24 марта
полигон Казлу Руда, Литва
Cudgel - полигон Казлу Руда
Pagan - JTAC (joint terminal attack controller)
Pagan 52 - FAC (forward air controller)
Pagan 37 - FAC (forward air controller)
Pagan 13 - FAC (forward air controller)
Trouble 08 - FAC (forward air controller)
Boston 21 = Boston 1 - Dassault Rafale Франция
Boston 22 = Boston 2 - Dassault Rafale Франция
Цели на полигоне.

частота 245.525 = Badge 1
Pagan - Boston 21 on freq =обмен паролями=
частота 142.250
- Boston 21 we are positive comms on Badge 1 request back to Badge 2
- Boston proceed Badge 2
частота 143.825 = Badge 2
Pagan - Boston ready for 9-line brief
- Boston 21 we are off E-point f/l 200 and 210
- Boston 21 we are ... IP {SARA} f/l 200 and 210 and report ready 9-line brief
- Boston 21 we are 2 by Rafale proceeding to IP {SARA} f/l 200-210 load for Boston 21 6 by GBU12 3 by ... + 3 by ... for Boston 22 3 by GBU48 + 3 by GBU54 ... 100m laser code 1688 abord code in the clear no jaws pod and no ROVER capable
- ... mission number unknown and for ordment for Boston 21 6 by GBU12 3 by ... + 3 by ...
- ... Boston 22 3 by GBU48 + 3 by GBU54
- Boston 21 thet is correct we are ready for ... attack
- Boston 21 copied ABC NBC from enemy forces friendlist as fragged ... national UAB call I ball 1500 feet for the ground
- Boston we are ready to copy game plan
Pagan - Boston 21 ready to copy game plan
Pagan - Boston 21 ready to copy 9-line
Pagan - Boston 21 elevation 228 feet location 34uff 57749 74405 laser code 1688 friedlist north east 950 meter ... target line 225 degrees final attack heading 220-230 degrees clockwise
Pagan - Boston 22
Pagan - Boston 21 I copied you request 1 by GBU12 can you confirm ...request {instant a new} or delay 10 minutes the gun GBU12
- Boston 21 from my system target elevation 223 feet location 34uff 57749 74405 I am 1 by GBU12 {instant a new} laser code 1688 attack heading 260 laser target line is 240 attack heading is from 220 to 260 clockwise line 8 friendlist north east 950 meters
- final attack heading 250 clockwise 280 expect attack heading 260
- 1688 Boston 21 confirm ROE and CDE for the attack
- Boston can you confirm rules of engagement and CDE for the attack
Pagan - Boston 21 request ROE and CDE
- Boston 21 10 seconds
- Boston 21 ready for immediate attack
- Boston 21 proceeeding for immediately attack call you back in a laser one code
- Boston 21 in dry 260 10 seconds
- Boston 21 laser on laser on
- Boston 21 one away
- Boston 21 simulated time out
- Boston 21 copied good hit
Pagan - Boston 21 ready for new game plane
Pagan - Boston 22 how copy type 2 PLC 2 by SPU38 + ... be advise Boston 2 is not equipment for Boston 1 only
Pagan - Boston 2 confirm you till one ago with Boston 1
- Boston ready
- Boston 21 has copied type C bomb coordinate 2 by GBU38 Boston 1 continue ... elevation 230 feet location 34uff 57680 74240 friendlist north east 1180 meters ... back to {SARA} attack heading east to west
Pagan - Boston thet affirm 2 by GBU38 Boston 1 only for Boston 2
Pagan - Boston 22 requesting ROE and CDE
Pagan - Boston 22 is requesting rules of engagement and CDE
- Boston to be have copied no CDE confirm you still appoint thet event
- Boston 22 ready for read back
- Boston 22 grade from my system air elevation 230 feet location 34uff 57680 74240 line 8 north east 1180 meters heading attack east to west
- Boston 2 stand by / sended
Pagan - Boston 2 I did not copied say again grid
Pagan - Boston 2 copied 34uff 57590 74200
- negative thet is not from my system request game plane for this grid
- confirm you want 1 by SBU38 on east target ...
- Boston 2 understood target Alpha 1 by SBU38 target Bravo 1 by SBU38 ...
Pagan - Boston 22 request elevation target Bravo
- copied 230
Pagan - Boston 22 say one ready plan read back target Bravo
Pagan - Boston 22 target Bravo grade from my system on elevation 230 feet location 34uff 57590 74200
- Boston 22 .... as fragged call you back in attack ... about 1 minutes
Pagan - Boston 22 in dry 270
- Boston 22 two simulated away 15 second
- Boston 22 ready BDA
- Boston 2 copied all
- Boston copied switching Pagan 52
Pagan 52 - Boston flight loud and clear now How me
Pagan 52 - Boston 2 = обмен паролями =
- remaining play time 30M
- Boston ready game plan
- Boston flight is currently E10 21 block 22
- pushing IP {EMMA}
- ... control bomb on coordinate ... with ... 1 by GBU12 and 1 by GBU38 ...
Pagan - Boston 2 ready for remark and restrictions
Pagan - Boston 2 confirm you want DPI Alpha to be shoot list GBU48 DPI Bravo with GBU12
- copied DPI Alpha GBU48 DPI Bravo GBU12
Pagan - Boston 21 can you confirm ... requesting GBU12
- delay 10 minutes for gun
Pagan - Boston 21 say one ready plan read back
- be advise DPI Alpha will be strike by Boston 22 DPI Bravo by Boston 21
- DPI Alpha Boston 22 grade from my system armed 34uff 57641 74179 elevation 236 feet
- for target Bravo Boston 21 from my system 34uff 57585 74188 elevation 258 feet
Pagan - Boston flight copied friendlist north east 1160 meters laser target line 233 degrees magnetic final attack heading 255 clockwise 285 expect 270 2 ship
- Boston 21 in dry heading 270 target Bravo
- 10 second
- Boston 21 laser on laser on target Bravo
- Boston 21 one away target Bravo
- ... DPI Alpha
- Boston 21 DPI Bravo simulated attack
- play time 10 minutes for Boston 21
- Boston 21 proceed E ... back MN
Pagan - Boston 21 is ready for game plan
Pagan - Boston 21 52 control bomb on coordinate ... LASING 1 by GBU12 305 feet location 34uff
58397 73937 friendlist north 855 meters
Pagan - Boston 21 from my system 34uff 58397 73937 elevation 305 feet
- Boston 21 is ready for remark and restrictions
- Boston 12 laser target line 190 degrees final attack 200 clockwise 250
- Boston 21 confirm GBU12 using requested
- ... type of building I can recommend delay 10 minutes
- Boston 21 request CDE and ROE for the attack
- copied ROE 422
- boston 21 in dry heading 230
- 10 second
- Boston 21 laser on laser on
- Boston 21 simulated one away 30 seconds
- Boston 21 simulated ...
- Boston 21 copied good hit
- Boston 21 copied city element building destroyed at 1301z
Pagan 37 - Boston 21 read you 5
- Boston 21 situation up-date ...
- Boston flight
Pagan 14 - Boston 22 have you loud and clear How me
частота 142.250
Pagan - Boston 21 only Boston 21 10m RTB request f/l 200 back to Siauliai and Boston 22 maintain area
- direct Vilnius 133.305 Boston
частота 143.825 = Badge 2
- copied that's 1 by GBU38 ready remark and restrictions
- Boston 22 good copied type for control bomb one coordinate request 1 by SBU38
- ... 1 bu SBU ... using line 4 215 feet line 6 34uff 57643 75523 line 8 east 330 meters attack heading will be 080 degrees clockwise 120 magnetic
Pagan 37 - Boston 22 be advise Boston 21 is leaving the air Boston 22 ... single ship
Pagan - Boston 22 establish ... ready to push
- Boston 22 in dry heading 100
- Boston 22 one terminated in the west 15 seconds
- Boston 22 impact
- Boston 22 ready
- Boston 22 copied all for Trouble 08 on this frequency
Trouble 08 - Boston 22 radio check
Pagan 37 - Boston read you 5
Trouble 08 - Boston 22 loud and clear = обмен паролями =
- Boston 22 remaining play time 15 minutes remaining ordnance 3 by GBU54
- 08 Alpha Boston to ready
Trouble 08 - Boston 22 confirm for game plan which ordnance your request
- single GBU54 Boston 22 ready 9-line
- ready remark Boston 22
Trouble 08 - Boston 22 plan when ready plan will read back
- grade from my system armed location 34uff 57618 75599 elevation 224 feet frienlist location nouth east 390 meters attack heading noth to south
Pagan 37 - Boston go
- currently at {NORA}
- Boston 22 in dry heading 180
- Boston 22 one simulated away 25 seconds
- Boston 22 simulated PIGS in pass
Trouble 08 - Boston ready
- Boston 22 copied all
- Pagan 52 be advice this is will be last gate ... Boston 22 ... hill
Pagan 13 - copied
- remaining play time is 10 minutes departure in system direct ... f/l 200
Pagan 13 - Boston 22 loud and clear = обмен паролями =
- Boston 22 remaining coordinate 2 by SBU54
- remaining ordnance for Boston 2 is 2 by GBU54
- Boston 22 ready
- Boston ... copied type for control bomb of coordinate expected 1 by GBU54
- Boston 22 is ready for 9-line
- Boston 2 ready
- Boston 2 copied
Pagan 13 - Boston 22 ready for plan to read back
- elevation 210 feet location 34uff 57659 75573 friedlist south east 1260 meters final attack heading 150 degrees clockwise 180
- by Pagan 52 thet good copied Boston 2 is resetting {NORA} calling back in dry
Pagan 52 - Boston 22 in dry heading 160
- Boston 22 one simulated away 25 seconds
- Boston 22 simulated impact
- Boston 2 copied good attack
- Boston 22 is pushing Cudgel thank you ...
частота 142.250
Gudgel - Boston 22 as fragged with Pagan ready for RTB as requested
- 133.305 Vilnius control pushing ATC
LASING - The speaker is firing the laser in response to LASER ON.
ABORT - Cease action or terminate the attack prior to weapons release or event or mission.
ROE - rules of engagement
CDE - collateral damage estimation
BDA — battle damage assessment
DPI - desired point of impact
PIGS - FRIENDLY glide weapon(s) (e.g., standoff weapon, guided bomb unit, small diameter bomb). See (weapon) AWAY.