
Sky chief --- Black list LC
Sky chief --- Green hand Weak .
0513 Green hand --- Black list MD 10 tag 3
0514 Black list --- Enchant R/C
Enchant --- Black list LC
0516 Any station --- grizzly 101 R/C (no answered)
0526 Knife --- Black list R/C (no answered)
0538 Black list --- Green hand R/C
0538 Black list --- Poisen arrow R/C
0539 Black list --- Green hand What time your receive at *A ?
Green hand --- Black list You have target to passing to me ?
Black list --- Green hand Negative .
0544 North star --- Sky chief R/C
Sky chief --- Enchant =over=
Enchant --- Sky chief Have you weak
0556 grizzly 121 --- Black list R/C (no answered)
0557 Black list --- Enchant R/C
Enchant --- Black list Do you have contact with Grizzly ?
Black list --- Enchant Negative .
0609 Knife --- Black list R/C (no answered)
0609 Any station --- Black list R/C
Black list --- Enchant LC
0613 Any station --- General R/C
General --- Black list LC
1749 Black list --- Naktong R/C
Naktong --- Black list LC
1752 Black list --- grizzly 101 Req mission data for 10 tag 09
grizzly 101 --- Black list St by
1755 Black list --- Darkside 4 Req confirm mission 10 tag J
Darkside 4 --- Black list St by

1756 Black list --- dagger 85B
line 1 38S # MB # 64057 # 81361 #
line 2 olby/c freq 36050
line 3 3d and 1b
line 4 none
line 5 2l 2a
line 6 none
line 7 3 light
line 8 3 US military
line 9 none
1759 dagger 85B --- Black list Your mission is MD 10 tag K

1805 Darkside 4 --- Black list For your request MD 10 tag J DUSTA 47 is currently spinning and be on route to your pos with few *M.
Black list --- Darkside 4 Be advise , landing for DUSTA 47 will be clear .
1807 grizzly 101 --- Black list We are still looking for aircraft to your J-tar MD 10 tag 9 .
Black list --- grizzly 101 Rgr , we st by for mission number .
1814 grizzly 101 --- Black list For 10 tag 9 PICNIC 68 will be going to J-tar , type aircraft [A4 , Tornado], PICNIC 68 carry 2 *JDAM, aircraft switching to your now, also PICNIC 68 looking for target for their data mission , on board carry ordered type 2 *JDAM .
Black list --- grizzly 101 Rgr , copied
1815 Black list --- grizzly 109 R/C
grizzly 109 --- Black list LC .
1816 Black list --- Darkside 4 we need cancel my Medevac MD 10 tag J
Darkside 4 --- Black list Rgr , st by .
1818 Black list --- grizzly 101 R/C
grizzly 101 --- Black list Weak , but readable .
1820 Black list --- Naktong R/C
Naktong --- Black list LC

1822 Black list --- grizzly 109 CASEVAC
line 1 MB 46975 # 95970
line 2 callsign UGLY , freq 244.4
line 3 4c
line 4 a
line 5 4a
line 6 p
line 7 c
line 8 a
line 9 d
grizzly 109 --- Black list Mission MD 10 tag L

1826 Black list --- grizzly 109 Change line 1 in tag *L MB 452932
grizzly 109 --- Black list Rgr .

1829 Black list --- Naktong st by for Medevac
line 1 MB 452932
line 2 UHF 244.4
line 3 4c
line 4 a
line 5 unknown
line 6 p # n
line 7 c yellow
line 8 4a
line 9 d
1832 Naktong --- Black list This is the same CASEVAC , that I've from grizzly 109 .

1833 Enchant --- Poisen arrow R/C (no answered)
1834 Enchant --- Black list R/C (no answered)
1835 Black list --- Naktong Reg Medevac for MB 470960
Naktong --- Black list St by
1837 Black list --- grizzly 109 R/C
1838 Black list --- Naktong Change for MB 470960 : *MOSES this is callsign .
1838 Black list --- Enchant R/C
Enchant --- Black list LC
1844 Black list --- Enchant Do you have information about Medevac from Poisen arrow ?
Enchant --- Black list I receive Medevac from Poisen arrow ll day , what number do you need? Black list have not information about any Medevac from Poisen arrow today .
1902 Black list --- STP 7 Req about MD 10 tag M
STP 7 --- Black list Addition to 10 MD tag M is US military litter patiences .
1906 Black list --- Naktong # Grizzly launching is support Medevac also req Casevac, req 10 tag L , callsign aircraft launching from Grizzly is GRIZZLY 40 and 41 2CH-46 .
1911 Black list --- grizzly 101
line 3 i) 40 to 45 personal massed in building. It's preporation for contrattack
line 4 MB 400940
line 5 [------------]
line 7 88AS tag 3 is control point
grizzly 101 --- Black list Your req is MD 10 tag 11
1915 grizzly 101 --- Black list Mission 10 tag 11 is ILAND 67 2FA-18C, also presently no carring on board need quantity *GBU-16
1920 STP 7 --- Black list We have 1UH-60 for request .
1925 STP 7 --- Black list For Medevac MD 10 tag M, allsign DUSTA 46 1UH-60 .
Black list --- STP 7 Rgr .
1942 Black list --- grizzly 109 R/C
grizzly 109 --- Black list St by
1943 Any station --- Ripper R/C
Ripper --- Black list LC

2001 Black list --- grizzly 101
line 1 MB 406918
line 2 244.4 SVEZY
line 3 a
line 4 a
line 5 a
line 6 n
line 7 [------]
line 8 d
line 9 none
grizzly 101 --- Black list Mission MD 10 tag O

2010 Black list --- Grizzly
line 3 h) *APC 45 #
line 4 MB 40020 92010
Grizzly --- Black list mission 10 tag 13
2015 Any station --- Black list R/C
Black list --- Enchant LC
2017 grizzly 101 --- Black list GRIZZLY 40 and 41 are headed back to you and Black list no have now escort for them at this time .
Black list --- grizzly 101 Rgr , GRIZZLY 40 and 41 in route to my pos. base .
2031 Black list --- grizzly 101 Req mission number 10 tag 13
grizzly 101 --- Black list LULU 13 type aircraft 2FA-18
2048 Black list --- Grizzly R/C
Grizzly --- Black list LC

2120 Black list --- STP 7
line 1 MB 64059 # 81361
line 2 36.050 [----]
line 3 c3 priority
line 4 l3 49#5 7 litter
line 6 n
line 7 3 light
line 8 5 US military
line 9 none

2125 STP 7 --- Black list Your mission MD 10 tag P
2128 Black list --- grizzly 101 J-tar line 3 i) 50 to 60 personal organised for contrattack
line 4 MB 4038 # 9269 contact point 88AS-3
2132 Grizzly --- Black list MD 10-17 callsign *RODNEY 45 flight off 2A-10,type aircraft *A-10, in route to you .
2136 STP 7 --- Black list No can send Casevac now for tag *P
Black list --- STP 7 Rgr .
2141 grizzly 101 --- Black list has another FACWAY for *GM with *JF on board, if you need to drop .
Модератор раздела
с фев 2007
Сообщений: 7779

Дата: 31 Окт 2020 22:45:09 #  


0426 Black list --- grizzly 105 R/C
grizzly 105 --- Black list LC
0428 Sky chief --- Black list Do you have J-tar for grizzly 105? Disregard , disregard .
0429 grizzly 105 --- Black list Mission MD 11 tag 1 and MD 11 tag 3 =(nothing hear)=
0535 Black list --- Sky chief R/C
Sky chief --- Black list =(nothing hear)=
0537 Black list --- Ripper air R/C
Ripper air --- Black list LC
0541 Black list --- Sky chief Req confirm information for MOZU 51 flight: north 335548.3 east 0443114.5 is ended 89AT killbox and from Black list we have information, that flight ended at 85AT. What is true ?
Sky chief --- Black list St by .
0542 Darkside --- Ripper air R/C
0542 grizzly 105 --- Black list R/C
0543 Sky chief --- Black list 89AT the is correct location .
Black list --- Sky chief Do you have contact on DAS2 ?
Sky chief --- Black list No joint . I have you LC on the RED .
0546 grizzly 105 --- Black list Mission 11 tag 3 aircaft is 15 minutes earler your request, you have aircraft for tag 1 .
0549 Crazy ouzel --- Sky chief R/C (no answered)
0558 Crazy ouzel --- Sky chief R/C (no answered)
0559 Darkside --- Ripper R/C
0606 grizzly 105 --- Black list R/C
Black list --- grizzly 105 LC
0620 grizzly 105 --- Black list Mission 11 tag 3 before 15M at 0345
Black list --- grizzly 105 Rgr .
0631 Black list --- grizzly 105 R/C (no answered)
1349 Black list --- Green hand R/C
1402 enchant 120 --- Black list LC
Black list --- enchant 120 =(nothing hear)=
1408 Any station --- Black list R/C
Black list --- Green hand LC
1413 Green hand --- Black list R/C
1636 Good hope --- Sky chief R/C (no answered)
1637 Any station --- Sky chief R/C
Sky chief --- Black list LC
1808 Black list --- Gonza R/C
G0nza --- Black list LC
1809 enchant 120 --- Black list DUSTA 47 is going to your for Medevac at this time .
Black list --- enchant 120 Rgr .
1809 Black list --- Gonza R/C
Gonza --- Black list LC
1838 Black list --- Red lightning R/C
Red lightning --- Black list LC
1846 Black list --- Enchant R/C
Enchant --- Black list LC
1903 Black list --- General R/C
General --- Black list LC
1912 Enchant --- Black list Mission MD 11 tag i is completed jump off 1540z .
1917 Enchant --- Black list Based : -1, -2, -3, +1, +1, -4 ; frequency for contact with base .

1940 Black list --- grizzly 109
line 1 MC 425 046
line 2 244.4 , callsign *STP
line 3 1b
line 4 a
line 5 1a
line 6 n
line 7 [---] light
line 8 d
line 9 d
line 10 remark [--------]
1942 grizzly 109 --- Black list MD 11 tag J

1949 grizzly 109 --- Black list What is your location now ?
Black list --- grizzly 109 MB 451 499, transportate request to MC 425 046
1951 Black list --- grizzly 109 We estimade FISH MADE about 10 minutes
2005 grizzly 109 --- Black list Data for 11 tag J llsign DUSTA 52 1UH-60 he just last ago take off now .
2009 Black list --- enchant 120 R/C
enchant 120 --- Black list LC
2032 Young --- Black list Weak , barely readable , rgr .
Black list --- Young =(nothing hear)=
2033 ripper 102 --- Black list R/C (no answered)
2033 ripper 108 --- Black list R/C (no answered)
2034 Young --- Black list Negative contact .
Black list --- Young =(nothing hear)=
2051 Black list --- grizzly 109 R/C
grizzly 109 --- Black list LC
2112 Black list --- grizzly 109 What is destination for Medevac ?
grizzly 109 --- Black list MB 640 813 , *STP 7 .
2123 Black list --- Enchant R/C
Enchant --- Black list LC
2145 dagger 85B --- Black list R/C (no answered)
2149 dagger 85B --- Black list R/C (no answered)
2211 dagger 85B --- Black list R/C (no answered)
Модератор раздела
с фев 2007
Сообщений: 7779

Дата: 31 Окт 2020 23:04:40 #  


0553 dagger 85B --- Black list R/C (no answered)
0604 Any station --- Black list R/C (no answered)
0642 Knife --- Black list I have you LC
0643 Black list --- Knife From *STP 3 is MB # 466885
Knife --- Black list MB 466885
0751 Any station --- Black list R/C (no answered)
0755 Black list --- Red lightning R/C
Red lightning --- Black list LC
0825 Black list --- General R/C
General --- Black list LC
0825 Black list --- grizzly 101 I have J-tar . Are you ready to copy ? Target is interesting .
grizzly 101 --- Black list You are unreadable . Go ahead . =(no answered)=
0828 General --- Black list R/C (no answered)
0832 Any station --- Black list R/C (no answered)
0833 Naktong --- Black list I have you LC
Black list --- Naktong R/C (no answered) =(nothing hear)=
0835 grizzly 101 --- Black list R/C (no answered)
0836 General --- Black list R/C (no answered)
0851 Black list --- grizzly 101 R/C (no answered)
0851 Any station --- General R/C
General --- Black list LC
0852 Black list --- grizzly 101 R/C
grizzly 101 --- Black list LC
0854 grizzly 101 --- Black list R/C
Black list --- grizzly 101 LC
0857 Black list --- grizzly 101 I need send J-tar. Preparating 3 *PGBE on MB 429 908, no raider at 0600, contact *ZONG, contact *DULON on *GOLD, contact point is 88AS6 .
grizzly 101 --- Black list Your request is mission MD 12 tag 3 .
0925 Dulon --- Black list You need contact your *AR in regard to raid for J-tar MD 12 tag 3
Black list --- Dulon Copied , roger .
0928 Darkside man --- Black list Roger , your request is MD 12 tag D .
Black list --- Darkside man =(nothing hear)=
0930 Darkside man --- Ripper air I'll com. back with position,if happening , do launch for you .
0937 Dulon --- Black list Did you contact your *AR?
Black list --- Dulon Confirm , working mission at this time .
Dulon --- Black list Rgr , tell me , are you still on the line net J-tar?
Black list --- Dulon Negative , you confirm demerge request .
1048 Black list --- Skippy =(nothing hear)=
Skippy --- Black list St by .
1054 Black list --- Gonza R/C
Gonza --- Black list LC
1056 hazel 35 --- hazel 33 Radio check .
1105 Black list --- grizzly 105 R/C
grizzly 105 --- Black list LC
1108 Black list --- Poisen arrow R/C
Poisen arrow --- Black list LC
1132 Poisen arrow --- Black list R/C (no answered)
146 Black list --- grizzly 105 Medevac
line 1 MC 446 259
line 2 244.4 callsign COLD 25
line 3 1 priority
line 4 none
line 5 1
line 6 e
line 7 d
line 8 a
line 9 none
grizzly 105 --- Black list Your request MD 12 tag F

1148 Tiger --- Black list Mission 12 tag D is completed
Black list --- Tiger =(nothing hear)=
1152 Tiger --- Black list Roger , MB 517 879
1155 Boom boom --- Black list R/C
1159 Black list --- grizzly 105 Req status MD 12 tag F
grizzly 105 --- Black list St by .
1204 Tiger air --- Black list R/C
1212 Black list --- Blade *BAS R/C
Blade *BAS --- Black list LC
1214 Black list --- grizzly 105 R/C (no answered)
1218 grizzly 105 --- Black list I have mission data for you in the blind GRIZZLY 40 flight off 2CH-46 # escort ENRY 17 is 2UH-1N etd on 0850
1228 grizzly 105 --- Black list Mission callsign GRIZZLY 40 is 2CH-46, ENRY 17 flight 2UH-1N,take off 0850 .
Black list --- grizzly 105 [ MC 470 68 ] freq 36.15
1315 Sky chief --- Scaphander R/C (no answered)
1316 Black list --- Scaphander R/C
Scaphander --- Black list LC
1326 Any station --- Black list R/C
Black list --- grizzly 101 LC
1520 Ripper --- Snout R/C
Snout --- Ripper LC
1522 Tiger --- Ripper air R/C (no answered)
1522 Geezer --- Snout R/C (no answered)
1523 First term --- Ripper R/C (no aswered)
1526 Snout --- Geezer R/C (no answered)
1526 Ripper air --- First term R/C (no answered)
1528 Black list --- enchant 110 R/C
enchant 110 --- Black list LC
1530 Black list --- enchant 110 R/C
enchant 110 --- Black list LC
1533 enchant 130 --- Black list LC
Black list --- enchant 130 =(nothing hear)=

1540 Black list --- enchant 110
line 1 MB 456 308
line 2 36.050 callsign Bricken
line 3 b1
line 4 none
line 5 a1
line 6 p
line 7 a
line 8 d
line 9 none
1543 enchant 110 --- Black list Your mission 12 tag L

1605 enchant 110 --- Black list For MD 12 tag L is ENCHANT 40 eta 10*M .
1617 Presley --- *J3 in the red .
1618 Poisen arrow --- *J3 R/C
1635 Any station --- Black list R/C
1650 Any station --- Sky chief R/C
Sky chief --- Black list LC
1651 Black list --- Sky chief Are you operated [marering] DAS2 ?
Sky chief --- Black list I am .
1706 Black list --- Air piece R/C
Air piece --- Black list LC
1708 Good hope --- Sky chief R/C (no answered)
1713 Presley --- *J3 R/C (no answered)
1716 Any station --- Milky R/C
Milky --- Black list LC
1723 Presley --- *J3 R/C (no answered)
1723 Poisen arrow --- *J3 R/C (no answered)
1733 Black list --- Sky chief R/C
Sky chief --- Black list St by .
1740 Black list --- Sky chief Ice pack is requesting you row TAC aircommand night free .
Sky chief --- Black list Rgr .
1741 Presley --- *J3 R/C (no answered)
1741 Any station --- *J3 R/C
*J3 --- Black list LC
1749 Black list --- enchant 102 R/C
enchant 102 --- Black list LC
1802 Grizzly --- *J3 In the RED radio check . (no answered)
1806 Black list --- Enchant R/C
Enchant --- Black list LC
1931 Any station --- Poisen arrow R/C (no answered)

1935 Black list --- Poisen arrow I have 9 lines Medevac .
line 1 MB 541 875
line 2 244.4 , Skippy
line 3 1a
line 4 [----]
line 5 1l
line 6 negative *N
line 7 [----]
line 8 1a
line 9 none Remark : navy personal [--------]
Poisen arrow --- Black list Mission number MD 12 tag M

1953 Poisen arrow --- Black list For MD tag M , Black hawk going to your patiences eta about 30 minutes, no callsign at this time .
1958 Presley --- *J3 in the Red radio check . (no answered)
2008 Black list --- *J3 R/C (no answered)
2023 Black list --- *NTFN Radio check
2024 Poisen arrow --- Sky chief R/C (no answered)
2024 Highlander --- Sky chief R/C (no answered)
2025 Highlander --- Black list R/C (no answered)
2026 Barbarian --- Black list R/C (no answered)
2026 Barbarian --- Sky chief R/C (no answered)
2048 Black list --- Sky chief R/C
Sky chief --- Black list LC
2108 Grizzly --- Sky chief R/C (no answered)
2110 Black list --- Enchant R/C
Enchant --- Black list LC
2158 Fire water --- Sky chief R/C (no answered)
2204 Any station --- Fire water R/C
Fire water --- Black list LC
2206 Black list --- Blade *BAS R/C
Blade BAS --- Black list LC
2225 Black list --- Fire water R/C
Fire water --- Enchant LC
Enchant --- Fire water Roger , out .
Модератор раздела
с фев 2007
Сообщений: 7779

Дата: 31 Окт 2020 23:07:24 #  


1746 Black list --- grizzly 101 R/C
grizzly 101 --- Black list LC
1746 grizzly 101 --- Sky chief R/C (no answered)
1747 Grizzly --- Sky chief R/C (no answered)
1747 Any station --- Fire water R/C
Fire water --- Sky chief LC
1750 Any station --- *J3 R/C
*J3 --- Beat tump LC
1800 Black list --- Enchant R/C
Enchant --- Black list LC
1831 Any station --- Fire water R/C
Fire water --- Black list LC
Black list --- fire water The same . Out .
1933 Black list --- grizzly 101 R/C
grizzly 101 --- Black list LC
Black list --- grizzly 101 The same . Out .
2237 Black list --- Enchant R/C
Enchant --- Black list LC
Black list --- Enchant Roger . Out .
Модератор раздела
с фев 2007
Сообщений: 7779

Дата: 31 Окт 2020 23:15:21 #  


0528 Black list --- Enchant R/C
Enchant --- Black list LC
1633 dagger 85L --- Black list R/C (no answered)
1645 Black list --- Grizzly R/C (no answered)
1647 Any station --- Black list R/C (no answered)
1649 Black list --- Blade *BAS R/C
Blade *BAS --- Black list LC
1650 Black list --- Ben Richard R/C
Ben Richard --- Black list LC
1651 Black list --- grizzly 109 R/C (no answered)
1652 Black list --- Ben Richard R/C (no answered)
1656 Black list --- grizzly 109 R/C (no answered)
1657 Black list --- Ben Richard R/C (no answered)
1658 Black list --- grizzly 109 R/C (no answered)
1704 Black list --- Ripper R/C
Ripper --- Black list LC
1718 Black list --- Blade *BAS R/C (no answered)
1720 Black list --- grizzly 109 R/C (no answered)
1720 Black list --- dagger 85L R/C (no answered)
1721 Black list --- Blade *BAS R/C (no answered)
1722 Presley --- Sky chief R/C (no answered)
1723 Black list --- dagger 85L R/C (no answered)
1723 Black list --- grizzly 109 R/C (no answered)
1724 Any station --- dagger 85L R/C (no answered)
1725 Black list --- dagger 85L Req Medevac at this time
line 1 22045 [--------]
line 2 ID 114 , callsign DAGGER 85L
line 3 1c 2b
line 4 a
line 5 [---------]
line 6 n
line 7 c
line 8 2e 1a
line 9 d
1726 Presley --- Sky chief R/C (no answered)
1728 Black list --- Blade *BAS R/C (no answered)
1729 Black list --- dagger 85L R/C (no answered)
1730 Sky chief --- grizzly 109 R/C
grizzly 109 --- Sky chief LC
1730 Black list --- grizzly 109 Interrogative, we are happied airfield with turbulence at this morning, what eta status of air, when we are eta .
1732 Black list --- Blade BAS R/C
Blade BAS --- Black list LC
1734 dagger 85L --- Black list R/C (no answered)
1734 dagger 85B --- Black list R/C (no answered)
1735 Black list --- dagger 85L Req Medevac line 1 LD 794...
dagger 85L --- Black list You are unreadable .
1739 Black list --- dagger 85L R/C (no answered)
1741 Black list --- dagger 85B R/C (no answered)

1745 Black list --- dagger 85B Medevac
line 1 [64188 # 81333]
line 2 *LZ control , 36.050
line 3 1 routine
line 4 none
line 5 1
line 6 [-----]
line 7 [-----]
line 8 e
line 9 none
dagger 85B --- Black list Your request is 14 tag D

1748 Black list --- dagger 85L Req Medevac 9 lines (no answered)

1753 dagger 85B --- dagger 85L Relay this lines to Black list
line 1 LD 79452 # 22045
line 2 *NID 114 # dagger 85L
line 3 3b
line 4 a
line 5 2l 1a
line 6 n
line 7 c yellow
line 8 1a 2e
line 9 d

1755 Black list --- dagger 85L R/C
1756 dagger 85B --- Black list Do you have Medevac from DAGGER 85L ?
Black list --- dagger 85B Are you ready to copy ?
line 1 ..................
dagger 85B --- Black list Relay to DAGGER 85L mission MD 14 tag E, st by on this net for mission data .
1757 dagger 85L --- dagger 85B =over=
dagger 85B --- dagger 85L Copied all , roger , we'll st by .
1800 Black list --- Naktong R/C (no answered)
1804 Black list --- Naktong R/C (no answered)
1807 Black list --- Poisen arrow R/C
Poisen arrow --- Black list LC
1812 dagger 85B --- Black list for MD 14 D is later, MD 14 tag E is continue now .
1821 dagger 85B --- dagger 85L R/C
1824 dagger 85B --- Black list for 14 tag E , now mute DOOMER 33, is not eta .
Black list --- dagger 85B Rgr .
1824 dagger 85L --- dagger 85B Did you copied transmition ?
dagger 85B --- dagger 85L Rgr
1828 dagger 85B --- Black list R/C
1839 Black list --- grizzly 105 R/C
grizzly 105 --- Black list LC

1846 Black list --- grizzly 105 I have Medevac request
line 1 MC 029692
line 2 grizzly 105 , 36.050
line 3 1 routine
line 4 [----]
line 5 [----]
line 6 [----]
line 7 light
line 8 [----]
line 9 n
grizzly 105 --- Black list 14 tag F , this is routine Medevac

1851 Black list --- Grizzly R/C
Grizzly --- Black list LC
1854 dagger 85B --- dagger 85L R/C (no answered)
1858 Black list --- Enchant air R/C
Enchant air --- Black list LC
1913 Black list --- grizzly 105 Do you have mission data for MD 14 tag F ?
grizzly 105 --- Black list Negative at this time .
1918 grizzly 105 --- Black list Mission data MD 14 tag F is *USTOFF 32 .
1920 Any station --- Fire water R/C
Fire water --- Black list LC
1921 Any station --- Presley R/C
Grizzly --- Black list LC
1926 Black list --- Grizzly Do you have com. with Sky chief ?
Grizzly --- Black list Expromative .
1933 Black list --- Enchant R/C
Enchant --- Black list LC
1934 dagger 85L --- Black list R/C (no answered)
1935 dagger 85B --- Black list R/C (no answered)
1942 Black list --- *PRESLEY R/C
Sky chief --- Black list You are broken and unreadable .
1952 dagger 85B --- Black list R/C
2000 Black list --- [ripper] R/C
Station calling --- Black list You are broken and unreadable .
2006 grizzly 105 --- Black list R/C (no answered)
2105 Black list --- Presley R/C (no answered)
2122 Black list --- Sky chief R/C
Sky chief --- Black list rgr , out .
2126 Black list --- grizzly 109 R/C (no answered)
2127 Any station --- grizzly 109 R/C (no answered)
2128 Black list --- grizzly 109 R/C
grizzly 109 --- Black list LC
2140 Black list --- Enchant R/C
Enchant --- Black list LC

2141 Black list --- Darkside man
line 1 MB 445 886
line 2 36.050 callsign [----]
line 3 [--------]
line 4 a
line 5 1[----]
line 6 n
line 7 [---] smoke
line 8 [-----]
Darkside man --- Black list Request MD 14 tag H

2144 Darkside --- Black list Your request MD 14 tag H, st by for mission data.We have not description off the wounds
2202 Darkside man --- Black list For mission 14 tag H is DUSTA 52, started right now .
Модератор раздела
с фев 2007
Сообщений: 7779

Дата: 01 Ноя 2020 00:07:32 #  

Сравниваем c 01.04.03 19.35

Black list --- Sky chief I have information from Cumberland #
Ranold 41 flight 2 AH 1358 at Cumberland pass , left 1407 .
Riplex 57 flight 2 CH46 at Cumberland 1409, left 1524.
Riplex 33 2 AH at Cumberland 1409, left 1433.
Sky Cap 56 1 UH60 at Cumberland 1435, left 1440.
ROBBER 13 2 UH.1 at Cumberland 1442, left 1455.
Ranold 35 2 AH at Cumberland 1500 currently a Cumberland pass.
Sky Cap 43 1 UH60 at Cumberland 1527, left 1541.
Sky Cap 44 1 UH60 at Cumberland 1558, left 1609.

Модератор раздела
с фев 2007
Сообщений: 7779

Дата: 01 Ноя 2020 00:18:10 #  

Black list --- Sky chief JTAR report From Godfather 101
line 2 *C
line 3 *B
line 4 NA 8774
line 5 *C 2315z
line 6 *B
line 7 Godfather on steel
line 8 remark need road .... escort
Sky chief --- Black list your request is MD 01.45

с апр 2008
Сообщений: 1562

Дата: 01 Ноя 2020 11:44:15 · Поправил: asv (01 Ноя 2020 11:46:59) #  

remark need road .... escort
8) need rotary wing escort

bl: is this a jtar or a request for escort?
sc: send it: be adv it is both.
bl: understand, GF101 wants a rotary wing escort for a CAS birds.
sc: stand by
bl: line 3 B, is there amount?
sc: unknown.
bl: also the acft update you sent me, were they at [candin yard]?
sc?: /ANDVT burst./
sc: is that [Cumberland pass]? break, be adv [Cumberland] is at 3 rivers
bl: copy, 3 rivers.
sc: disregard last, break, unknown [Cumberland]
bl: rgr, also for jtar you passing, req freq and control point
sc: be adv, unknown personell [], also unknown [] needed birds CAS or the escort, request you sign mission number, and we will contact GF101
bl: also i need a freq and contact point
sc: freq is STEEL, unk contact point at this time
bl: your req nr is MD01-45
sc: rgr, standing by mission data.
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