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The Zetron Model 16 Alphanumeric Paging Terminal provides entry for alphanumeric display pagers by fully encoding and batching digital display formats. The Paging Terminal services incoming calls via its RS-232 serial input. Pages are accumulated into batches for efficient radio transmission.
Concurrent serial input processing and transmitter control provide for high paging throughput while facilitating simple and efficient transmitter sharing with existing paging terminals. This feature, backed up by an extensive set of other features, makes the Model 16 an attractive choice for adding alphanumeric message capabilities to new or existing paging installations.
- Local serial port for computer or CRT connection
- Manual or automated page entry
- Compatible with all alphanumeric data entry stations capable of a serial connection
- Encodes POCSAG and GSC digital formats
- Tone only and numeric paging, as well as alphanumeric
- Will accommodate either standalone or shared radio channels
- Non-volatile programming memory for Terminal operation and Subscriber data
- Field programming of capcodes and functions
- Optional call and word count accumulation
- Can be equipped as a stand-alone unit or a PC card
- Optional tone remote interface with modem
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Файл загружен: 22 Апр 2011 14:08, посл. исправление: 22 Апр 2011 19:47 |