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с фев 2006
Сообщений: 5898

Дата: 08 Дек 2023 23:03:36 #  

Сегодня немного записался JAKE17 на 285.175 и на последних секундах он, вроде как, называет частоту 333.075 https://files.fm/f/g7u3jz2tr9
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с фев 2007
Сообщений: 7860

Дата: 09 Дек 2023 11:13:50 #  

Частота 233.075
EPWW OAT DT sector WARSAW RADAR 233.075 primary
Модератор раздела
с фев 2007
Сообщений: 7860

Дата: 09 Дек 2023 13:20:37 #  

Baltic Air Policing - 277.775
В переговорах отмечены самолеты:
F-16 Fighting Falcon - номера 118, 129
Mirage 2000 - номера 40, 46
Amberland - ЦУО Лиелварде, его не слышно. Самолеты подтверждают задачи наведения и осуществляют доклады на КП о перехвате.
Например:задача - MA 01 fighter SA 01 target (MA 01, 02 - fighter SA 01, 02 - target) и далее идет перехват цели, классификация и доклад и т.д. в различных вариантах.
Самолеты запрашивали погоду на EYKA - Каунас EYSA - Шяуляй EVRE -Рига.
с окт 2007
Сообщений: 190

Дата: 22 Дек 2023 13:24:09 #  

Amberland ЦУО Лиелварде
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с фев 2007
Сообщений: 7860

Дата: 23 Дек 2023 09:12:06 #  

Исправляю на Amberland.
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с фев 2007
Сообщений: 7860

Дата: 11 Апр 2024 21:23:30 #  

Запись от хорошего человека.
полигон Казлу Руда — Kazlų Rūdos poligono
Pagan 09 — ? подразделение на полигоне? аналогичный у нас был раньше индексом 51 — Pagan 51

PAGAN +XX = Forward Air Controllers (FAC) или Joint Terminal Attack Controller (JTAC)
Передовые авиадиспетчеры (FAC) — это высококвалифицированные специалисты, обеспечивающие жизненно важную связь между воздушными и наземными войсками. Их основная роль — поддерживать связь с штурмовиками и вызывать атаки на наземные цели. Вышеуказанный FAC, или Объединенный диспетчер терминальных атак (JTAC), как их называют, в кругах США и НАТО обучены вызывать поддержку с воздуха со стороны самолетов, боевых вертолетов и вооруженных дронов.

Gator 22 и Gator 21 — Saab JAS 39 Gripen Швеция
{Hobble} control -

частота 142.250
Pagan 09 - Gator 21, 22 get time 39 we are establish overhead we are f/l 150 we are ordnance one GBU20 one GBU12 high explosive and two time 60 gun laser code one 1611 and DDL gate 22 able 5550 21 unable approximately 30 minutes play time and abord code will be in the clear
- Gator 21 is to no Gator 22 high explosive
- Gator 21 is ready to copy first run will be dry

11.00 - 11.20
информативная часть доклада по пунктам:
- read back from system
line 4 238 feet
line 6 34uff 58355 73849 // координаты точки на полигоне Казлу Руда//
line 8 north 960 meters final attack heading 220-230 laser target line 191 mag by Pagan 09 and you request later ... 10 second on the board

- Gator 21 check later for dry
- Gator 21 in dry heading 228
- bomb away 30 seconds
- continue dry
- Gator 21

В завершении связались с {Hobble} control и ушли на частоту 245.525


Полигон Казлу Руда
с янв 2009
Antennae Galaxies
Сообщений: 2758

Дата: 12 Апр 2024 11:19:33 · Поправил: ew2abc (12 Апр 2024 11:43:54) #  

Согласно письму дивизионного генерала Литовского военного училища № 2024 Стасиоса Раштикиса от 20 марта 2024 г. В ИС-146 мы приводим данные о плановых на апрель боевых стрельбах и полевых учениях на полигоне Казлу Руда:
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с фев 2007
Сообщений: 7860

Дата: 12 Апр 2024 22:38:50 #  

Попытался разобрать запись, получилось примерно так:

11.00 - 11.20
- Gator 21 copied standby
Pagan 09 - Gator 21 authenticate Alfa
- copied single use airspace we are currently ... will overhead
Pagan 09 - Gator 21, 22 get time 39 we are establish overhead we are f/l 150 we are ordnance one GBU20 one GBU12 high explosive and two time 60 gun laser code one 1611 and DDL gate 22 able 5550 21 unable approximately 30 minutes play time and abord code will be in the clear
- Gator 21 is to no Gator 22 high explosive
- Gator 21 is ready to copy first run will be dry

11.00 - 11.20
информативная часть доклада по пунктам:
- read back from system
line 4 238 feet
line 6 34uff 58355 73849 // координаты точки на полигоне Казлу Руда//
line 8 north 960 meters final attack heading 220-230 laser target line 191 mag by Pagan 09 and you request later ... 10 second on the board

- Gator 21 check later for dry
- Gator 21 in dry heading 228
- bomb away 30 seconds
- continue dry
- 10 seconds
- Gator 21 turning right for dry for 9-line
- ... immediatly attack hot light Gator 21 ... 21 in hot heading 225
- Gator 21 bomb away 30 seconds
- 10 seconds
- laser on 1611
- in pack
- Gator 21 capable
- copied Gator 22 will call {Hobble}
{Hobble} control - Gator 22 radio check
{Hobble} control - Gator 22 read you 5 come to 245.525 switching

Gator 21, 22 - Saab JAS 39 Gripen Швеция
Gator 21 - провел 2 атаки, условный сброс бомбы GBU-12 (без расходования боеприпасов - сухой - dry),
на втором - Gator 22 , боевая - GBU 12 high explosive .

GBU-12 PAVEWAY II — управляемая авиационная бомба с лазерным наведением, производства США. Представляет собой свободнопадающую фугасную бомбу Mark 82, оснащённую системой лазерного наведения и рулями управления.

IN HOT/DRY - Aircrew has begun final attack run and intends to expend ordnance (hot) or to conduct a simulated attack without expending ordnance (dry).
Модератор раздела
с фев 2007
Сообщений: 7860

Дата: 23 Апр 2024 12:09:07 #  

В интернете наткнулся на интересный документ

Выдержки из документа ...

SSR Code Assignment
The following Mode 3A (SSR) codes will be used for QRA(I) aircraft involved in A-SCR:
MA01 1325
MA02 1326
MA03 1313
MA04 1314
SA01 1301
SA02 1302
SA03 1307
SA04 1310
EI01 1321
EI02 1322
EI03 1323
EI04 1324
JK01 1303
JK02 1304

The following Mode 3A (SSR) codes will be used for QRA(I) aircraft involved in T-SCR:
MA01 1501
MA02 1502
MA03 1503
MA04 1504
SA01 1570 - 1577
SA02 1570 - 1577
EI01 1570 - 1577
EI02 1570 - 1577
JK01 1570 - 1577
JK02 1570 - 1577

ALPHA Scramble (A-SCR) - Tactical mission of military aircraft involved in an actual air policing incident
TANGO Scramble (T-SCR) - A scramble for a direct practice of Air Defence/Air Policing mission. This will be executed in accordance with national flying regulations. CAOC should arrange for a portion of T-SCRs to be initiated from and into adjacent Air Policing Areas. Flying Units and CAOC/MCU are encouraged to discuss the training requirement and plan meaningful mission accordingly.

CRC Tallinn (c/s LIGHTHOUSE)
CRC Lielvarde (c/s AMBERLAND)
CRC Karmelava (c/s GALAXY)
Tapa RCO (c/s MUDPIT)
Модератор раздела
с фев 2007
Сообщений: 7860

Дата: 24 Апр 2024 09:48:00 #  

Интернет ...

RASCC Karmelava - c/s KLONDYKE

An internationally manned Regional Air Surveillance and Coordination Centre (RASCC) located in Karmelava, Lithuania. RASCC is the easternmost, NATO- interoperable surveillance center that brings together radar data from the Baltic countries. RASCC produces a recognized air picture over the Baltic region and disseminates it to National Nodes located in Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia.


2020 год октябрь
Germany’s Deployable Control and Reporting Centre (DCRC) currently located at Šiauliai Air Base has been connected to the NATO Integrated Air and Missile Defence System (NATINAMDS) enhancing the Alliance’s air surveillance capabilities above Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania.
The DCRC - call sign “RED HAWK” – has deployed in support of NATO’s Assurance Measures, introduced in 2014 to underline the Alliance’s commitment to the Allies along its eastern flank.
Модератор раздела
с фев 2007
Сообщений: 7860

Дата: 21 Июн 2024 11:00:07 #  

20 июня
полигон Казлу Руда
10.20 - 16.08
Pagan - Joint Terminal Attack Controller (JTAC) на полигоне Казлу Руда?
Pagan 43 - передовые авиадиспетчеры (FAC)
Pagan 50 - передовые авиадиспетчеры (FAC)
Zombie - Joint Terminal Attack Controller (JTAC) на полигоне Казлу Руда?
Maker 01, 02 - Spain EF-18 Hornet Šiauliai, Lithuania
King 21, 22 (King1, 2) - Portugal F-16AM Fighting Falcon Šiauliai, Lithuania
King 31, 32 - Portugal F-16AM Fighting Falcon Šiauliai, Lithuania

374.700 = Baltic common Pagan, Maker 01
142.250 = Green 1 Maker 01,02 King 21,22, Pagan, Pagan 43, 50
242.525 = Olive 1 King 21 Pagan
371.625 - King 21,22 King 31,32 + Zombie
Модератор раздела
с фев 2007
Сообщений: 7860

Дата: 10 Июл 2024 09:30:28 #  

09 июля
частота 305.500
полигон на бывшем аэродроме Panevėžys Air Base, Lithuania, отработка применения самолетами авиабомб GBU-12 Paveway II — Mk 82 и GBU-49 Enhanced Paveway II - GPS mode

10.35 - 11.47
King 11, 12 - два самолета F-16AM Fighting Falcon Португалии с Šiauliai, Lithuania
11.54 - 12.30
MA 01, 02 - два самолета EF-18 Hornet Испании с Šiauliai, Lithuania

Pagan - Joint Terminal Attack Controller (JTAC) на полигоне

Все цели в районе бывшего аэродрома.
35ulb 4004 7941
35ulb 3862 7953
35ulb 40257 77745
35ulb 3930 7965
35ulb 3884 8017


Радиообмен (примерно)
10.35 - 10.36
... 70 - King 11 loud and clear authenticate FN
- King 11 coming when ready for my checking
- 9089 ... ordnance for number one 2 GBU 12 with discontinued kill and 1 GBU 49 GPS for number two GBU 12 with 5 millisecond delay and 1 GBU 49 GPS 5 second ... MM ... code 1511 and 1512 DDL 4400 and 4500 digital aboard code PT
- King 11 type to true control ... target ... this question line 4 196 feet line 6 35ulb 4004 7941 line 8 south west 1.1 click for ... heading north west to south east for ... weapon on our on description in 10 minutes from commit in engagement to engagement complete with 50 percent of the way ... targeted
- King 11 ... testing target ... GBU 12 and GBU 49
- spot 1 activated and 1 bulldozer ...
- engagement complete
- King 11 ready
- 35ulb 3862 7953 line 8 soth east 530 meters ... to heading north east to south west ... 4400 digital ... meet to swap ...
- number 2 is small bridge
- King 12 in dry fligh 020
- King 12 calling you in 30 seconds
- King 12 in dry 201
- King 11
- 35ulb 40257 77745
- line 4 177 feet line 6 35ulb 39111 78292
- King 11 ready
- King 11 stand by 1
- King 11 will start the attacks from {Эбоуф} 95
- King 11 ready to copy
Pagan - King 11 for now request to keep f/l 150 and contact Galaxy for the vectors ... to conflict MA ..
Pagan - King 11 we are switching go the Galaxy

- MA01 you loud and clear / f/l 150
- MA01 35ulb 3930 7965 elevation 190 feet
- 1932 location 35ulb 3930 7965 FA19 ... east 1.1 click ... heading will be 200 plus minus 20 degrees
- MA01 ... dry GBU 12 ...
- MA02 read you loud and clear / ... target Tattoo control ... 123 overhead for 195 feet 35ulb 3884 8017 ....
- ..building ... in 35ulb 3884 8017 ...
- will chop GBU 49 ... first target MA 02
- MA 01 will drop GBU 49 GPS mode to the building MA 02 will drop GBU 12 little building
- splashed
Модератор раздела
с фев 2007
Сообщений: 7860

Дата: 07 Авг 2024 08:45:10 #  

5 августа
12.19-13.28 MA01, MA02 - два самолета ВВС Италии Eurofighter Typhoon, отработка учебных задач применения оружия (GBU 48) по наземным целям, при взаимодействии с Forward Air Controllers (FAC) позывной Pagan 45, в районе Паневежис (Литва)
Primary freq.- 245.525 = Red 01
Secondary freq. - 142.250 = Green 01
цели в районе Паневежис
35ulb 30154 81962
35ulb 30190 82399
35ulb 31686 80480
MA - Italy Eurofighter Typhoon, Šiauliai, Lithuania (сменили испанцев)

6 августа
MA01, MA02 - два самолета ВВС Италии Eurofighter Typhoon, отработка учебных задач применения оружия по наземным целям, в районе Паневежис (Литва)
Primary freq.- 245.525 = Red 01 - Pagan, Pagan 45, MA01
Secondary freq. - 142.250 = Green 01 - Pagan, MA01
377.625 - Pagan, MA01 переход на 142.250
277.775 - air-air на итальянском- MA01, MA02 - Pagan coordinate ... 35ulb 31293 78846 //цель в районе Паневежис//
Модератор раздела
с фев 2007
Сообщений: 7860

Дата: 02 Сен 2024 14:04:10 #  

26-30 августа активное использование полигона Казлу Руда (Литва).
FZ 01, 02 - Germany Eurofighter Typhoons, аб Лиелварде, Латвия
Roma 01, 02 - Italy Eurofighter F2000, аб Шауляй, Литва.

142.250 -
245.525 = Badge 1
143.825 = Badge 2

Pagan - общий позывной на полигоне
Передовые авиадиспетчеры (FAC):
Pagan 09 -
Pagan 52 -
Pagan 53 -
Pagan 44 -
Pagan 42 -
Pagan 38 -
Pagan 35 -
Trouble 08 -
Dagger 14 -
Linx 19 -
Shark 20 -
Destroyer 21 -
Northman 28 -
Godfather -
Viper -
Flash -
Shark -
Windmill -
Warhawk -




Модератор раздела
с фев 2007
Сообщений: 7860

Дата: 24 Сен 2024 22:02:37 #  

23 сентября полигон Казлу Руда
Legion 70 = Perseo 71 =IAM1495 - самолет ДРЛО Италии, Gulfstream Aerospace GV-SP (G550) CAEW № MM62303, serial 5454, вылет с аб Шауляй, ведение разведки
FZ 01, 02 - Germany Eurofighter Typhoons, аб Лиелварде.
Amberland - CRC Lielvarde
Galaxy - CRC Karmelava
Spider = IAM 1498 самолет РЭР Beechcraft 350ER ВВС Италии, MM62300, аб Шауляй.
Pagan 54 -

Цели на полигоне:
Pagan 54A 34uff 57610 72260
Pagan 54B 34uff 57880 73748
Pagan 54C 34uff 58370 73800

Модератор раздела
с фев 2007
Сообщений: 7860

Дата: 14 Окт 2024 13:49:46 #  

13 октября
район Вильнюс - полигон Пабраде - area EYD9 - учения Stiprus grifonas
Nightmare flight 1 and 2 = Hunt 62 and Hunt 64 - UH-60 Black Hawk
Hunt 61 - UH-60 Black Hawk squawk 1313 / second flight 1323
Hunt 62 - UH-60 Black Hawk squawk 1575
Hunt 64 - UH-60 Black Hawk squawk 1576
Nightmare 3 -
QR {кью ар} 91 = EIS 91 —Piulatus PC-9 Hudournik
Wolfpack — КП на полигоне Пабраде
Pagan 53 —
Trouble 14 -
Sword —
Lucky —
Windmill -
Haze 66 = R26445 Sikorsky UH-60L Black Hawk №92-26445 squawk: 1572

частоты 142.250, 245.525 Полигон Пабраде (Pabrade) Литва
- QR 91 DIP 1 line 492 feet line 6 35uma 22572 98920 DIP 2 line 4 482 feet line 6 35uma 22958 98923

- grid of the second ... of 53C
- read back line 4 458 feet line 6 35uma 21856 98124
- QR off dry single GBU 12 ... time ... 15 seconds
- ... best ... area regarding the fox in the area of the 53A attack
- copied type 3 control bomb on terget gun line 4 491 feet line 6 35uma 223 989 line 8 north east 2km first priority ....
- continue dry command delegation
Pagan 53 - QR 91 ... complete
- affirm between minutes 57 and minutes 01 ... 300 round of 30mm ...
- ... play time is 28m and Wolfpack ... to switch frequency for attack
- ... Wolfpack just request as ... switch now to Wolfpack and contact to you may be latter
- copied switching Wolfpack

Pagan - Nightmare flight 5 by 5 over Badge 1
- understand game plane CA4 Nightmare flight
Pagan - Nightmare flight flight is 2 H60 force we are angels 1.5 one key orbit surround HH sprite we have 600 round 20mm, 28 high explosive rocket and 16 Hellfires we have play time until 1300 local we are SPOT SPARKLE {fear} AAG LF ARLF .... code 1141 requesting abord in the clear and will ready for game plane

Pagan 53 - QR 91 back on you frequency ... next 15 minutes

Wolfpack - Nightmare comm check
- I have you LC well
- say again from push ...
- roger Nightmare flight will push {crypton} 1

- QR 91 ready 14B
- type 3 control bomb on target gun line 4 484 feet line 6 35uma 227 989 line 8 east 1.7 flight attack heading all heading approve maximum 2 ...
Wolfpack - QR loud and clear / stand by for attack calling back
Trouble 14 Pagan 53 - QR additional complete
- my BDA between minute 19 minute 22 ... 250 round of gun ...
Wolfpack - QR 91 on Badge 1
- ... attacks ... 2 hour 30 minutes Red area 90 minutes Blue area
- ... RTB to Vilnius .... maintain 3 to 4 thousand feet until ... D9 airspace

Wolfpack - Nightmare flight
- ... 1 aircraft at DP {Odin} and 1 aircraft at DP {Thor}
- ... grid 35umb 2484 0409
Wolfpack - Nightmare will engage one {unimax} single ... 3
- will engage with 40 round 30mm
Wolfpack - Nightmare aircraft operating DP {Thor} ... standby for grid
- grid 35umb 2112 06--
Wolfpack - Nightmare requesting to flight down to the surface with DP {Odin}
Wolfpack - Nightmare we have Nightmare 1 operating ... position {Odin} gun to the surface and you nave Nightmare 2 .... DP {Gin} and grid to follows grid is mb 2112 0663
- .... mb 2357 0236 we have 2 visual Wolfpack troops
- ... to be grid mb 2357 0236
Wolfpack - Nightmare .... enemy armor maneuvering south to north ... grid mb 2217 0172
Lucky - Nightmare request
- 2 aircraft ... starting to ...
Lucky - Nightmare ... aircraft come in on station witn in 10m ... on station for 2+00

Sword - Nightmare flight did you read
- roger apply the clear you has 2 aircraft Nightmare 1 and Nightmare 2 establish ... DP {Odin}

Lucky - QR 91 is currently holding Redskin 02 in 200 feet ...
- from Wolfpack my block is 200 up to 400 ...
- E point from ... is 35umb 2524 0406 485 feet
- QR 91 check in ordnance 2 by GBU48 version 1 2 by GBU54 version 5 laser code 1511 1000 round 14mm time on station 2 hour ... on board code TR
- code 41B
- copied ... control bomb on target all weapons line 4 489 feet line 5 single ... line 6 ... screen line 8 south to ... final attack heading 320-070
Lucky - QR 91 ... 35umb 25578 02099
- 41C tattoo control bomb on target witn gun line 475 feet line 6 ... line 8 south 800 meters

частота 118.200 Vilnius Tower
Hunt 61 - Vilnius hello say again your request
Hunt 61 - start is approve qnh 1016 Runway use 19 information H60
- engine start for Hunt 62 and Hunt 64 is approve
Hunt 61 - roger taxi holding point Runway 19 via IB
Hunt 61 - roger report exit point
Hunt 61 - roger report ready to copy ATC clearance
Hunt 61 - roger copy ATC clearance clear for visual flight after departure right now direct to LEDVI altitude 1500 feet squawk 1313
Hunt 61 - correct the same clearance is for the Hunt 64 and squawk for Hunt 64 is 1576
Hunt 61 - way up Runway 19
Hunt 61 - confirm you will be the parking with Hunt 64 as formation flight as the same time
- affirm Hunt 61 and Hunt 64 ...
Hunt 61 Hunt 64 - wind 140 6 knots Runway 19 clear to take off
Hunt 61 Hunt 64 - contact Vilnius information frequency 123.855
- Hunt 61 Hunt 64 Vilnius information 123.855 //Vilnius FIS//
Hunt 61 Hunt 64 - Vilnius information copied qnh 1013
Hunt 62 - Vilnius Tower hello
Hunt 62 - taxi holding point Runway 19 via IB
Hunt 62 - ready to copy clearance
Hunt 62 - clear visual flight on road after departure direct to LEDVI altitude 1500 feet squawk 1575
Hunt 62 - line up Runway 19 wind 140 6 knots clear to take off
Vilnius Tower - Hunt 62 ...
Hunt 62 - contact Vilnius information frequency 123.855
- understand will contact Vilnius information 123.855
Vilnius information - Hunt 62 ... after ... 1500 ...
Hunt 62 -Vilnius information thet copied qnh 1013
Hunt 64 - Vilnius information
Hunt 64 - you are 2 minutes from ... EYD9 I recommend to contact tactical and ...
Hunt 61 - say again second part broken ...
Hunt 62 - Information
Hunt 62 - for information on you ... o clock 5nm we have 2 aircraft all is H60 force max altitude was 1800 feet 5nm the orbit is now confirm has ... flight
Hunt 62 - roger thet copied ... tactical frequency ... command switch to tactical ...
Hunt 61 - Information go ahead
- ... 2 aircraft you and Hunt 61 correct
EIS 91 - Vilnius Approach confirm you like visual approach
- visual approach for EIS 91
EIS 91 - direct 10 mile final for visual approach Runway 19 number 2 for approach

Hunt 61 - contact Vilnius Tower 118.205
- Hunt 61
EIS 91 - 15 miles to go contact Vilnius Tower 118.205
EIS 91 - Vilnius Tower hello wind 140 6 knots continue approach Runway 19
Tower - Hunt 61 is single ship H60
Hunt 61 - locate BI to parking position

Hunt 61 - start approve Runway use 19 qnh 1014
Hunt 61 - taxi hold point Runway 19 ... via L I and B
Hunt 61 - set squawk 1323 direct LEDVI altitude 1500 feet
Hunt 61 - correct clear to take off Runway 19 via D correction via B
Hunt 61 - contact Vilnius information frequency 123.855
Vilnius information - Hunt 61 single H60 for helicopter ... on route Pabrade training area
Hunt 61 - Vilnius information copied qnh 1013

Haze 66 - Vilnius Tower hello
Haze 66 - Vilnius Tower start is approve for Runway 19 new qnh 1013 and you clear for visual flight leave control zone via LEDVI altitude 1500 feet and squawk 1572

частота 123.855 Vilnius information
Hunt 62 Hunt 64 confirm your proceeding point LEDVI

частота 118.200 Vilnius Tower
Haze 66 - taxi would pouint Runway 19 via M I and Badge
Haze 66 - flight not in clear for take off Runway 19 wind 150 9 knots
Haze 66 - clear for take off Runway 19 wind 150 9 knots
Haze 66 - after LEDVI you will ... above traffic 1500 feet ..
- Haze 66 ... up to 2000 ...
Haze 66 - contact Vilnius information on frequency 123.855
- Haze 66 contact Vilnius information 123.855 //Vilnius FIS//

частота 123.855 Vilnius information
Vilnius information - Haze 66
- Haze 66 ... heading north to Pabrade
Haze 66 - copied qnh 1009

Hunt 62 - information
- Hunt 62
Hunt 62 - on request from Vilnius Tower please maintain 1500 du to traffic headed from LEDVI...D9
- Hunt 62 understand 1500 say again for heading
Hunt 62 - no heading just id altitude ... operation for Tower
- Hunt 62

Haze 66 - ... for zone EYP22 P30 P26 from Vilnius CTR
- Haze 66 turning left to voyage this areas

- confirm you proceeding to LEDVI
- Hunt 62 and 64 proceed to LEDVI
Hunt 62 - contact Tower 118.205

частота 118.205
Vilnius Tower - Hunt 62 and 64 currently 5 km to north west to off LEDVI
Hunt 67 65 - you clear to control ... proceed to direct Runway 19 report Runway inside
- proceed direct Runway 19
Hunt 62 - confirm Runway in ...
- Hunt 62 Runway in...
Hunt 62 - wind 160 11 knots clear to land Runway 19
- Hunt 62 and 64 Runway good land
Vilnius Tower - Hunt 62 and 64 after land request N or M4 BI
Hunt 62 and 64 - after landing ... Runway try via BI and ... N or M4 ...
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с фев 2007
Сообщений: 7860

Дата: 18 Окт 2024 21:13:19 #  

18 октября
район Вильнюс - полигон Пабраде - учения Stiprus grifonas
Hunt 61 = Nightmare - UH-60 Black Hawk
Haze 21 - Sikorsky UH-60L Black Hawk №07-20049 squawk: 1574
Lucky 41 -

частота 245.525
Lucky 41 - Hunt 61 = Nightmare

частоты 118.200 123.855
Haze 21 - Vilnius Tower good day Runway 19 clear to start qnh 1031 leave control zone via LEDVI point 200 feet and below squawk 1574
Haze 21 - Vilnius ... from D
Haze 21 - taxi holding Runway 19 via L D
Haze 21 - are you ready for immediate departure
Haze21 - traffic 10 miles line clear to take off Runway 19 wind 170 8 knots
Haze 21 - contact Vilnius information 123.855
- Haze 21 contact Vilnius information 123.855
Vilnius information - Haze 21 with qnh 1031 1300 pointing LEDVI requesting area EY9 with pass formation exit
Haze 21 - say again your zone
- Haze 21 ... area EYD12
Haze 21 - contact Kaunas information 124.605
Kaunas information - Haze 21 in flight 1500
Haze 21 - Kaunas information Hello qnh 1028
Hunt 61 - Vilnius information //возвращается//
Haze 21 - in 2 minutes will be military zone EYR34 R38 R31 EYD12 contact tactical
- Haze 21 now join will contact tactical
Hunt 61 - contact Tower 118.205 good day
- Hunt 61
- Hunt 61 expected visual approach number 2
Модератор раздела
с фев 2007
Сообщений: 7860

Дата: 14 Ноя 2024 08:56:45 #  

13 ноября

полигон районе Ницгале Латвия
частота 275.225
13.22-14.12 первая пара
MA01 - Eurofighter Typhoon ВВС Италии
MA02 - Eurofighter Typhoon ВВС Италии
DF04 - forward air controlle
Saber 21 -
Saber 14 -
Saber 04 -

35vmc 698 ...
- mission MA01 and 02 MA02 in the ... 2 Eurofighter proceeding over IP Amber f/l 230 f/l 250 ordnance 4 by GBU48 ... be advise all ... is delay 150 round high explosive PRF for MA01 1511 for MA02 1512 time on station approximately 60 minits abord code will be in the clear remarks ... of LDP ... no rover capable
- ready to copy set up-date
- ... Saber 04
- Saber 21 and Saber 14
- copied DF04 ... provide 9 line
- MA read back line 4 360 feet ... 35vmc 30177 24227 и т.д. //координаты неправильные, самолет принял с ошибками//
DF - MA ready for read back ... line 6 35vmc 60226 24433 и т.д.
- system read back follows line 4 360 line 6 35vmc 60176 24226
Saber 04 - MA и т.д. нанесение бомбо-штурмовых ударов по целям


полигон в районе Пейсениеки ( Peisenieki) Латвия
частота 275.225
17.51-18.27 вторая пара
DF - forward air controlle
MA01 - Eurofighter Typhoon ВВС Италии
MA02 - Eurofighter Typhoon ВВС Италии

Saber 04 - полигон
target 4A 35vmc 51485 53355
target 4B 35vmc 51861 54175 will be laser by DF on code 1511 //наведение на цель с помощью передового авиадиспетчера, лазерная подсветка цели//
target 4C 35vmc 50956 54133 will be FAC GPS //наведение на цель с помощью спутников GPS//

Saber 14 - полигон
target 4D line 5 Armored line 6 35vmc 50245 54089 DF bomb on coordinate laser guided on 1511 //наведение на цель с помощью передового авиадиспетчера, лазерная подсветка цели//
DF - MA ready report BDA
Saber 04
- MA 02 35vmc 4995 5205

FAC — forward air controller
GPS — Global Positioning System
PRF — pulse repetition frequency
BDA - Battle Damage Assessment

Модератор раздела
с фев 2007
Сообщений: 7860

Дата: 16 Ноя 2024 13:47:59 #  

15 ноября
12.54-15.00 полигон Казлу Руда Литва
Freq 20 - B-52 ВВС США №61-0010 0939 убытие, 16.47 прибытие на аб Фэйфорд
Freq 21 - B-52 ВВС США №61-0036 0941 убытие, 16.44 прибытие на аб Фэйфорд
Cudgel - полигон Казлу Руда
Range control - полигон Казлу Руда
Pagan 04 -
Pagan 36 -
Pagan 50 -
Pagan 75 -
Viking -

142.250 = Krypton 1 полигон Казлу Руда
371.625 = Krypton 2 полигон Казлу Руда
242.250 = Air-Air Freq 20, 21
300.125 = Air-Air Freq 20, 21
270.150 Galaxy, Freq 20, FZ01

Пример коррепонденции:
- Freq 20 flight mission number 802 we are 2 B52 Freq 20 flight level 180 Freq 21 is 190 with 2 GBU54 and 4 GBU48 ... 2 hours play time 2 by sniper pod laser code for Freq 20 is 1511 and Freq 21 laser code is 1512 VDL Rover code is 440 and 450 for Freq 21
- Freq 20 say when ready for system read back
- system read back is north 5447.0655 east 02326.8922 elevation 314 and are will be 1 by GBU48

- Freq 20 for target 401 north 5447.1873 east 2327.1096 elevation 228 next target is north 5447.2021 east 2327.2589 228 for elevation

- Freq 21 ready for system read back 1 by GBU54 34uff 57814 73818 elevation 228 MSL next {TTI} 1 GBU48 34uff 57655 73785 228 feet MSL ... we are in heading 230
Pagan - Freq 20 from my system read back target 401 is north 5447.1873 east 2327.1096 elevation is 227

Модератор раздела
с фев 2007
Сообщений: 7860

Дата: 25 Мар 2025 15:34:40 #  

24 марта
полигон Казлу Руда, Литва

Cudgel - полигон Казлу Руда
Pagan - JTAC (joint terminal attack controller)
Pagan 52 - FAC (forward air controller)
Pagan 37 - FAC (forward air controller)
Pagan 13 - FAC (forward air controller)
Trouble 08 - FAC (forward air controller)
Boston 21 = Boston 1 - Dassault Rafale Франция
Boston 22 = Boston 2 - Dassault Rafale Франция

Цели на полигоне.


частота 245.525 = Badge 1
Pagan - Boston 21 on freq =обмен паролями=

частота 142.250
- Boston 21 we are positive comms on Badge 1 request back to Badge 2
- Boston proceed Badge 2

частота 143.825 = Badge 2
Pagan - Boston ready for 9-line brief
- Boston 21 we are off E-point f/l 200 and 210
- Boston 21 we are ... IP {SARA} f/l 200 and 210 and report ready 9-line brief
- Boston 21 we are 2 by Rafale proceeding to IP {SARA} f/l 200-210 load for Boston 21 6 by GBU12 3 by ... + 3 by ... for Boston 22 3 by GBU48 + 3 by GBU54 ... 100m laser code 1688 abord code in the clear no jaws pod and no ROVER capable
- ... mission number unknown and for ordment for Boston 21 6 by GBU12 3 by ... + 3 by ...
- ... Boston 22 3 by GBU48 + 3 by GBU54
- Boston 21 thet is correct we are ready for ... attack
- Boston 21 copied ABC NBC from enemy forces friendlist as fragged ... national UAB call I ball 1500 feet for the ground
- Boston we are ready to copy game plan

Pagan - Boston 21 ready to copy game plan
Pagan - Boston 21 ready to copy 9-line
Pagan - Boston 21 elevation 228 feet location 34uff 57749 74405 laser code 1688 friedlist north east 950 meter ... target line 225 degrees final attack heading 220-230 degrees clockwise
Pagan - Boston 22
Pagan - Boston 21 I copied you request 1 by GBU12 can you confirm ...request {instant a new} or delay 10 minutes the gun GBU12
- Boston 21 from my system target elevation 223 feet location 34uff 57749 74405 I am 1 by GBU12 {instant a new} laser code 1688 attack heading 260 laser target line is 240 attack heading is from 220 to 260 clockwise line 8 friendlist north east 950 meters
- final attack heading 250 clockwise 280 expect attack heading 260
- 1688 Boston 21 confirm ROE and CDE for the attack
- Boston can you confirm rules of engagement and CDE for the attack
Pagan - Boston 21 request ROE and CDE
- Boston 21 10 seconds
- Boston 21 ready for immediate attack
- Boston 21 proceeeding for immediately attack call you back in a laser one code
- Boston 21 in dry 260 10 seconds
- Boston 21 laser on laser on
- Boston 21 one away
- Boston 21 simulated time out
- Boston 21 copied good hit

Pagan - Boston 21 ready for new game plane
Pagan - Boston 22 how copy type 2 PLC 2 by SPU38 + ... be advise Boston 2 is not equipment for Boston 1 only
Pagan - Boston 2 confirm you till one ago with Boston 1
- Boston ready
- Boston 21 has copied type C bomb coordinate 2 by GBU38 Boston 1 continue ... elevation 230 feet location 34uff 57680 74240 friendlist north east 1180 meters ... back to {SARA} attack heading east to west
Pagan - Boston thet affirm 2 by GBU38 Boston 1 only for Boston 2
Pagan - Boston 22 requesting ROE and CDE
Pagan - Boston 22 is requesting rules of engagement and CDE
- Boston to be have copied no CDE confirm you still appoint thet event
- Boston 22 ready for read back
- Boston 22 grade from my system air elevation 230 feet location 34uff 57680 74240 line 8 north east 1180 meters heading attack east to west
- Boston 2 stand by / sended
Pagan - Boston 2 I did not copied say again grid
Pagan - Boston 2 copied 34uff 57590 74200
- negative thet is not from my system request game plane for this grid
- confirm you want 1 by SBU38 on east target ...
- Boston 2 understood target Alpha 1 by SBU38 target Bravo 1 by SBU38 ...
Pagan - Boston 22 request elevation target Bravo
- copied 230
Pagan - Boston 22 say one ready plan read back target Bravo
Pagan - Boston 22 target Bravo grade from my system on elevation 230 feet location 34uff 57590 74200
- Boston 22 .... as fragged call you back in attack ... about 1 minutes
Pagan - Boston 22 in dry 270
- Boston 22 two simulated away 15 second
- Boston 22 ready BDA
- Boston 2 copied all
- Boston copied switching Pagan 52

Pagan 52 - Boston flight loud and clear now How me
Pagan 52 - Boston 2 = обмен паролями =
- remaining play time 30M
- Boston ready game plan
- Boston flight is currently E10 21 block 22
- pushing IP {EMMA}
- ... control bomb on coordinate ... with ... 1 by GBU12 and 1 by GBU38 ...
Pagan - Boston 2 ready for remark and restrictions
Pagan - Boston 2 confirm you want DPI Alpha to be shoot list GBU48 DPI Bravo with GBU12
- copied DPI Alpha GBU48 DPI Bravo GBU12
Pagan - Boston 21 can you confirm ... requesting GBU12
- delay 10 minutes for gun
Pagan - Boston 21 say one ready plan read back
- be advise DPI Alpha will be strike by Boston 22 DPI Bravo by Boston 21
- DPI Alpha Boston 22 grade from my system armed 34uff 57641 74179 elevation 236 feet
- for target Bravo Boston 21 from my system 34uff 57585 74188 elevation 258 feet
Pagan - Boston flight copied friendlist north east 1160 meters laser target line 233 degrees magnetic final attack heading 255 clockwise 285 expect 270 2 ship
- Boston 21 in dry heading 270 target Bravo
- 10 second
- Boston 21 laser on laser on target Bravo
- Boston 21 one away target Bravo
- ... DPI Alpha
- Boston 21 DPI Bravo simulated attack
- play time 10 minutes for Boston 21
- Boston 21 proceed E ... back MN

Pagan - Boston 21 is ready for game plan
Pagan - Boston 21 52 control bomb on coordinate ... LASING 1 by GBU12 305 feet location 34uff
58397 73937 friendlist north 855 meters
Pagan - Boston 21 from my system 34uff 58397 73937 elevation 305 feet
- Boston 21 is ready for remark and restrictions
- Boston 12 laser target line 190 degrees final attack 200 clockwise 250
- Boston 21 confirm GBU12 using requested
- ... type of building I can recommend delay 10 minutes
- Boston 21 request CDE and ROE for the attack
- copied ROE 422
- boston 21 in dry heading 230
- 10 second
- Boston 21 laser on laser on
- Boston 21 simulated one away 30 seconds
- Boston 21 simulated ...
- Boston 21 copied good hit
- Boston 21 copied city element building destroyed at 1301z

Pagan 37 - Boston 21 read you 5
- Boston 21 situation up-date ...
- Boston flight
Pagan 14 - Boston 22 have you loud and clear How me

частота 142.250
Pagan - Boston 21 only Boston 21 10m RTB request f/l 200 back to Siauliai and Boston 22 maintain area
- direct Vilnius 133.305 Boston

частота 143.825 = Badge 2

- copied that's 1 by GBU38 ready remark and restrictions
- Boston 22 good copied type for control bomb one coordinate request 1 by SBU38
- ... 1 bu SBU ... using line 4 215 feet line 6 34uff 57643 75523 line 8 east 330 meters attack heading will be 080 degrees clockwise 120 magnetic
Pagan 37 - Boston 22 be advise Boston 21 is leaving the air Boston 22 ... single ship
Pagan - Boston 22 establish ... ready to push
- Boston 22 in dry heading 100
- Boston 22 one terminated in the west 15 seconds
- Boston 22 impact
- Boston 22 ready
- Boston 22 copied all for Trouble 08 on this frequency

Trouble 08 - Boston 22 radio check
Pagan 37 - Boston read you 5
Trouble 08 - Boston 22 loud and clear = обмен паролями =
- Boston 22 remaining play time 15 minutes remaining ordnance 3 by GBU54
- 08 Alpha Boston to ready
Trouble 08 - Boston 22 confirm for game plan which ordnance your request
- single GBU54 Boston 22 ready 9-line
- ready remark Boston 22
Trouble 08 - Boston 22 plan when ready plan will read back
- grade from my system armed location 34uff 57618 75599 elevation 224 feet frienlist location nouth east 390 meters attack heading noth to south
Pagan 37 - Boston go
- currently at {NORA}
- Boston 22 in dry heading 180
- Boston 22 one simulated away 25 seconds
- Boston 22 simulated PIGS in pass
Trouble 08 - Boston ready
- Boston 22 copied all
- Pagan 52 be advice this is will be last gate ... Boston 22 ... hill
Pagan 13 - copied
- remaining play time is 10 minutes departure in system direct ... f/l 200

Pagan 13 - Boston 22 loud and clear = обмен паролями =
- Boston 22 remaining coordinate 2 by SBU54
- remaining ordnance for Boston 2 is 2 by GBU54
- Boston 22 ready
- Boston ... copied type for control bomb of coordinate expected 1 by GBU54
- Boston 22 is ready for 9-line
- Boston 2 ready
- Boston 2 copied
Pagan 13 - Boston 22 ready for plan to read back
- elevation 210 feet location 34uff 57659 75573 friedlist south east 1260 meters final attack heading 150 degrees clockwise 180
- by Pagan 52 thet good copied Boston 2 is resetting {NORA} calling back in dry
Pagan 52 - Boston 22 in dry heading 160
- Boston 22 one simulated away 25 seconds
- Boston 22 simulated impact
- Boston 2 copied good attack
- Boston 22 is pushing Cudgel thank you ...

частота 142.250
Gudgel - Boston 22 as fragged with Pagan ready for RTB as requested
- 133.305 Vilnius control pushing ATC

LASING - The speaker is firing the laser in response to LASER ON.
ABORT - Cease action or terminate the attack prior to weapons release or event or mission.
ROE - rules of engagement
CDE - collateral damage estimation
BDA — battle damage assessment
DPI - desired point of impact
PIGS - FRIENDLY glide weapon(s) (e.g., standoff weapon, guided bomb unit, small diameter bomb). See (weapon) AWAY.
Модератор раздела
с фев 2007
Сообщений: 7860

Дата: 26 Мар 2025 11:21:37 #  

25 марта
полигон Казлу Руда, Литва

Cudgel - полигон Казлу Руда
Pagan - JTAC (joint terminal attack controller)
Boston 21 - Dassault Rafale Франция
Boston 22 - Dassault Rafale Франция

Цель на полигоне.


частота 142.250
- Boston 21 copied all any information about ... again
Cudgel - Boston 21 will switch to Badge 1 when ready by ATC Boston 21

частота 242.525 = Badge 1
- Boston 21 signal check
- Boston 22
Pagan - Boston 21 = обмен паролями =
- Boston flight 2 ship ... entering in the range in about 10 seconds northern pass will call
Pagan - Boston 21 we are ready by copy
Pagan - Boston 21 ... copied E-point 34uff 57789 73923 elevation 236 feet ...
- proceeding E5 from ground 230
Pagan - Boston 21 ... when ready for fight attack
- Boston 21 is 2 ship 2 by Rafale mission on board unknown we are currently E5 15 block 16 ... altimeter setting we are equip with 30mm gunner with HOT round my visibility is 6 GBU12 for the evolution only we are not ... enemy ... play time is Rafale 1 hour recommend abord in the clear
- Boston 21 I copied friendly indeed activity for my target
- Boston 21 copied ... control bomb of target for gun draft dry ... line 4 232 feet line 6 34uff 5779 7392 line 8 north east 1170 meters restrictions to will be attack heading 240 clockwise 250 magnetic
- calling back when ready
Pagan - Boston 21 ready for target correction
Pagan - Boston 21 negative contact at this time
Pagan - Boston 21 request load
- Boston 21 is mute contact visual contact on via observation power negative load at this time
- copied 21 is visual pending
Pagan - Boston 21 I am contact ...
Pagan - Boston 21 contact SPARKLE ....
Pagan - Boston 22 SPARKLE target
Pagan - Boston 22 in dry ...
Pagan - Boston 22 ... check target
Pagan - Boston 21 we are negative contact with target
Pagan - Boston 21 request target 110

SPARKLE - Mark or marking target by IR pointer
HOT - Defined area is expected to receive fire (enemy or FRIENDLY). Ordnance employment intended or completed.
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